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    posted a message on All around versatile standard deck?

    I think murloc Midrange Paladin is a solid deck for this, it just feels like every matchup you have a shot. This is the list I've been playing, this guy got rank 1 on the Chinese servers. I'm at rank 1 with it right now and it feels solid. You can discover eye for an eye and proc ice block at 1 to beat freeze mages, and you can also out-heal with Rag Lightlord. You have enough early game, board clears and taunts to beat aggro. You have enough aggression / proactiveness to beat quest rogue. You have enough value to beat control. The games can be really long with it though.


    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Top 30 Legend Wild Dragon OTK Priest

    Do you think that Divine Spirit / Inner Fire OTK could benefit from Shadow Visions for redundancy in setting up the combo, and do you think there could be a viable version in standard? Just curious, I was thinking about how this deck type could benefit from Shadow Visions a lot.

    Posted in: Top 30 Legend Wild Dragon OTK Priest
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Terrorscale Stalker

    In Wild this card is going to be absurd, Mad Scientist, Haunted Creeper and Kindly Grandmother are all 2 drops you are happy to play, and on top of that you don't feel too bad about putting in Rat Pack / Webspinner. In standard this should be pretty good too, especially if they get 1 more decent deathrattle 2 drop.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Quest - The Caverns Below (Crystal Core)

    I think it's going to be pretty easy to make this card go off, there are so many ways to play the same minion over and over again in Rogue. The main questions to ask are:

    Will you be able to maintain tempo enough in the early turns to beat aggro?

    Will this deck "go off" before or after Jade decks on average?

    Will the deck be resilient to board clears, or will it loose to one big Dragonfire Potion / Felfire Potion / Brawl?

    Will the deck be able to consistently create enough cheap creatures to really take advantage of Crystal Cave? Is Crystal Cave a legitimate win condition?

    I guess we'll see how it turns out. If nothing else its a better win condition for battlecry bounce rogue than Blubber Baron :p

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Bloodsail/Patches Egg Druid

    Hey, glad you liked the deck! I've been playing around with new Tempo Rogue decks and I found one that I like that's done quite well, just typed it up. Hope it works for you


    Posted in: Bloodsail/Patches Egg Druid
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    posted a message on Grimestreet OTK

    I think a version of a deck like this might actually work if you played it like the old "Cycle OTK warrior decks" instead of going with a traditional Control Paladin shell, you could just play a deck with Runic Egg / Meanstreet Marshal / Acolyte of Pain / Loot Hoarder / Small time recruits / Solemn Vigil for tons of draw, to get you to pyro / Equality / keep drawing cards. Instead of playing all 1 drop chargers you could just play Southseas / patches and Leeroy / Argent Horserider, and then you could make it like an aggro / combo deck that could switch styles depending on the matchup. I think hand buffs + charge still has a lot of potential

    Posted in: Grimestreet OTK
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    posted a message on Pirates have ruined Hearthstone

    Just play a deck with taunts, oozes and heals bruh. I have a 60% winrate against warrior with Rogue of all classes, just by playing Tempo Rogue with 2 Ooze and 2 Argus. In fact, here's a simple guide for beating pirate / aggro decks with every class:

    Rogue: Play tempo rogue with Oozes / Argus and lots of early game to race. You can't heal so you've got to go fast yourself with Rogue. If you're playing miracle and facing lots of aggro, switch decks, you simple minded fool! Unless you're a miracle god then the Pirate miracle list is OK, not good but OK against aggro

    Paladin: You have two options, Out-aggro them or go for teched-out midrange. Same as Rogue, just play oozes and argus and also Wickerflame Burnbristle is broken vs other aggro decks. If you want to play midrange paladin just be prepared to go hard on the tech with oozes, arguses, second rate bruisers, and realize that these will hurt your other matchups, so pick carefully.

    Mage: Just play reno mage with lots of removal, Ice Block, Ice Barrier, etc. Tempo mage with Water Elemental / Mirror Images isn't a hard counter but it does have a favorable matchup. Water Elemental is a nightmare for Pirate Warrior.

    Priest: Dragon Priest out-taunts, Reno Priest out heals. Priest is the deck to pick if you really just want to win against aggro.

