Imagine being so obtuse that you would feel the need to stand up to the oppressors so you can defend a multi-billion dollar company commonly employing predatory tactics to squeeze more bucks. But what can you do when all you have to do is look at this thread to see how well it works.
Don't like it, don't buy it, and how it will never stop being funny how these people fail to realize the hypocrisy in this philosophy. Don't like the negativity, don't read it. Or better yet, picture your own hobby getting closer to ruin with every passing year, since clearly Hearthstone isn't yours if you fail to understand how someone who committed thousands of hours and dollars to it might be offended at the thought of being seen as nothing more than a wallet, which this adventure makes abundantly clear. But I'm sure that's just entitlement.
The myth of amazing value for $20, and how it only works if we not only ignore what 20 dollars usually gets you in the context of video games in general, but also in the context of the very same game, with the adventures of three years ago giving you everything there was to give and the fanbase praising the model because of it, myself included. And now what you get is 15 packs that are already obsolete because as it turns out, when you go a full 2 months into the expansion you will find that everyone has crafted what they wanted already. In addition to that there's a barely usable and undisenchantable legendary, and a golden pack which ends in 300 dust most of the time. Funnily enough you'd be better off just buying the packs off the shop, since not only can you do so day one, but they'd also help fill your collection with rares and bring you closer to a guaranteed legendary, which many people seem to ignore for some reason when they keep bringing up 20 bucks for a legendary that's better than packs!
But you can just buy it with gold says the casual player, with little regard to how he's going to need that gold for the next expansion since most people save up during this time, and when even the 50 packs you'd get with gold aren't really enough for more than 2 meta decks, good luck trying to deal with just 20. Oh, unless, we buy the preorder! Finally it makes sense why some are calling this a scam. It takes advantage of people with poor foresight to leave them in a tight spot, with opening their wallet conveniently being the easiest solution to their predicament. It won't work with a lot of people, but as long as it works with a few then it is worth it, since it's all about the short-term profit.
Notice how I didn't say anything about the actual content so far. That's because I think it's good. It's just not good enough to glance over Actiblizz's eagerness to bend me over. Especially when there's so many people actually praising this and saying there is no problem whatsoever, which led to this entire rant in the first place. Something has to give, simple as that, especially since even what has 'given' in the past to soothe over people like me is not even given anymore.
Thank you Rando, I wish I could have been as much clear as you were. It's a pity that people wouldn't even bother to read/understand what you wrote, but I agree 100% with what you said and nobody here really made me change my mind.
The content is still an improvement from last "dungeon runs" but that's not the point of the discussion. AbusingKel said all the things that I wanted to say.
Regarding all the people saying "if you don't want it don't buy it" etc. etc. What you say is true but what I'm complaining about is that Blizzard's business model makes no sense at all. They are trying to sell something that was free before and I haven't seen anyone point this out, so I thought I'd share my opinion. As more and more people are essentially agreeing with me I think Blizzard really missed and opportunity with the Dalaran Heist and I hope they won't keep on doing this in future expansions.
Adding a bartender and some hero powers is not new content, it's lazy design. Putting a price tag on this sad thing is even worse.
2800 gold for a legendary I won't play and max one week of replayability.
Instead of investing in new game modes they are giving less and less, I don't think Hearthstone will go that far like this. here you are saying one week of replayability? Your arguments are flawed. Let's say you buy any other game. How long would you say it would take you to complete the game? Any other game these days it wouldn't take you that long, probably max 12 hours of gameplay. That doesn't seem replayable. (AAA games are another discussion). Plus they spanned out the adventure over a few weeks so you can't binge it in one hit and will come back for more. And last but not least, you can also play it the f2p way if you buy it with gold, you'd only be behind 2 weeks at the most after all the wings have been released. So if you think that the adventure isn't worth it then my friend you've probably never enjoyed a single game in your life.
I don't buy 12 hours games cause I don't enjoy those. I'm not only complaining of the exaggerated cost of this mode (which is subjective), but the fact is that I feel like they are mocking me. Why should I "pay" for something that I got for free till now.
15 packs are not worth it, the legendary is plain trash especially for the players that already got Whizbang. They simply added some (quite good) new features to the old system of the dungeon run. The old adventures where fckin cool, the puzzle thing was great, the dungeon run was exciting the first time... they can't think that the "dungeon run prototype" will be fine for 4+ expansions.
I’m always amazed that some people believe “right minded” people wouldn’t spend money in the game.
Maybe is not about that, maybe you just don’t make enough bro.
From where I see it, you shouldn’t be playing if you can’t afford to play the way you want, should spend that hours in something smarter.
I think sometimes it's just people fed up with something they see as a bad business model.
I say this because I found the changes Blizzard decided for this year were the final straw for me.
I have been playing since Beta, I spent an extremely high amount of money in the game, with a few hundreds every expansion.
But the decision they had made years ago to stop the Aventure/Expansion model, which I saw as a fine investment and suitable model to use, since it was the best for both long standing and new players, left me dissatisfied. Mostly because I saw an increase in yearly cost, which I personally didn't think was entirely worth it. Adventures featured less cards which meant those were more impactful, as opposed to three normal Expansions where you had far more useless cards, and a much higher cost.
Still, I was dissatisfied but continued to support it. When they decided to actually change the model to not only keep the three Expansions, but also now charge for the Adventure content, that really pissed me off. There is no actual content benefit provided to players for this extra cost, as they were free until now. You pay an extra for the Adventure that you were receiving for free by paying a ton for the expansion.
I personally decided to stop spending money in the game entirely. Not because I cannot afford to, I can. But because I think I shouldn't support a decision that I think is terrible on their part. That is the only way Blizzard will care, by losing revenue.
