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    posted a message on How bad am i with renolock?
    Quote from angkiki >>

    Thanks for the kind responses guys. I think i would have to start considering the meta and switch decks from time to time when i'm facing a lot of unfavourable matchups. 

    Slightly off topic though, are aggro decks best against druids? 

     you would think so, but no. druid plays some taunts and a bit of heal (ancient of lore) plus aggro decks have to disregard the board, which so a lot of the time druid wins with a good-timed savage roar. also, swipe can be very good vs aggro.
    i think you need a mid-range deck to beat druid. something that can constantly put out minions and fight for board for instance, mech mage with mirror entity used to be a horrible matchup for druid (when mech mage was very popular). what i have learned is that you need to stay ahead on board vs a druid even if this means taking some dmg. even renolock should be tapping as little as possible, in order to put minions on the board. druid has a hard time coming back. 
    seems like druid is coming back, so a lot of warlocks are now playing zoo. 
    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Secret Paladork's dose it ever stop .... We need a ban System...

     damn, i add the people because i want them to make fun of me, or to call me names, or to bitch and complain. 8 times out of 10 they are just people who say "gg" or wanna discuss the game :( 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Golden Captains parrot

    you need to own one copy of each classic pirate at the same time if i am not mistaken 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from uwotm888d >>

    I started to enjoy this game again once the % of secret paladins went down with LoE but now they are back, I'm facing like 70% secret paladins, last 5 games all secret paladins, I am officially quitting hearthstone, this shit is so fucking stupid and OP to play against 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [S20] Legend Midrange Paladin In Depth Guide

    the guy that created aggro druid two seasons ago said that the worst matchup for the deck is midrange paladin. if you are not winning this matchup it is your fault 


    Posted in: [S20] Legend Midrange Paladin In Depth Guide
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    posted a message on Justicar Trueheart nerf is needed
    Quote from batanete >>
    Quote from InfiniteRefrain >>

    Why not just nerf Warrior? These threads are getting out of hand. LETS JUST NERF ALL THE THINGS!

     Nerf Hearthstone.
    On topic:the card is fine, but I don't get why does warrior get 4 armour and hunter doesn't get 4 damage. Hunters still wouldn't run the card anyway on any of the current archetypes, but it could give control hunter a potential win condition and maybe make the deck semi-viable(basically you would only run survival and removal cards in the deck and kill your opponent slowly with your hero power).
     because justicar replaces your hero power from "play a 0 mana card" to "play a 1 mana card" the closest comparison would be priest and flash heal and hunter and sinister strike. so really, it's priest getting the short end of the stick. warrior hero power is comparable to bash (assuming that 3 damage equals 1.5 mana for every class except warlock then gaining 3 armour would be under-powered) 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Justicar Trueheart nerf is needed
    Quote from Sokeres >>

    nope, don`t like playing face hunter at all, not fun. Rather struggle with Reno or Beast Master.

    Anywho, instead of picking on me, why don`t you come up with a better solution? Or are you one of those warriors that thinks he`s on steroids having this card in his deck, playing faceless manipulator on every taunt card they have, waiting for the game to slowly go towards fatigue, and then wining because they have tons of armour? Ok, I see where you get your fun from.... 

     are you one of those people that draws cards against control warrior? is this because you are unable to predict that the game will go into fatigue even though it's obvious? 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What beats control warrior?
    Quote from ultratribes >>

    Please tell me how combo druid can beat control warrior when they get well above 20 armor.

    I play an ooze and a harrison as well.  Still no success.  I have a 100% loss rate. 

     it seems to me like you are genuinely trying so I will give you some pointers in case others havent. 
    -always mulligan everything away for wild growth + innervate (that includes everything, even shade or darnassus asspirant) 
    -innervate is there so you can smooth out your curve for instance innervate a druid of the claw followed by shredder. against warrior it is not always correct to even innervate + innervate dr.boom on turn 3 if you hand is atrocious.  
    -do not overextend into brawl for instance if you have 3-6 damage on the board dont play more cards. make him suffer for brawling. 
    -dont play ooze AND harrison. pick whichever one best fits the curve of your deck. if you are gonna use a list from someone else, do not pick a list from a tournament 
    -if you are doing all of those and still losing more than 45% of your games switch to paladin and enjoy the fact that your hero power basically kills a control warrior no matter how much armor they get 
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 14

    posted a message on Justicar Trueheart nerf is needed
    Quote from Sokeres >>

    On this card right here

    Either you agree or you are one of them! 

     Hasshhh shomebody nevew pwayed a deck where uuu need to keep boawd contoww foww mowe dann freee tuwnnsh? 
    shooooowwwy :( :( 
    i voted for completely removed because who gives a shit, this vote is silly 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Beneath the Grounds enough of a reason to run rogue in this meta?

    2 copies of tinker's are probably a lot more effective against reno decks. reno decks are very vulnerable to burst damage. you basically control the board until you get your combo or 2 oils, pirate, and 1 or 2 preps. no need to run gimmick cards.  

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on the REAL unhealthy mechanic in hearthstone

    shouldn't there be a minimum number of words required for a thread?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Top 5 NA Legend] LOKShadow Reno Warrior

    i realized how useful he is when i saw i had brawl and reno in my hand. that's one hell of a swing turn. great deck! i enjoy playing it but i keep losing to paladin and there's a lot of those :(

    Posted in: [Top 5 NA Legend] LOKShadow Reno Warrior
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    posted a message on Headed for Legend - S20 November 2015
    Quote from Quitefrankly >>

    That moment when you realize mid range pali is getting shit on due to reno locks time and time again

     welcome to the reno meta. seems like every deck is gonna require burst unfortunately. I play fatigue warrior and i was doing great against reno, basically just by saving gromm for burst and now that the counter to reno is here my win rate dropped considerably. 
    btw, i had some success before with the Xzirex Mid-Range Paladin which is basically sticky minions and buffs ... haunted creeper, defender of argus, and two Blessing of Kings. this was a very nice build during the hunter meta and even secret paladin, and i surprised a few decks with double blessing. I am gonna try it again and see how it does. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is Mech Warrior not a great deck?

    one word ... belcher. you biggest source of damage is arcanite reaper and that card trades one for one with belcher. 

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Millo Jackson

    not that i am expecting this to happen all the time but my first game i milled the dude's archmage, chillmaw, ysera, malygos, and reno jackson. i switched dancing swords for mechanical yetis. 

    Posted in: Millo Jackson
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