    Warlock: You kind of have to draw Reno, but with enough tech the matchup is essentially a coinflip that's just a little bit in your favor. If you want to play zoo, um why do you want to play zoo? Go hyper cancer mode with argus and tech ooze, you could probably throw in patches + bloodsail corsair for a good 1 drop / anti-weapon tech as well. Zoo can race decks like pirate warrior by flooding really hard, getting the board and then playing taunts.

    Druid: This is a little harder, Pirate Warrior is basically a counter to the current popular druid archetypes IMO like greedy jade druid. That said if you are truly facing nothing but aggro you can basically just play Taunt Druid, or you can play Egg Druid with Bloodsail Corsair / Patches as weapon tech and Defender of argus to help you race. Egg Druid is extremely underrated IMO.

    Shaman: Greedy Midrange Shaman with Thing From Below, Jinyu Waterspeaker and Feral Spirits is better against aggro than ever. Shaman was oppressing aggro before Gadgetzan and they can oppress it even more after. Control Shaman is OK but I actually think Midrange is better vs aggro.

    Warrior: Control warrior crushes aggro, always has, always will. Alley Armorsmith is a disgusting anti-aggro card that will basically win you the game when you play it. You can also play a more midrangey "Taunt warrior" with bloodhoofs / Twilight guardians (if you're going dragon).

    Hunter: Hunter is probably the worst class right now, and likely the worst positioned against aggro warrior as well. But if you really, really want to play hunter for some reason you can play oozes, Bear Trap/Explosive Trap, Defender of Argus / Houndmaster (prolly both), and you'll probably want to be on the aggressive side yourself because you really need to hit your curve or else you will fall behind, and it is so hard to recover with hunter.

    So yeah, there you go. If you can't beat pirate warrior with any of these decks, then I'm sorry but you just need to practice and get better, because one of these is bound to work just fine.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Patches is New Dr. Boom?

    Lol patches in warlock. It's good in classes that play weapons but that's just silly. He's not like doctor boom so I think it's a bad comparison. He is really good at helping you win the early game though, any 1 drop pirate is now at least a better living roots, and living roots is a great early game card. He doesn't win you the game automatically but he basically makes the first pirate you play a great card.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Genuinely Curious: how do you guys beat Dragon-Priest?

    It takes a lot of skill and practice but if you enjoy the playstyle, I almost never lose against dragon priest with Miracle rogue w/ Red Mana Wyrm.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Worth to pre-order last minute?

    Oh sorry I didn't notice it was U.S. customers only :/

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Worth to pre-order last minute?

    I didn't pre-order, what I did was get amazon coins and download an android emulator. I saw this deal and figured it was worth it:


    You get $50 worth of coins for $25 dollars, which can then be used to buy 40 packs in game. So if you look at the price per pack:

    Pre-release: 50/50 = $1per pack

    Amazon Coins: 25/40 = $.63 per pack

    If you're ok with taking some extra time I'd say it's worth it. Its especially easy if you have an android phone or tablet

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Top 5 overhyped cards of MSG

     Patches the Pirate + Small Time Buccaneer in weapon decks has more stats for 1 mana than any other card in the game. You can mulligan the Patches out of your hand to minimize the odds  of opening with it. If there is anything I have learned playing physical card games with searching mechanics where you look through your deck and summon / draw cards, powerful cards that are bad when you draw them are always good, as long as the odds of them getting pulled out of your deck are higher than your odds of drawing them. Having more stats than any other card in the game on 1 mana is a huge deal, even if pirates don't see play you will definitely see this card used with 4-6 other pirate one drops in warrior and Rogue, because it's just that good.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Top 100 Finish NA Deathrattle Rogue

    Thanks! Yeah I am really looking forward to changing this deck around to turn it into Jade Rogue, I think that it's going to be a huge improvement on this deck. This list can't quite stand up to current Shaman, but with a little luck I'm hopeful the Jade version might :)

    Posted in: Top 100 Finish NA Deathrattle Rogue
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Alleycat

    Rogue and Warrior are going to have access to any pirate + patches as the new OP 1 drop, I think they're doing this to make it so Hunter's can keep up early. Making two beasts is pretty nice for houndmaster, making it more likely you'll have a beast by turn 4.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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