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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Arcane Amplifier

    Ok, so if you don't kill this, the Mage can just ping off your mid range minions for 2 mana AND still play another minion along side it.

    And in a Highlander deck, this will mean putting back the 7 drop summon Ragtime into that deck.

    It also means Mage can save their resources and ping for 3 instead to keep board control.

    If nothing else, you will gladly discover it with the Raven minion card.

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    posted a message on New Druid Card - Rising Winds

    This card will be seen in every Quest Druid deck.  Twinspell makes it even more likely.  You can use it before you complete the Quest, then use the second spell to get both benefits.

    Wow.  This is really good.  Will this card get thrown into Arena as well?  If so, that card is also insane there too.

    And the 1 drop Discover a Choose card now has another good target.

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    posted a message on New Neutral Card - Sky Gen'ral Kragg

    Regardless of whether or not Quest Shaman is in the Meta, I am still playing it.  In fact, I am playing a Highlander version and I enjoy it.

    This card slots right in.  And whether or not I hit the double effect, I will always be happy with 4 damage removal AND a battlecry trigger.

    And when my Shudderwock is played, I get another 4/2 with Rush.  Sign me up.

    This also is nice in a Wild Warrior Quest Taunt deck.  It is taunt and has 4 damage removal.  It also gives an extra body for Brawl on turn 9.

    Is this meta-defining?  Nah, because Quests decks aren't top tier.  But for me, it is because I like to play decks that are fun.  This is a fun card for all of my quest decks.

    As a side note, this also helps those players that like to play those ALL legendary decks.  Play Quest on turn 1 and you will always trigger this battlecry.

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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card - Grand Lackey Erkh

    The stats don't matter.  The effect does.  You can play Magic Carpet and this.  That means ALL of your Lackeys will have RUSH and you will generate MORE lackeys with RUSH.  It means you can CLEAR an opponents board easily or remove problem minions.

    It also means you CANNOT get the board back from Rogue or Warlock or Shaman again.  They WILL NOT run out of resources.  Control decks cannot be viable if your mid range and aggro decks never run out of cards.  That means we will see an influx of Combo decks to ignore what your opponent is doing.

    They can gain infinite value, but as a combo deck you don't care.  Control decks cannot deal with infinite value.

    This card is a mistake.  This is far more powerful than people realize.  And when that Rogue, Warlock or Shaman deck is spamming Lackeys you are going to hate it or love it, if you are one of these classes.

    I believe Rogue and Warlock will use this best, but Battlecry Quest Shaman could also abuse this too.

    The only limitation is the mana cost, but you don't care if this gives you immediate value.


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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Eye of the Storm

    I wouldn't sleep on this.  This being Discoverable means you will hate playing against it.  I wouldnt put it in my deck though unless I am playing some silly King P battlecry deck.  Or in Wild playing Spiteful Summoner.  I mean, if nothing else, in Wild, this is a buff to that card for Shaman.

    And a Buff to Puzzlebox for Mage.

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Air Raid

    This is good because of the Twinspell, otherwise, this would not be worth putting into your deck.  Also in pure Paladin decks, you can get this randomly generated which means flooding the board with no deck slots wasted.

    If you think this is bad, then what about this....

    Turn 1, Brazen Zealot.  Turn 2, Air Raid.  Brazen attacks for 4 damage.  If they cannot kill the Brazen the opponent is in deep trouble.  Ping classes can go ahead and kill it, but other than Mage, will be tanking another 4 damage.

    Then you have Sky Claw OR Air Raid again on turn 3.  If that is your curve, your opponent will not have a chance.

    This also can work in a Highlander style deck, giving you 2 spells for 1 card slot AND board presence.

    How is this bad exactly?

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    posted a message on New Mage Hero Card - The Amazing Reno

    I love the POOF all the minions are gone, but I don't like the random spells every turn.  Let's assume for simplicity that the spells work out in your favor 60% of the time.  Whether that is because it only affects you, your minions or does nothing at all.

