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    posted a message on Wrong time to get into this game...

    I think that when Blizzard says "it will help the new players," they mean that it will help players starting after Standard comes out. I agree (and I'm pretty sure that Blizzard silently also does) that those that started just before are going to get screwed. (For example, those that just crafted their first legendary---Dr. Balanced.)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Ok I rewatched the video and read the page faq again about update

    There is absolutely nothing preventing Blizzard from banning cards in Wild (at least ranked) after they release the Standard, and that is the common procedure in MTG, for example. People that say that Wild will be unbalanced and unplayable have absolutely no basis for saying that. It might end up happening, and it might not. We will see, but as of yet, there is no reason to think it will.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Ok I rewatched the video and read the page faq again about update

    Because they want to use those cards "competitively," not for fun.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Holy Crap Formats
    Quote from DMaster2 >>
    Quote from TouchedSage >>

    What part of "Wild format includes the entire card pool" are people missing?

    A new mode called Standard has been added. You can rank in Standard or Wild. You can casual in Standard or Wild.

    The ability to buy old card sets goes away but they can still be crafted.

    The salt about deleted cards (that aren't being deleted at all) is pretty strange.

     Maybe you aren't getting a little detail, standard will be the devs focus as far as balanced is concerned. That means that if wild become an unplayable clusterfuck they aren't going to give a sh*t about it.
    Also with standard being the only mode that will net points, streamers will focus only on standard which mean a lot of people will be a sheep and follow them there. Poor hearthstone...
     I don' think that is necessarily true.  Although I agree that they won't build cards to balance Wild, the fact that these cards are not in Standard constructed anymore opens space for them to nerf/ban them if they get out of hand. Of course, I don't know for a fact that Blizzard will do that, but I don't know for a fact either that they won't. We have to wait and see.
    About the sheep, I agree that the sheep will follow the streamers to Standard, but unless you are one of these sheep (and you are forced to remain so), I don't see how that should affect your enjoyment of the game. (Quite the opposite, really.)
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Standard will be Aggro Fest 24/7

    Dude, how can you know how things will look like after a whole expansion and classic rebalance?! You don't, so stop raging before the changes even come!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Holy Crap Formats

    Great changes. I had stopped playing this last couple of months, because of how stale Hearthstone had become. Now I'm even hyped about starting playing again when these changes come. Even Wild will be better than ladder now, since all try-hard netdeckers will move to Standard.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Say Goodbye: What Cards will you miss the most in Standard?

    Lightbomb, Loatheb, Echo of Medivh (nooo!). The other cards either I don't care that much about, or I feel are better in a less competitive (wild) format, like Unstable Portal. Overall I like new card designs much better than older ones.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on So standard will be the main mode...

    If MTG is any indication (and it should be), there will always be tournaments and games in Wild mode. Many people play MTG regularly, without ever buying a Standard deck. You can keep playing Wild mode if you want, forever.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should we rename Standard Mode to Facehunter Mode?

    Remember that the change will come with next expansion, so we don't know how the meta will look like with 100+ new cards to fill those roles.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Does Hearthstone need "Standard?"

    They had to do it. With infinite formats, it is very easy to have game-breaking cards, as anyone that ever played MTG might tell you. Imagine Mysterious Challenger in 2 years, when Paladin has 5 new secrets? They wouldn't even have place for all those secrets! 

    So you are left with two options: either you never print any more secrets, or you ban/nerf Mysterious Challenger. (Eventually they will have to start talking about Wild bans, and that card will certainly be banned at some point.) But Mysterious Challenger is a fun design! (Everyone hates it because the deck is currently OP, but design itself is fun.) You don't want to have to cut out all these fun cards that might eventually become OP. That is why rotation is necessary.

    Another point is power level. Some cards are always better than others. So, if you want the game to not be stale, either you start making ever-stronger cards, which is clearly horrible long term, or you take the old cards out. (Another possibility is to have frequent balance changes, but I'm not sure if that is better than rotation.) I don't want to see Dr. Boom in every deck 4 years from now. But I don't want to see either a 7-mana 8/8 destroy a random enemy minion. So we must take him out.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Ragnaros any good anymore?

    I think Ragnaros is in the spot where he is neither bad enough to be dusted, nor good enough to be a crafting priority. He fits nicely in some midrange decks, maybe tempo mage, etc., but you won't lose much at all changing him for a Dr. Balanced (in fact, I think you would only choose Rag over Dr.7 for fun or surprise factor).

    Your choice really depends mostly on which classes you prefer, since most of the options you gave are class legendaries, and all of them are basically must-have for the classes they are in. If you haven't decided which class to play, or wants something more general, I would go with Justicar, he fits most of the decks in the meta, and it a must-have in many.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone vs. Duelyst?

    It is a really good game. Won't please Blizzard fanboys, though.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Climb to legend with Aggro Druid.

    LOL at the kids trying to say that playing face druid is hard. If you count literally every option you have in a given turn, including attack your own face, you don't reach 4 or 5. "My hand is Leper Gnome and Knife Juggler, which should I play first? Oh, God, how can you give me such difficult decision to make?!"

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Do you think Hearthstone is a good game?

    Hearthstone is not that good. As someone said, Hearthstone has a lot of potential, and some games are just awesome, but usually it fails to live up to the potential. It just has some serious design flaws. For example, the game is fun when you have a lot of options, i.e. a lot of cards in hand. But then you have cards like Divine Favor, that punish that really hard (and otherwise just don't make any sense regarding game design). 

    Hearthstone has a lot of really cool cards, like Nexus-Champion Saraad, Summoning Stone, and many more. But it is designed so horribly, that all the fun cards are not viable. Because if you want to play something cool, there is always someone willing to smash your face to death before you get to do that. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Mysterious Challenger should be a Legendary card.

    Raging a little too hard, but the main idea is not bad, I wouldn't mind if MC was a legendary, I don't think it would completely break Secret Paladin (although it would make it more inconsistent).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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