I've been experimenting a Bloodsworn deck myself, but more of a midrange type with Frothing Berserker and such. I find rush minions, especially Restless Mummy, extremely powerful with Berserker. Berserker into Mummy is a great curve. You can just snowball the opponent with sticky Reborn minions. We've got some interesting tools in this expansion for sure.
Will play it definitely in a Ramp Quest Druid with Nourish, Starfall and all new high cost spells. Can also be drawn with Melon, it's gonna fill the 10 mana slot.
Some people would just play in this mode and never craft any card if they don't care about constructed. Good idea but no, never gonna happen.
Replacement for Gunspire? Just kidding, congrats.
I've been experimenting a Bloodsworn deck myself, but more of a midrange type with Frothing Berserker and such. I find rush minions, especially Restless Mummy, extremely powerful with Berserker. Berserker into Mummy is a great curve. You can just snowball the opponent with sticky Reborn minions. We've got some interesting tools in this expansion for sure.
Craft it only if you have other supporting cards as well. Crafting a deck based around a card skeptical to work out is not a good idea.
You might maybe thinking about a deck involving Naga Sand Witch which would reduce Pocket Galaxy's cost to 5.
Un'goro was amazing, led to the most balanced meta I've remembered. Second one I should mention is Old Gods. You gotta praise Yogg!
You should definitely put 2 Savage Roar
I love building a board with bunch of harmless 1/1s, then play Zephrys to get Savage Roar or Bloodlust. What an amazing card.
You must be fun at parties.
My opponent got the new lackey as well. Too soon, Executus!
You should get a dust refund
This may be used in some kind of combo decks, maybe to copy a Dire Frenzied Boar.
Double removal if only the second one dies with a target on board or doesn't get silenced.
I am getting either a rather small error, leaving the top banner etc loaded and gives me a message:
Error Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.
Or the whole site crashes and leaves me with this:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Runtime Error
It started to happen today, never had it before. It takes a few tries to load a page (go back and click again).
I'm on Android Chrome browser.
Will play it definitely in a Ramp Quest Druid with Nourish, Starfall and all new high cost spells. Can also be drawn with Melon, it's gonna fill the 10 mana slot.
I like your imagination
Does anyone else try to guess which class and rarity the next card is gonna be based on the artwork? It's a fun little game I play by myself.
I guessed this one has to be Rogue and maybe the quest. Of course it's a pirate, my bad.