    Is that worth it?  I imagine if we did the actual math and looked up EVERY spell, we would find the numbers not that high in your favor.

    You play this on turn 10, nothing on the board.  Pass to your opponent.

    Your opponent fills the board up again with 2 minions and does some other spell stuff.  You are faced with 2 minions and you have no board.  The spell trigger comes around...

    That is how we need to calculate the effectiveness of the hero power.  You do not have any minions but your opponent most likely will.  That means any spells that target minions that are beneficial is a bad result.  Board clears are a good result.  Friendly minion buffs do nothing.

    So we take all that math involved, but skew it towards the FIRST time it triggers.  What are the chances of good results?  bad results? and nothing or neutral results?

    But what happens when you take the board back because the spell clears their minions on your first turn trigger (good result)?  You go ahead and play a bunch of minions and then when the second turn trigger comes around, now what?

    This feels far too random to be reliable and competitive.  UNLESS you can somehow replace the hero power a few turns later.  The POOF is so good that its hard to imagine no one playing it.

    I dunno, I think ultimately, I would play around with it, get annoyed with the lack of Discover attached to the card and take it out of my deck.

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    posted a message on New Priest Rare Card - Dark Prophecy

    5 Health is good for a 3 drop, but with the power creep lately and the fact that alot of minions have rush, the minion you find is probably far worse than playing a 3 drop with 5 Health already.  Why throw this card into your deck unless you need spell synergy?

    3 drops that I would rather play are Injured Blademaster and Circle of Healing.

    Bronze Gatekeeper and it has magnetize and taunt so this can get attached to my 2 drop Mech deathrattle if my opponent ignores it.

    Hell I could play a Silence Priest and Arcane Watcher instead for a 5/6.

    How about Ornery Tortoise and then heal myself with Quest Priest because my opponent hasnt attacked me yet.

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    posted a message on New Priest Card - Aeon Reaver

    It's a dragon for dragon synergies.  Good.

    It's a 6 mana 4/4.  Bad.

    It destroys most minions played in the current metagame.  Good.

    It will sometimes fail to kill certain minions.  Bad.

    Overall, the card is playable, but I think 1 more dragon synergy card is needed to stitch the deck together.

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    posted a message on New Priest Rare Card - Dark Prophecy

    If that is true, it does limit the bad 2 cost minions.  Which now that I think about it, makes sense with other class based discover cards.

    I am not sure if this is better or worse then.  I guess on average, it's a decent card in some decks, but I don't think there is a home for it right now.

    I do think the RNG is still too far ranging to give you the confidence to throw this in your deck on purpose.  I do think that getting this off of the Lackey that discovers a spell is a great choice many times.

    Its 2 cards in one.  A random 2 drop combined with the Lackey that gives +2 Health (but in this case +3) in one card.  Is that good enough to put in your deck on purpose?

    Maybe in a Highlander style deck where you need to generate more value, but no existing Priest decks have room to play this card.

    Resurrect doesn't want this because it could dilute their resurrect pool.  Inner Fire Combo has better cards and is a highly tuned deck already.

    Dragon/Invoke Priest is also too restrictive as it is.

    Now if they didn't nerf Discover and it still gave a bonus to Priest minions, I think this card would be very very playable.  Perhaps even really good.

    For example, getting Lightwell is pretty darned good against aggro.

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    posted a message on New Warlock Epic Card - Chaos Gazer

    Oh yes, in Wild, this card is silly good with Bran.  You can even try to make your opponent corrupting their whole hand by using the Echo minion or the Summoning minion to reduce costs.

    But this does seem pretty good.... Brann + Chaos Gazer x 2...after reducing the cost of 1 or more of those cards with Emperor.

    The only thing we don't know is ...can this card corrupt the same card?  If so, then this is terrible and will not work.


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    posted a message on New Priest Rare Card - Dark Prophecy
    Quote from 1xbenx1 >>
    Quote from badhank14 >>

    There are only 88 minions in standard that this can discover at the moment.

