I never said that and in fact, I've played since closed beta and up until this xpansion, I had a complete collection with 150+ golden legendaries. I made legend when people complained about hunter and starving buzzard refilling your hand with hounds. I wasted so many people with leeroy combo warlock and annihilated people with patron warrior(a deck I made solid gold on release day). I have seen every card, nerf and problem this game has ever had up until this point. I have completed every daily quest without fail since I have played. I have 9 golden heroes, 22k+ wins and every cardback in the game except the dumb esports ones I will never participate in to get. The game used to be fun but sadly it's not anymore. The rumble rip-off pve content is nothing but using the existing code from the past and tossing some new skins on things. The devs are not even trying or simply do not have enough brain power to figure it out. Why should they? Honestly, they have players who don't care what they produce but keep buying it. Well sorry, Blizzard I'm done supporting your company and your game. The artwork is still really good, the voice acting is great and the overall look of the game is super......BUT when you take off the rose-colored glasses you see Hearthstone for what it is, a repeated and failed attempt at changing anything. The game has hundreds upon hundreds of cards that are not even USED. The whole "bend the mana curve" game has been stale for a long time. How much thinking do you really need to do in constructed ladder with 30 card decks,30 health, 2 max copies of a non-legendary and 1 copy of any legendary? Nobody plays anything but the best-synergized decks because there really is no point in playing anything else if you are laddering. I took so many aggro decks to legend because that's the best and fastest way to do it. The decks are very consistent and let's face it there is no penalty for losing. Legend is nothing more than a brute force GRIND and for what? Look I got my cardback!....ok now let's do that again next month and next month and next month...ah NO. I did the rumble run and got the cardback in 20 minutes while eating lunch today and talking on the phone, so much for CONTENT. There is no reason to play a brawl past the free pack unless you have the brawl quest and even if that quest was 100g for completing I would reroll it because brawls are just plain bad. Has anyone noticed the frequency of 60g and above quests being reduced? I have had 3- 60g quests in the last three weeks and that's re-rolling every day. I guess Blizzard is sick of giving me 100+ free packs everytime an xpans hits. I don't play arena because..WHY I have every card in the game and arena is such a bore. I got the 12 wins key in just over a hundred games and never played it again. I could go on and on about the same things everyone like me doesn't like that has played as long as I have. What sucks is that I'm not sitting here being an F2P. I support the game by spending plenty of money on it hoping that one day I might finally see GOLD GAMBLING MODE or TOURNAMENT MODE or USE X CARD 500 TIMES FOR ALTERNATE CARD ART.....ECT ECT ECT. No, we haven't gotten this and frankly never will. I am just done. I don't care if the players who are new haven't gotten bored of the game yet but that will only happen in time. Hence why Blizzard caters to the NPE. They don't care about people who actually supported the game since the initial stages but rather they need fresh wallets to milk for a couple hundred til they see the writing on the wall and then bring in some more fresh wallets. This is why the game is "dead" for people like me and eventually, the fresh faces will say the same thing. I can finally see the MATRIX that Blizzard is and always will be. Wow, my shiny new rumble run cardback.......WOW so amazing! I can hardly contain my kudos for the devs. I should have left when LifeCoach did but no. Hey q up for that awesome laddering! and those AWESOME RANK REWARDS! Holy crap look I got a golden epic I had already from opening free packs....look at that 400 dust! I can make a common card from classic gold that I will never play with because really that's all thats left for me to do. The devs cant even make special avatars for collecting all the cards in a set....wow that would be a massive undertaking BUT THEY SURE CAN SELL YOU ONE!
every single word is true, man!! you should make a post of this!!
After watching some of the streams of Artifact the last few hours, Artifact still seems very RNG based.
Yes, there are some more thought provoking decisions, but there is also really stupid RNG that determines how your minions, or creeps, attack. Just now Toast has a 26 attack creep with no one in front of it attack the enemy creep to it’s right. That enemy minion had one health left. One! And there was already a 15 attack creep directly in front of the enemy.
Furthermore, another coin flip caused a 4 attack minion to go left instead of face. That 30 missed damage caused him to not kill the Ancient in that lane, and he lost.
Similar RNG from creep attack directions caused him to miss about 80 damage to the Ancient in that one lane over consecutive turns. And he LOST the game.
