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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)

    Battletag: beppe946#2807
    Region: EU
    Trade only? Yes

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on Balance Changes Coming - More Details Next Week
    Quote from Adusak90 >>

    I expect the standard players to be more mature rather than moaning for nerfs every expac. Wild gets only one card changed per year on average and we're fine with our meta. Standard players needs entire patch around cards and they still complain and get it just because it is the Blizzard "main" gamemode.

    Learn how to counter your damn meta and not wait for Blizzard to counter the deck with nerfs for you

     There are so many wrong things with this post that I don't even know where I should start.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Your experience with Envoy of Lazul...

    I unpacked one, but despite having played Galakrond Priest for a while, I've never played it.
    I've seen in on the board only due to Faceless Lackey shenanigans.

    As most people above me suggested, Curious Glimmerroot was much much better.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What golden Epic did you recieve?

    Necrium Apothecary Pog

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on So, have the nerfs failed or not?
    Quote from Swans- >>

    increasing the mana cost on Mogu Fleshshaper was a mistake. Mutate now transforms Mogu into a 10-cost minion, meaning you can play Mogu Fleshshaper, with rush to kill an enemy with 3 health or less, then immediately Mutate him into something like a Colossus of the Moon, Big Bad Archmage, Deathwing, Living Monument, etc. 

    Because Shaman runs Mutate, increasing the mana cost of minions is not an effective nerf option against the class. Increased mana cost makes the deck slower, but it also makes it much stronger in the late game.

    You don't seem to have fully understood how big Mogu Fleshshaper nerf is, so please allow me to show you all the hidden implications.

    • Before the nerf, there was no reason for you to mulligan away Mogu and Mutate, because you were pretty much guaranteed to have it playable for turn 3/4. Now that it costs 9 mana, it's a lot more awkward to keep in your opening hand, so it means that you'll hit the combo with a very lower frequency than before.
    • Mogu's strength was coming in play pretty early, when your opponent can rarely answer it immediately. The same reasoning can be done for Desert Hare + Evolve: if you pull it off at turn 11, your opponent will either kill you or clear the board. In the end, Mogu was strong because it was able to generate incredible pressure for the stage of the match it was played in. Now that it costs more mana, it will come down at least 2 turns later, which on average is enough time for your opponent to build a board, simply ignore it and kill you or answer it. It doesn't really matter that the 10 mana pool is slightly better than the 8 mana pool, since (as I said before) the matter is not how big it is but how fast it comes.
    • You talked about strength in the late game. I have to disagree on this point too, for the exact same reason I just explained: since it's a matter of pressuring your opponent, it won't work the same way when the match becomes a matter of value.
      Moreover, if you choose to rely on a 2 card combo that may or may not give you what you want in the late game I dare to say that you're not making an optimal decision here.

    Of course, there will be times in which your opponent will disgustingly highroll Mogu and you'll lose the game, but that happens with literally any RNG bound effect and you can do nothing about it but accepting it and moving forward.

    Trust me, Mogu Fleshshaper's balance change is a nerf under all of its aspects and makes the card a lot worse than before.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on (R4 to Legend 70%+) Dragon Highlander Paladin

    Does making a highly costed deck increase you winrate? Then a 35 Legendaries deck (thank to Prince Malchezaar) should be pretty much unbeatable.

    ALL (and I can't stress it enough) Highlander decks require a ton of dust for the fact that you have to run 30 different cards and, guess what, epics and legendaries are the ones with the best effects overall.
    Moreover, we're in that moment of the year in which the pool is at its peak (although we'll receive 35 more cards soon), so it's quite normal.

    Look for example at the dust cost of other Highlander decks (all numbers come from Hearthstone Top Decks):

    • Highlander Rogue: 18700 dust
    • Highlander Mage: 20020 dust
    • Highlander Warrior: 16540 dust
    • Highlander Warlock: 15440 dust
    • Highlander Hunter: 15060 dust

    Now, this deck costs 14980 dust, so it's slightly less expensive than its Highlander fellows.


    I don't get the point of your comment either, but yet here we are

    Posted in: (R4 to Legend 70%+) Dragon Highlander Paladin
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    posted a message on So, have the nerfs failed or not?
    Quote from FlyingCarrot >>

     I am shaman main

    your opponent can easily clear 5/6s

     Ehh... I don't know man: it seems a little biased...

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on (R4 to Legend 70%+) Dragon Highlander Paladin

    I don't get the point of your comment either, but yet here we are

    Posted in: (R4 to Legend 70%+) Dragon Highlander Paladin
  • 3

    posted a message on Strength in Numbers OTK!

