When I was your age, people had to track their collections with pen & paper!
Jokes aside... but seriously, some people need to chill a bit. It is not like you are paying the Hearthpwn Staff for their work on that software.
They are providing it for free to make your game and collecting habits more convenient. And yeah, bugs happen! This doesn't mean that they have to work full time to fix it (even tho I believe that they are doing pretty much that) just so you can be ungrateful and even insult them while waiting for a few hours or days.
They are humans aswell and sometimes troubleshooting and fixing takes some time.
Keep up the good work!
Tess replays the neutral Lotus Gang cards (because they're also Shaman and Druid cards, the code marks them as cards from another class). So, you should throw Blackpaw and Lotus Agent in there.
Or The Darkness