This is exactly what I wanted to say, I've spent money on this game before, the fact is that the more this goes on and the less their business model seems worthy of my money.
I was really excited to play this new game mode but I was really let down. The game mode is just a dungeon run 2.0 with very little innovation.
The money/gold requirement to buy the whole thing is not worth at all, it's essentially a dungeon run but with the cash grab.
I hope Blizzard will never do another adventure like this cause it sucks so hard, first we had the adventures but we got all the cards and it was actually great, then they made adventures free but without cards and I accepted it. Now you have to pay too to play this shit mode...
Instead of increasing the playable game modes they have been essentially spamming the same mode for the last 3 expansions or so and now behind a "paywall" too. A really bad mode imo.
I'm sick of this sh*t happening, my internet is fine, none of the other games I play ever froze. Especially when I lose arena matches this makes me really want to ragequit this game.
2019 and still losing arena games to random bullshit game freeze. We were stuck like this forever, close and open the app and there it is my loss. Nice 2 cent company...
I agree with you, they haven't added a new game mode in years and when they repeat the same brawl several times it feels really bad.
I wish they would introduce a new game mode like this with special rules and funky heroes. Something that has a refreshing look and not the same old plain boring stuff. It's not like they aren't making millions out of the game, they should invest a bit more on innovation.
The druid deck has been the worst for me, seems like a deck made with random cards.
Vex is really fun but often you are just helping the opponent pwn you. Also the deck has many bad cards (dealing 10 dmg to my face? Count me in hahaha)
The hunter deck is fun too if you pick the power that gives you a card form your opponent hand if you play a spell.
As Crovax said the only downside is that George is too strong with no real counters (maybe Raeth? Never played the matchup)
Not worth in gold (and it's 12 packs not 15). With real money I guess you could call it "worth".
I get this everyday even when I'm just navigating through the site View&isp=Google LLC&lang=it&os=Android&osv=6.0&browser=Chrome&browserv=74&brand=unknown&model=unknown&marketing_name=Redmi 4&tablet=2&rheight=0&rwidth=0
Thank you Rando, I wish I could have been as much clear as you were. It's a pity that people wouldn't even bother to read/understand what you wrote, but I agree 100% with what you said and nobody here really made me change my mind.
The content is still an improvement from last "dungeon runs" but that's not the point of the discussion. AbusingKel said all the things that I wanted to say.
Regarding all the people saying "if you don't want it don't buy it" etc. etc. What you say is true but what I'm complaining about is that Blizzard's business model makes no sense at all. They are trying to sell something that was free before and I haven't seen anyone point this out, so I thought I'd share my opinion. As more and more people are essentially agreeing with me I think Blizzard really missed and opportunity with the Dalaran Heist and I hope they won't keep on doing this in future expansions.
Adding a bartender and some hero powers is not new content, it's lazy design. Putting a price tag on this sad thing is even worse.
I don't buy 12 hours games cause I don't enjoy those. I'm not only complaining of the exaggerated cost of this mode (which is subjective), but the fact is that I feel like they are mocking me. Why should I "pay" for something that I got for free till now.
15 packs are not worth it, the legendary is plain trash especially for the players that already got Whizbang. They simply added some (quite good) new features to the old system of the dungeon run. The old adventures where fckin cool, the puzzle thing was great, the dungeon run was exciting the first time... they can't think that the "dungeon run prototype" will be fine for 4+ expansions.
This is exactly what I wanted to say, I've spent money on this game before, the fact is that the more this goes on and the less their business model seems worthy of my money.
2800 gold for a legendary I won't play and max one week of replayability.
Instead of investing in new game modes they are giving less and less, I don't think Hearthstone will go that far like this.
I was really excited to play this new game mode but I was really let down. The game mode is just a dungeon run 2.0 with very little innovation.
The money/gold requirement to buy the whole thing is not worth at all, it's essentially a dungeon run but with the cash grab.
I hope Blizzard will never do another adventure like this cause it sucks so hard, first we had the adventures but we got all the cards and it was actually great, then they made adventures free but without cards and I accepted it. Now you have to pay too to play this shit mode...
Instead of increasing the playable game modes they have been essentially spamming the same mode for the last 3 expansions or so and now behind a "paywall" too. A really bad mode imo.
No I don't want that, I spent years to obtain my card collection it's just not fair.
Moreover they can't refund it or they will break the economy of the game giving old players essentially unlimited dust.
Finally we are talking about Blizzard whose main purpose has been milking the players through the years, I don't think this will ever happen.
I'm sick of this sh*t happening, my internet is fine, none of the other games I play ever froze. Especially when I lose arena matches this makes me really want to ragequit this game.
2019 and still losing arena games to random bullshit game freeze. We were stuck like this forever, close and open the app and there it is my loss. Nice 2 cent company...
I like the shaman too, always get at least 2 fountains
Nah, it's fun for me, lots of interesting matchups
I agree with you, they haven't added a new game mode in years and when they repeat the same brawl several times it feels really bad.
I wish they would introduce a new game mode like this with special rules and funky heroes. Something that has a refreshing look and not the same old plain boring stuff. It's not like they aren't making millions out of the game, they should invest a bit more on innovation.
The druid deck has been the worst for me, seems like a deck made with random cards.
Vex is really fun but often you are just helping the opponent pwn you. Also the deck has many bad cards (dealing 10 dmg to my face? Count me in hahaha)
The hunter deck is fun too if you pick the power that gives you a card form your opponent hand if you play a spell.
As Crovax said the only downside is that George is too strong with no real counters (maybe Raeth? Never played the matchup)