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    posted a message on High Inquisitor Whitemane


    could make it stronger yes

    Posted in: High Inquisitor Whitemane
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    posted a message on Since hearthstone has given up the gold economy, are f2p players now unable to compete in standard?
    Quote from 3nnu1 >>


    So I spent money on the mini expansions when I first started playing hearthstone, but went f2p when they moved to 3 expansions a year.

    Since that time I have been f2p and have been able to maintain a decent collection, get 80-100 packs every expansion and continue to enjoy the game. I make legend pretty much every time I shoot for it (for example 4 of the last 6 months). So I could have continued to go on like this for as long as hearthstone was a thing. 

    There were leaked details a while back of what this system would look like. The gold rewards would be nerfed, and basically only people who spent money could open enough packs to compete in standard on opening day. 

    The most fun I would have in hearthstone would be on release day, opening those packs, trying out the new decks, trying to home brew my own, trying to figure out which crafts were worth it. Balancing the need to earn rewards with the limited resources of a f2p. Was a fun little mental challenge which sparked my interest 3x a year. 

    If what was said about this new track is accurate. All of this will go out the window with the new system. Even with max rewards, you could open max say 40 packs on opening day which would make competing in standard impossible and depressing. I could limp along in wild, which I may do, I do have quite an extensive collection at this point. But basically, unless this new system is completely different than what was leaked. I am basically unable to play standard competively as a F2P next year (I will still be able to buy 100 packs of the new expansion this time around). 

    So I am curious what the rest of you think of this. Should a f2p be able to compete by grinding quests and managing resources? Or should we be relegated to being 2nd class citizens and lose out on the pleasure of enjoying release day?





     Ftp here, bro i dont see the problem, we are gonna spend the gold we save until 12 november plus the gold we will loot along the way of the rewards track, on April we just spend the gold we earned playing during the whole expansion. Eitherway play some wild with decks you love, competing the old-timers (mostly) and the classic strong combo aggros control and supermemes. As an ftp balancing the need to earn rewards with the limited resources isn't the only thing you can do while you are also a veteran. You earned it to have some WILD fun with that cards.

    Quote from SebaMadness2 >>

    They removed gold? Time to quit then.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New to wild
    Quote from SilverBlooD >>

    In your place i would probably do long term investments when it comes to wild. Aggro decks are cheap indeed, however they are also the most unsafe to craft. If you have most of the standard cards, that means that you probably have: Bloodmage Thalnos, Zephrys, Polkelt. Those are 3 cards used in Reno Priest, which is currently tier 1 deck and i don't see them nerfing it soon. Even if they nerf it, they will just try and decrease win rate of the deck, they won't kill it. 

    My suggestion for craft would be:

    - Reno and Kazakus (Those two are very important cards for Reno Mage, Priest and Warlock).

    - Raza and DK Anduin (Those two are important for Reno Priest).

    That is 6400 dust, you can use rest of the dust to finish cards for Reno Priest and later gather dust for other two Reno decks (Mage and Warlock)


     Malygos aproves!!

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on New Gamemode?

    Come One, come All! 

    So maybe it coul be an alternative game where you play with all cards from all classes?

    or a tournament mode in which you enter to play 10 different class decks????

    and seeing those 3 baloons 1 green-common, 1 purple-epic and 1 red-? a new type of cards with a red gem???

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on crafting Raza Priest-instant LEGEND
    Quote from Biomass >>

    Why do you feel entitled to blame anyone else for your inability to reach legend ? 

     i am multi times legend bro, try something else more degenarating to impress me


    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on crafting Raza Priest-instant LEGEND
    Quote from MvonTzeskagrad >>

    Renolock with Grizzled Mage and Sir Finley mauls Raza priests...

    wich reminds me I actually want to find some goddamn raza priests.

     2 card combo tech in a tier 4 deck!!

    which reminds me why i wrote this post

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on crafting Raza Priest-instant LEGEND
    Quote from Frijamabob >>

    lots of easy mode decks to legend for wild.. chill bro~

     All the other easy mode decks have tones of risks to not perform well while raza now is a godpower deck, no matter how it draws or the opponents archetype-execpt maly druid, which can also disturb- and can survive the most op highrolls and win


    Quote from guyopt >>

    - There are some good tech counters to Raza (beneath ground, the Finley and swap combo, the Drakness, bombs)

    - Quest mage is strong counter and great deck to play.

