I probably wouldn't even use this if it cost 4 mana... it might serve the purpose of giving a minion with a good effect longevity (such as Brann), but it'll more likely just be the value of a vanilla 2/6 that costs 5 mana... with the drawback of also being a dead card if you don't have a minion on board to play it on. Velen's Chosen this is not.
Seems like a fine nerf to me. People seem to be forgetting that Druid's "choose one" cards are supposed to be weaker than comparative cards for the cost because of the versatility. AoL was not weaker than comparative cards; it was stronger. And Blizzard wants people to actually use the other effect now and then, not always feel drawing is the best option.
It looks like a fun card which will have a niche in gimmicky decks... it would probably be better if it was an enemy "minion" instead, though. That would give it a lot more use. Although the way it is will make it useful dropped on an empty board against Warrior, against the bigger share of classes, it has a significant chance of hitting a useless target. If it won't hit the same target twice, it could still be very potent in a Mage deck with a lot of cheap spells, especially in combo with Flamewaker.
Fact is that without BGH at all, many control decks will get out of hand. BGH needs its stats nerfed, that's it. Increasing its mana cost to 5 would be perfect.
I really want to try this in an aggro priest. The effect is so similar to Leper Gnome that it's like having 4 copies of Leper Gnome in your deck (something I'm sure all aggro decks would love). People call this a worse Leper Gnome, but I feel the opposite is true as it deals more damage and a battlecry is more useful than a deathrattle; the damage it does to your own hero is irrelevant in an aggro deck, especially considering priest's hero power. Imagine playing two of these with Brann Bronzebeard on turn 5: that's 12 damage to the opponent's face (yes, yours as well, but probably negligibale) while placing a 2/4 and two 2/1s on the board.
Only problem is that there's no way I'm willing to dump 800 dust into enchanting this when aggro priest is so iffy.
Getting way too much hate IMO. Let's not forget that token druid is a thing; it probably won't have a place in any other druid deck, but it will be very good there.
My first TGT legendary. I'm not disenchanting it yet in case it finds its way into some niche (slim possibility after the new expansion, I guess), but... son of a bitch.
Most certainly the weakest Old God so far, but it might have minions that synergize with it which haven't been shown yet. As is, the only way this is going to work is with Ancestor's Call in Wild.
I get the feeling you only play aggro or are one of those people who thinks C'Thun or N'Zoth, the Corruptor will be useless too, because actually playing either of those on turn 10 after you've spent all game buffing them will end the game.
I love this in theory, but... Arcane Intellect already often feels like too huge of a tempo loss in today's meta... and it's 3 mana. If WotOG really does slow down the meta substantially, this might be strong.
Priest is literally the only class you never want to play this on curve against. Every other class is going to have problems dealing with this immediately. At 8 health, not even Fireball can kill it. The only way to kill it without complications is through hard removal like Polymorph or Execute, and I'm pretty ok with my opponent blowing their hard removal on my 6 mana minions instead of other high priority targets this is sure to be played with (such asYsera).
I probably wouldn't even use this if it cost 4 mana... it might serve the purpose of giving a minion with a good effect longevity (such as Brann), but it'll more likely just be the value of a vanilla 2/6 that costs 5 mana... with the drawback of also being a dead card if you don't have a minion on board to play it on. Velen's Chosen this is not.
Seems like a fine nerf to me. People seem to be forgetting that Druid's "choose one" cards are supposed to be weaker than comparative cards for the cost because of the versatility. AoL was not weaker than comparative cards; it was stronger. And Blizzard wants people to actually use the other effect now and then, not always feel drawing is the best option.
It looks like a fun card which will have a niche in gimmicky decks... it would probably be better if it was an enemy "minion" instead, though. That would give it a lot more use. Although the way it is will make it useful dropped on an empty board against Warrior, against the bigger share of classes, it has a significant chance of hitting a useless target. If it won't hit the same target twice, it could still be very potent in a Mage deck with a lot of cheap spells, especially in combo with Flamewaker.
I more or less agree with OP.
Fact is that without BGH at all, many control decks will get out of hand. BGH needs its stats nerfed, that's it. Increasing its mana cost to 5 would be perfect.
It's still a buff for Sneed's Old Shredder in Wild.
I feel like Blizz should've given it divine shield as well...
Getting way too much hate IMO. Let's not forget that token druid is a thing; it probably won't have a place in any other druid deck, but it will be very good there.
My first TGT legendary. I'm not disenchanting it yet in case it finds its way into some niche (slim possibility after the new expansion, I guess), but... son of a bitch.
I'm thinking more as a turn 8-10 play that doesn't actually cost 10 mana.
Most certainly the weakest Old God so far, but it might have minions that synergize with it which haven't been shown yet. As is, the only way this is going to work is with Ancestor's Call in Wild.
I get the feeling you only play aggro or are one of those people who thinks C'Thun or N'Zoth, the Corruptor will be useless too, because actually playing either of those on turn 10 after you've spent all game buffing them will end the game.
I love this in theory, but... Arcane Intellect already often feels like too huge of a tempo loss in today's meta... and it's 3 mana. If WotOG really does slow down the meta substantially, this might be strong.
Priest is literally the only class you never want to play this on curve against. Every other class is going to have problems dealing with this immediately. At 8 health, not even Fireball can kill it. The only way to kill it without complications is through hard removal like Polymorph or Execute, and I'm pretty ok with my opponent blowing their hard removal on my 6 mana minions instead of other high priority targets this is sure to be played with (such asYsera).
Damn, not only is this a good card; it's also a beautiful card. Look at that art!