So again, while some of the choices you can make probably are more skill intensive than HS, having RNG determine if you attack face when the path is open, or helping defend if there is a creep in the position next to you... If this game is supposed to be skill intensive with deep gameplay, why is that important part of your strategy and attack/defense left up completely to chance?
God Toast All Mighty sucks at the game... so game must be bad!!! ^^
...Artifact's business model makes Hearthstone look generous...
lul... it just MAKES it LOOK generous, dude... ^^ ...f2p is the devil's pit!!! ...as someone who has income/money (and is ok with spending it on games as it is his enjoyable hobby)... and has spent around 2000$ on hs... since Un'Goro... it is not cheep!!! :) ...it has no limit if you want whole collection... God forbids golden decks!! (I opened over 700 boomsday packs just to get meme golden all mech warrior deck!!!)... it has no end... and rng of getting leg/golden cards... insane rates of DE.... meh... don't get me wrong... I don't regret doing so... I will still play hs... spend money... making game free for you f2p players... ;)
with artifact, it's pointless at one point to spend money on collection... as there is a point where you have completed your collection... and it costs a loooot less than to get it in hs... having option to actually buy it on market makes the world of change...
The general gameplay won't appeal to a large player base as HS did and still does. HS simplicity and quick way of playing &making progress has not been matched by any CCG before (not that any serious one of them tried to, though). Artifact is too complex and lacks the necessary transparency & visibility for possible spectators. You simply don't see what's going on when tuning in to an Artifact game unless you are regularly playing it yourself. This makes it rather lackluster in terms of a competitive scene because no one is going to watch it. In HS you know the mechanics in a short time even as a new player or as a spectator-only. Gwent suffered from the same issue and it wasn't even that much more complex, even though CDPR reduced certain aspects with their last huge update.
call me a noob... but I didn't have a clue what's goin' on when I first started watching hs also...
edit: and I caught up wit artifact after one or two tut videos.. and few matches... same as hs... :)
...it is true that majority of hs players will not migrate to artifact... but many will... that small percentage that consider them selves "good"... those that find no-skill is needed anymore and get irritated by bad players beating them just by rng (bad matchup, stupid combo solitaire...)... they will move... but that is... what 1-2%...
and artifact is as deep as you want it to be... you can get into game after watching one tut... maybe 2-3 pro matches... and play it... :) ...but it offers so much micro and macro decision making... that you actually have to think and plan... not just jam cards...
...for me, I will (and I think a loooot of other people also) be playing both... for different reasons... you don't have to choose between big boobed blonde and juicy ass black girl... if you can have them BOTH !!! B)
dead is not as black n white as either fanboys/haters present it...
...it is dead to good/hard-core players/gamers... ppl who like to get serious about stuff... most of streamers (ex champs, clowns (ex. kripp, toast, trump...) are still in HS because of d $ !! and because they know that they can not get gold mine like this elsewhere...
...hs is becoming mobile/casual-player game... as much (easy)fun as possible / as little skill as possible... bring on the RNG!! bring explosive combos... bring polarized matchup concedes... print broken cards, then nerf standard to not give dust for new ones... make players feel bad/cheated/salty by making their's favorite characters behind paywall...
...hs will have it's customers/players... but I guess most of the ppl on this or similar forums get into that group... lifecoach left for gwent... gwent wasn't that good of a game in the end... as with many other... artifact is made by valve thou... we'll see...
and the game itself is not fun (for me and many of my friends that play it...)... you face aggro, combo decks... that 30% of time draw like crazy... can't do anything... you do not have a way to interact with solitaire that you opponent is playin'... then you are forced to play deck you do not like... and you get grumpy!! ^^ lets not lie: we all like to win, hate to loose... especially to undeserving opponent... and you think of leaving... but you do not! like a bad relationship... 90% it's a hell, but you justify that person/thing for that 10% of okeyish crap... and you invested so much of your time/money/nerves that it feels sooooooo bad to quit... I have spent over 2k $ since Un'Goro, when I started playin' hs...
tl;dr; not dead, won't be dead in while... in a terrible state... if it is more frustrations than fun -> just quit!!
def DE it.. Ysera is a control card... control decks cost a loooot... they are not for a new player (unless you wanna spit several hundreds of $)... create good budget (aggro) decks... but do not DE it until January... let new expansion hit.. let meta settle... open new expansion packs with gold... see which deck are good... and THEN craft what you are missing...
in worst case scenario: you'll get 1600 dust from golden Ysera... if one day you need it... it will cost you the same amount... so except from shiny-shiny effect you lost nothin'... cheers !!! ;)
good against control... but who's playin' control these days?? :'(
every single word is true, man!! you should make a post of this!!
don't do it... it's not worth it... :(
this deck is super bad against aggro (that is dominating all over the ladder, after this is hs!!! )... so NO!!! :P
druids get REKT !!!!!