    - Agree that Raza Priest is very strong now (best deck for sure), it needs some balance changes (maybe Raza to 6 or 7 mana?) 

     Rip Quest  Mage.... finally

    Raza is a big balance problem but recently given tools to spam zephrys or kazakus or easy counter combo decks that used to win against raza is the reason of this post.



    Quote from Saber_L >>

     Saber: please just take a look to this post and valuate the 3 quotes and my responses / or take a look at this post and pick the more degenarating quote, By the way i upvote cause it seems yo just farm upvotes!! kdos

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on crafting Raza Priest-instant LEGEND

    Why not? Just when you click ''Done'' you all priest players should get to legend and let the others have some fun.

    Legit questions to Raza players out there

    How many more times you plan to hit legend spaming the hero power that looks like.........?


    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on SO, you wanna be a priest...
    Quote from user-100219410 >>

    I'm probably gonna get some flame because of this, but I miss playing as, and against raza priest. The rush you get when both of you are aware that you are on a timer was really fun for me, even tho a lot of times it was frustrating, I loved it. I almost exclusively play priest in wild, and make homebrew otk decks. 🤷‍♂️

     The day i will buy Blizzard, the very first thing i will do is to delete Priest from the game . But when i read such comments im thinking of deleting all the acounts that played raza for more than 1001 days or reached  legend more than 5 times with it.

    And because i see you have no idea what is to play against priest and espesially machine gun raza/on 5/ +4-times zephrys reno godpowertopdeck priest, i ll just say that if a new streamer shows up with a name like disgustig triest

    playing only priest counter decks without touching this disgusting class he or she would be the most popular and succesfull because of the amount of priest haters out there.

    Soooo if you wann be a priest look it up, seek help

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Disapointed in Hearthstone now
    Quote from Liam3Bucks >>

    Play wild. 

     OP is a main prits player so .....no, dont play wild we dont need another raza around to bring in wild all this shit that OP complains here for.

    Wild is the place my friend, but no with Prits.

    you can choose  a strong deck -legend able- to compete with 0 random or discover in any of the texts of your cards, and the majority of your  opponents will also play more ''solid'' decks.

    ofcourse mage and prits play tones of random cards and make the game less fun  but the game is open to all ages.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on RNG strangeness
    Quote from HatShapedHat >>

    How come I never see any threads involving incidents where people have greatly benefited from RNG?  Seems like those incidents are always conveniently forgotten.

    good idea!!! so i made a thread


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on R N G + HighRolls =Legend

    Hi there, i hit Legend today  i want to speak about RnG highrolls and to show some pics proving that maybe i didnt ''deserve'' to be a legend this month playing such a deck - perhaps the fastest highroll deck causing quite a few opponents to concede in 1 or 2 turn.

    i play a big shaman deck in wild, a bit modified to make it through aggros and the  variance of OP decks in wild ladder . i screenshot most of my highrollls during some last games.The file allready contains 15. i post here the most extreme. 

    I have made also another file named -unfun HS- and still has 1 picture -Jaina-, just 1 screenshot of an extrem highroll that made me lose. Any other game i lost seemed fair and deserved.

    This is not a peper thread im not showing of my ''best wins''

    it isnt a salt thread asswell while im  saying that no matter how lucky ancestor call i had with Raza priests,pulling Raza , Zephry or Reno or whatever,  this deck 90% wins playing the perfect cards every turn in any situation, stealing minions, turns, and part of the fun.-i hate priest-

    and i do say that i am Benefited by RNG. cheers!! delete rpeist



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Zuljin Highlander Legend Deck

    Nice touch-Zul'jin-! congrats! keep beating priest!!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Legendary] Zul'jin

    congrats man!! and very interesting deck you made there, always nice to see priest counters 

    Posted in: [Legendary] Zul'jin
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    posted a message on Are Blizzard employees following threads?

    Scorpyon and   xskarma  are undercover   blizzard's agents. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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