TBH, I am liking where this mode is going.
- ctaquu
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Last active Wed, Nov, 3 2021 01:36:07 -
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ShalashaskaHS posted a message on Battlegrounds Balance Changes - 4 New Heroes - 4 Old Heroes RemovedPosted in: News -
mianiplays posted a message on Battlegrounds Balance Changes - 4 New Heroes - 4 Old Heroes RemovedPosted in: NewsThat's what I call a good nerf. Now instead of a 38/56 Amalgam we will have a 37/54 amalgam...
Amalgam should be at least tier 3. -
melheor posted a message on Are you going to pre-order DoD?Posted in: General DiscussionYes, will probably pre-order. One of the best card-to-price ratios in a while. Also, to all the children who seem to be butt-hurt by Blizzard enforcing their rule of keeping streams neutral, you do realize that the player was knowingly violating the rules he was warned about beforehand, that Blizzard has already apologized and reversed most of the punishment (please read the news before you run in here complaining), and regardless of how Blizzard would have handled this situation, someone would have gotten offended, it was a lose-lose for them. Grow up and realize that the world is not black and white.
SK0L posted a message on Are you going to pre-order DoD?Posted in: General DiscussionHaven't decided yet.
This would be the first time since Un'Goro (when I started playing) that I haven't pre-ordered the new expansion.
I'm 50/50 at the moment. I'm pretty impressed with the new cards so far, the hero portrait is really nice and getting more packs with the pre-order is pretty big.
At the same time, I'd feel a little scummy supporting Blizzard right now. -
Crowney11 posted a message on Are you going to pre-order DoD?Posted in: General Discussionnope... fk blizz 🖕🙄
RaptorWithWings posted a message on New Paladin Card - Nozdormu the TimelessPosted in: Card DiscussionIf you don't know, you do not gain full Mana Crystals. The only other card that sets mana like this is Mojomaster Zihi. If Zihi were to give Mana Crystals, they would be empty (confirmed), and I assume Nozdormu the Timeless uses the same mechanics. It's not the same as Astral Communion since that's "Gain" Mana Crystals.
GentilleMouche posted a message on New Legendary Rogue Minion Revealed - WaxadredPosted in: Card DiscussionRogue is the king of duplicating card and this is a king card to duplicate.
It's like a Malorne that you only have to play once, this card is crazy, get your silence removals ready.
My favorite card of the set so far. Yes it's slow, aggro decks, blablabla, whatever.
C_A_W posted a message on New Legendary Hero Card - Galakrond, the Nightmare (Rogue Version)Posted in: Card DiscussionThis is Rogue's Galakrond; Priest, Warrior, Shaman and Warlock will get Galakronds that has different battlecries and hero powers.
ShadowsOfSense posted a message on Baku the MooneaterPosted in: Baku the MooneaterWell, she's not very good at her job, I can see the moon right there behind her.
Dunscot posted a message on Hearthside Chat: Even & Odd w/ Dean Ayala - Four New Witchwood Cards RevealedPosted in: NewsReally... -_-
On the one hand, it's nice that Baku and Genn get some extra synergy cards, and with the effect, the cards are pretty nice, but man... this feels like another forced archetpye all over again, only that none of these cards will even be worth opening unless you also get the corresponding legendary. It's like getting C'Thun cards without having C'Thun. Only if you have Genn or Baku to have the improved Hero Power from the beginning, these cards and the corresponding decks are even worth trying out.
And if the odd or even decks don't work out, you have another bunch of cards that are just wasted. But unlike the Handbuff-cards or the Discard-cards or even the Freeze-cards in Shaman, these are not even remotely playable outside of the intended deck, just understatted minions. I guess the Black Cat is alright, since it's Soot Spewer without allowing mech-synergies, but the other three are even bad picks in Arena.
I like it that they want to add new decktypes and new deckbuilding strategies. But I don't feel all that good about opening packs and know right upfront that each of these cards is completely worthless without the legendaries. And I have to assume that the remaining classes probably get something similar too. This is a main feature of the set, after all. And I wouldn't be too surprised if there is another legendary with that odd or even requirement.
I know, it's just a small portion of the set and sure enough, EVERY set has a lot of cards of any rarity that are just plain bad and don't matter in the end anyway. If the mechanic should fail, it wouldn't be the first. I'm just not a big fan of cards that only make sense if you also use other very specific cards, where having one is pointless without the other. With C'Thun, they realized it would make for a sad pack opening experience to get something like Klaxxi Amber-Weaver without having C'Thun. Here, you can open every one of these cards, but then still have to spend another 1600 or 3200 dust, just to use them.
I'm sorry. I know people want to be excited and all, but this is a serious buzzkill for me.
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good against control... but who's playin' control these days?? :'(
this deck is super bad against aggro (that is dominating all over the ladder, after this is hs!!! )... so NO!!! :P
druids get REKT !!!!!
I want it to be Elemental and Dragon!! :'(
like this bad boi::
God Toast All Mighty sucks at the game... so game must be bad!!! ^^
this!! pleeeease stop!!!!
dead is not as black n white as either fanboys/haters present it...
...it is dead to good/hard-core players/gamers... ppl who like to get serious about stuff... most of streamers (ex champs, clowns (ex. kripp, toast, trump...) are still in HS because of d $ !! and because they know that they can not get gold mine like this elsewhere...
...hs is becoming mobile/casual-player game... as much (easy)fun as possible / as little skill as possible... bring on the RNG!! bring explosive combos... bring polarized matchup concedes... print broken cards, then nerf standard to not give dust for new ones... make players feel bad/cheated/salty by making their's favorite characters behind paywall...
...hs will have it's customers/players... but I guess most of the ppl on this or similar forums get into that group... lifecoach left for gwent... gwent wasn't that good of a game in the end... as with many other... artifact is made by valve thou... we'll see...
and the game itself is not fun (for me and many of my friends that play it...)... you face aggro, combo decks... that 30% of time draw like crazy... can't do anything... you do not have a way to interact with solitaire that you opponent is playin'... then you are forced to play deck you do not like... and you get grumpy!! ^^ lets not lie: we all like to win, hate to loose... especially to undeserving opponent... and you think of leaving... but you do not! like a bad relationship... 90% it's a hell, but you justify that person/thing for that 10% of okeyish crap... and you invested so much of your time/money/nerves that it feels sooooooo bad to quit... I have spent over 2k $ since Un'Goro, when I started playin' hs...
tl;dr; not dead, won't be dead in while... in a terrible state... if it is more frustrations than fun -> just quit!!
"...Deathrattle Hunter isn't even very powerful..."
you get 1 golden leg after 10 regular... on average... ;)
would be cool... but may just be minions...