    I'd consider any 2-cost minion with 3-or-more health a high roll (above curve for a 3-cost minion).

    55 of the current minions available have 2 or less health. (approx 63% of the total pool)

    Your chances of discovering something with at least 3 health are actually quite good. (3 rolls at a slightly better than 1/3 chance).

    And truthfully, discovering a minion with 2-health isn't actually a very low roll, it's on the high end of the standard curve for a 3-cost minion.

    tl;dr you have a very good chance to high roll, you are almost guaranteed not to low roll.

    None of this matters if that type of deck doesn't exist, however. So take this post for what it's worth.

     You forgot to add minions from other classes.  There are far more 2 drops in Standard right now.  

    I count about 57 class based 2 drops, then you throw in neutral minions.  I redid my math, I think I may have double counted for some reason.

    I got about 135 2 drops in Standard.


    You do have a chance to low roll.  And 2 Health minions are not that great because you get an average 3 drop with NO battlecry synergies.

    60 2 drop minions with Battlecry effects.  Some good to bypass, but most not good to pass it up.

    Again, I count about 26 minions with 1 Health.  Not good at all.

    The Discover helps a bit to even out the average results, which is a minion with 2 or 3 health.  No battlecry and the deathrattles are not that great unless you have some synergies with them.

    So unless I am wrong, these 2 drops come from all classes, and I think you may have missed those.  That should severely alter your perception of this card, I would think.


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    posted a message on New Warlock Epic Card - Chaos Gazer

    The card becomes worse and worse as the game and turns go later and later.  Great on curve, not so much great late in the game.

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    posted a message on New Priest Rare Card - Dark Prophecy

    What priest archetype really wants this card?  Mostly the inner/spirit decks because you are getting +3 health and you can high roll and possibly get some ridiculous choices on turn 2 with a coin or turn 3 without.  

    Most minions with 4 health is crazy good.  I would dare say that only 2 of them are bad.  2 of 11 neutral 2 drops with 4 health are unwanted.  About 8% of the 2 drop minions have 4 health.

    About 25 minions with 3 health.

    About 70 with 2 health.

    About 28 with 1 health.

    A few with 5 health and above.  About 6 total there.

    So I don't have the exact number, but about 130 - 2 drops in the Discover pool.  Slightly more than half with 2 Health.  About 20% with 1 Health and about the same for 3 Health.

    Health  Percentage (rounded up or down)

        1               20%

        2               51%

         3              18%

      4                   7%

       5 +                4%

    Because you lose the battlecry and most of the deathrattles for 2 drops are not that great (and more health makes that worse actually), then pure Health seems to be the best measure if this was meant as a combo card.

     Based on my feelings, 2 and 3 Health based minions are normal or meh results.  4 and above are what you want and 1 Health is below average.  What does that leave us with?

    51% of the time, the card is average.

    18% of the time, the card is above average.

    20% of the time, the discover is trash.

    11% of the time, the card choice is amazing.

    This does not account for Doomsayer and other 'attack' based cards, so these numbers are not exact.  A rough...VERY rough estimate.

    What we get is about half the time, the choices are average at 2 Health.  20% you wish you didn't play this card at 1 Health.  Slightly above 10% in which the discover is amazing.

    To me that means that the discover choices will almost always include a minion with 2 Health.

    That seems to lend me to believe that this card will occasionally high roll, but the card is average and you get average results.

    I think it's playable, but only if these combo priests want an early game big health minion to win but are willing to risk wasting a card slot.

    Maybe in a spell based deck, but I think this is a pass for me after doing the rough math around it.




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    posted a message on New Mage Hero Card - The Amazing Reno

    This will most likely avoid deathrattle, not put them back in you or your opponent's hand and gets those pesky untargetable and stealth minions too.

    The hero power is most likely tied to getting the minions lost in this manner OR discovering minions in general OR disappearing minions on the board.  I imagine, the hero power might even be to reappear the minions 1 at a time at random.

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