I cant resist lol
- city100
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Omri21 posted a message on Dame Hazelbark Hero & Darkspear Card Back Are Now Available On The Shop For A Limited TimePosted in: News -
Mirci posted a message on Curious New Bundle on Store - Dynamic Bundle Offer, Different For EveryonePosted in: News20 packs and 2 Legendaries for 20 dollars or euros
YoHabloEspanol posted a message on Quest and XP Compensation - Heroic Duels & Returning PlayerPosted in: NewsOk man
See you next week then
user-21053594 posted a message on Darkmoon Duel-Fest Today - 24 Content Creators, $200,000 Prize PoolPosted in: NewsPoor Thjis, Kripp, Trump and other really need this money. Why not bring new people?
Louzy82 posted a message on Madness At The Darkmoon Faire Pre-Launch Party - Free Bundles & Twitch Subs!Posted in: Newshow can you enter to win the 'creator code giveaways'?
SirPuFFaRiN- posted a message on New Mage Epic Card Revealed - Occult ConjurerPosted in: NewsWe can clearly see why Iksar is a secret mage player.
M0res posted a message on Twitch Drops Active From Today - Duels AccessPosted in: NewsThe funny thing is that blizzard had made many people watch for two hours to get a drop that should be free anyway and then feel satisfied because they “won” early access to a mode that isn’t anything special
Niceshot2244 posted a message on Twitch Drops Active From Today - Duels AccessPosted in: News-
American_Bread_Stinks posted a message on After 12 Years, Dave Kosak Leaves Blizzard Entertainment!Posted in: News- Dave is responsible for the character - Patches the Pirate, created during a "brainstorming session" between the Hearthstone team and the World of Warcraft story team, prior to Kosak's joining Team 5. [Source]
That ISN'T a good thing you know... \(-.-')/
ReignHeart posted a message on After 12 Years, Dave Kosak Leaves Blizzard Entertainment!Posted in: NewsDave Kosak: I'm leaving the Hearthstone team
Me: This is madness!
John McEntire: At the Darkmoon Faire
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watch Regis he got a real good video on this and i found that sharmen is a good oppoent he always has a minion on board to trade into just watch your hp
Boulderfist Ogre sounds
so people are going to buy the warlock deck then
but i need this gold for the mini set
Dude Im cashing out when the patch hits. But it this feel like Baku and Genn all over again, where hearthstone is qiuting on an archetype this time just 2 weeks into the expension. There could have waited and added a new card to the mini set and buff the archetype or sipily buff the card . but this feels right for the commuinty and I am on board with it
time to get jebaited by some youtube vids into dusting all you epics to make a legendary that will never see play after the first week
Anyone else keep getting the bad ending
there is not much diversity , anyway you look at it guys
The exact card we needed to complete the silver hand arc type paladin is getting brilliant. 1 mana yogg that count to your 10 mana yogg later the dev are playing 4d chessed whill everyone playing checkers.