7 mana gets it to OddWarr... Genn needs some love 2... :)
I'm not complaining... I'm not regretting paying $ for hs... I enjoy (a little less in the past few months thou) hs...
just sayin' from collector's point of view that both games are expensive... ^^
God Toast All Mighty sucks at the game... so game must be bad!!! ^^
lul... it just MAKES it LOOK generous, dude... ^^ ...f2p is the devil's pit!!! ...as someone who has income/money (and is ok with spending it on games as it is his enjoyable hobby)... and has spent around 2000$ on hs... since Un'Goro... it is not cheep!!! :) ...it has no limit if you want whole collection... God forbids golden decks!! (I opened over 700 boomsday packs just to get meme golden all mech warrior deck!!!)... it has no end... and rng of getting leg/golden cards... insane rates of DE.... meh... don't get me wrong... I don't regret doing so... I will still play hs... spend money... making game free for you f2p players... ;)
with artifact, it's pointless at one point to spend money on collection... as there is a point where you have completed your collection... and it costs a loooot less than to get it in hs... having option to actually buy it on market makes the world of change...
call me a noob... but I didn't have a clue what's goin' on when I first started watching hs also...
edit: and I caught up wit artifact after one or two tut videos.. and few matches... same as hs... :)
this!! pleeeease stop!!!!
...it is true that majority of hs players will not migrate to artifact... but many will... that small percentage that consider them selves "good"... those that find no-skill is needed anymore and get irritated by bad players beating them just by rng (bad matchup, stupid combo solitaire...)... they will move... but that is... what 1-2%...
and artifact is as deep as you want it to be... you can get into game after watching one tut... maybe 2-3 pro matches... and play it... :) ...but it offers so much micro and macro decision making... that you actually have to think and plan... not just jam cards...
...for me, I will (and I think a loooot of other people also) be playing both... for different reasons... you don't have to choose between big boobed blonde and juicy ass black girl... if you can have them BOTH !!! B)
this... t5 really seems to be repeating a lot lately... :(
dead is not as black n white as either fanboys/haters present it...
...it is dead to good/hard-core players/gamers... ppl who like to get serious about stuff... most of streamers (ex champs, clowns (ex. kripp, toast, trump...) are still in HS because of d $ !! and because they know that they can not get gold mine like this elsewhere...
...hs is becoming mobile/casual-player game... as much (easy)fun as possible / as little skill as possible... bring on the RNG!! bring explosive combos... bring polarized matchup concedes... print broken cards, then nerf standard to not give dust for new ones... make players feel bad/cheated/salty by making their's favorite characters behind paywall...
...hs will have it's customers/players... but I guess most of the ppl on this or similar forums get into that group... lifecoach left for gwent... gwent wasn't that good of a game in the end... as with many other... artifact is made by valve thou... we'll see...
and the game itself is not fun (for me and many of my friends that play it...)... you face aggro, combo decks... that 30% of time draw like crazy... can't do anything... you do not have a way to interact with solitaire that you opponent is playin'... then you are forced to play deck you do not like... and you get grumpy!! ^^ lets not lie: we all like to win, hate to loose... especially to undeserving opponent... and you think of leaving... but you do not! like a bad relationship... 90% it's a hell, but you justify that person/thing for that 10% of okeyish crap... and you invested so much of your time/money/nerves that it feels sooooooo bad to quit... I have spent over 2k $ since Un'Goro, when I started playin' hs...
tl;dr; not dead, won't be dead in while... in a terrible state... if it is more frustrations than fun -> just quit!!
def DE it.. Ysera is a control card... control decks cost a loooot... they are not for a new player (unless you wanna spit several hundreds of $)... create good budget (aggro) decks... but do not DE it until January... let new expansion hit.. let meta settle... open new expansion packs with gold... see which deck are good... and THEN craft what you are missing...
in worst case scenario: you'll get 1600 dust from golden Ysera... if one day you need it... it will cost you the same amount... so except from shiny-shiny effect you lost nothin'... cheers !!! ;)