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    posted a message on Anomalus

    I feel like people are making the mistake of seeing this as an anti-aggro card with their comments about the opponent rushing face when this seems much more like an anti-control card to me. It's obvious Blizz is pushing with WotOG a control heavy meta with long games and a lot of big minions. This isn't an aggro counter; we'd just use Flamestrike for that. This is a big minion counter.

    It's certainly not my favorite class legendary from this set, but it seems like such an interesting card and I'd love to try it.


    Posted in: Anomalus
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    posted a message on Shadowbomber
    I really want to try this in an aggro priest. The effect is so similar to Leper Gnome that it's like having 4 copies of Leper Gnome in your deck (something I'm sure all aggro decks would love). People call this a worse Leper Gnome, but I feel the opposite is true as it deals more damage and a battlecry is more useful than a deathrattle; the damage it does to your own hero is irrelevant in an aggro deck, especially considering priest's hero power. Imagine playing two of these with Brann Bronzebeard on turn 5: that's 12 damage to the opponent's face (yes, yours as well, but probably negligibale) while placing a 2/4 and two 2/1s on the board.
    Only problem is that there's no way I'm willing to dump 800 dust into enchanting this when aggro priest is so iffy.
    Posted in: Shadowbomber
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    posted a message on Soggoth the Slitherer

    I feel like Blizz should've given it divine shield as well...

    Posted in: Soggoth the Slitherer
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    posted a message on Wisps of the Old Gods

    Getting way too much hate IMO. Let's not forget that token druid is a thing; it probably won't have a place in any other druid deck, but it will be very good there.

    Posted in: Wisps of the Old Gods
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    posted a message on The Skeleton Knight

    My first TGT legendary. I'm not disenchanting it yet in case it finds its way into some niche (slim possibility after the new expansion, I guess), but... son of a bitch.

    Posted in: The Skeleton Knight
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    posted a message on Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound

    Most certainly the weakest Old God so far, but it might have minions that synergize with it which haven't been shown yet. As is, the only way this is going to work is with Ancestor's Call in Wild.

    Posted in: Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
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    posted a message on Ancient Harbinger

    I get the feeling you only play aggro or are one of those people who thinks C'Thun or N'Zoth, the Corruptor will be useless too, because actually playing either of those on turn 10 after you've spent all game buffing them will  end the game.

    Posted in: Ancient Harbinger
  • -1

    posted a message on Cabalist's Tome

    I love this in theory, but... Arcane Intellect already often feels like too huge of a tempo loss in today's meta... and it's 3 mana. If WotOG really does slow down the meta substantially, this might be strong.

    Posted in: Cabalist's Tome
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    posted a message on Scaled Nightmare

    Damn, not only is this a good card; it's also a beautiful card. Look at that art!

    Posted in: Scaled Nightmare
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    posted a message on Hemet Nesingwary

    How is a 5/6/3 worse than a 6/5/3...? Can't be the effect, because Kidnapper's cost ensures its effect is less likely to be useful than Nesingwary's.

    Posted in: Hemet Nesingwary
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