    It's not stupid: it's challenging. No one ever said this deck is competitive, and if anyone thought that it's clearly that he's not a reasonable person.

    To be honest, calling this deck stupid makes you so, cause you're not able to understand that the OTK is not reliable at all and that's why it's so cool when you finally pull it off.

    Posted in: Strength in Numbers OTK!
  • 9

    posted a message on So, have the nerfs failed or not?

    On one hand, when a deck is nerfed most players disenchant the targeted cards just not to lose the dust (you can always craft them later if the decks shows to be still playable): that explain the drop in playrate of Galakrond Shaman.

    On the other hand, the whole deck is much weaker than before: now you can actually have a few turns in which they don't out tempo you and you can set up some sort of gameplan. Claiming the opposite would be foolish.

    To be extremely honest and not biased at all, I think Galakrond Shaman still has some cards blatantly over the top:

    1. Shudderwock, which has been a problem in literally every single meta it has been since its release: being able to replay your Galakrond is straight out stupid and kills the match on the spot. But since I wrote that I wanted to be honest, I have to say that it will rotate in 3-ish months, so we should just put up with it until it will eventually rot in Wild (where it's a degenerate card too, but this is another topic).
    2. Dragon's Pack: it simply has no reason at all to be the way it is right now. Zero overload (you don't get punished when you Electra Stormsurge it), 10/12 for 5 mana in the class that upgrades Galakrond with the most ease of all, 6 health so Kronx Dragonhoof is not able to clear it by itself (this may not be a big deal if the card wasn't that common, but since it is... consider this as a comparison: despite being good for the Rogue style, not all Galakrond Rogues run Umbral Skulker, whereas all the Galakrond Shamans run Dragon's Pack since it has no downside at all). In the end, when you play it it's generally bonebreaking for quite a lot of deck.

    I don't want to say that Galakrond Shaman's Invoke mechanic is nerf worthy: it surely is very strong, but you want to weaken a deck, not to completely erase it the old way.

    I don't mean to say that these two cards are the only one that should be touched, but OP asked for Galakrond Shaman and got what he wanted.

    Tl;dr: Galakrond Shaman is weaker, but Dragon's Pack still doesn't make any sense at all.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Nothing for Christmas?

    I got Legend for Christmas, which is incredible considering that my goal was goofing on ladder.

    But yeah, even a single pack would have been nice, just as a "hey it's Christmas, let's share some vibes". But it's not the end of the world.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 0

    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!

    Imagine playing Galakrond Highlander Rogue, being put to 1 health by a Galakrond Shaman, choosing Lord Jaraxxus over Alexstrasza (because if you want to lose at least have some manners) and still winning the game because the motherfucker wasn't able to find Shudderwock fast enough while dealing with my 6/6s' pressure.


    Also, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza is not a reliable card like Zephrys the Great, Reno Jackson or Kazakus, but damn you can highroll so hard with her. Definitely worth all the 1600 sprinkles of dust I spent for her shenanigans.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Descent of Dragons Card Reveal Livestream - All 47 Remaining Cards!

    To be fair we're getting a little bit further from that point, since Evolve will be leaving Standard.

    We can say whatever we want about the Devs' work (and I think some of those things are even deserved), but at least we have to recognize that they went easy on some effects (deck destruction, hand destruction or stealing, negate effects,...) that, otherwise, would have killed the game long ago.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Shaman Legendary Hero Card - Galakrond, the Tempest

    Comparing different versions of Galakrond is a big mistake in my opinion.
    People tend to forget that not all 5 of them are suited for the same gameplan: whereas Galakrond, the Unspeakable is designed for a Control/value oriented deck, Galakrond, the Nightmare shines in combo archetypes and Galakrond, the Unbreakable is perfect for a tempo deck.

    Galakrond, the Tempest needs to be seen under the right light too: both its hero power and its battlecry summon minions that immediately impact the board. Given all the other cards of the set, I dare to say that Galakrond Shaman will be a Midrange deck, that will try to close the games around turn 7 using Galakrond, the Tempest as a final weapon.

    See? Now it all makes a little more sense, am I right?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Neutral Common Card Revealed - Hot Air Balloon

    Well I do not want to be mean and I'm not interested in Instagram accounts since I'm here for nerding purposes, but such comments are usually made by immature people seeking for likes (Instagram) or karma (Reddit).

    You might have been unaware of it, but this is how it is.

    Posted in: News
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