• -16

    posted a message on Fireguard Destroyer

    Good by itself but bad in a organized deck, unless Shaman doesn't run Blackwing Corruptor. A turn 4 overload indicates Fire Elemental in the hand. But the influence of Blackwing Corruptor is still unknown. Should it become too mandatory, this card won't be good.

    Posted in: Fireguard Destroyer
  • 0

    posted a message on Volcanic Lumberer

    In fact a really bad card because a Druid deck consists of few minions, and the hero power cannot create minions. Meanwhile it doesn't have good board wipe like others. So the cost won't be reduced much. Possibly you still play this with 7 mana, where AoW is much better although expensive to craft.

    Posted in: Volcanic Lumberer
  • 0

    posted a message on How to counter Grim Patron warrior deck?

    I think the deck might be too slow if Grim Patron had its days and you still didn't combo to win. Usually turn 7 AoL, turn 8 Loatheb and Shade, then turn 9 combo for a free win. Losing against Warrior means you don't have enough resistant minions to keep the board, or just not lucky enough to have Wild Growth in every starting hand.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Gang up and mill rogue

    It's a reasonable build. But you can play against it by simply flush everything from your hand as quickly as possible. Think about which minions are important and let them hit the board first. In that way, the loss is less if the Rogue plays Vanish and destroy minions when your hand is full.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -1

    posted a message on Dragon Consort

    Given its cost, it would be in a control-heavy deck that employed this card. Also current Dragons cost pretty much. I don't think this will become a part of some gruesome cancer Drake Paladin deck. Think what Dragons you are going to include.

    It will be pretty nasty to fight against if you employ most useful Dragons, typically with very high cost, and play Holy Wrath. Giants cost more than Dragons and are more favourable with Holy Wrath set, but they cannot come on the board as easy as Dragons.

    Posted in: Dragon Consort
  • 1

    posted a message on Volcanic Drake

    It seems Brian Kibler spoke very highly of this. But it's not often to kill 3 or more minions friend or foe within 1 turn. You have to have many minions in your deck so that they can be on the board and trade, which rules out Priest Warrior and Druid. Playing it with 4 mana is typical. In that case it's better than 5/4, but still lost against Piloted Shredder.

    Posted in: Volcanic Drake
  • 0

    posted a message on Hungry Dragon

    Typically, you summon one 1-drop for your foe, and can immediately kill the weakling. In other cases, just give him a 1-drop to show aggressively that you can wipe the board thus simply don't care. In all ways this card cannot be bad in midrange or control decks.

    And a good option for Priest, too. Since Priest deck consists of Shadow Madness and Cabal and Mind Control Tech, sometimes your opponent would try everything not to be stolen. That way you just give him a pepper and steal it back.

    Posted in: Hungry Dragon
  • 0

    posted a message on Blackwing Corruptor

    It's quite sad that everyone else can play a turn 5 lesser Fire Elemental, while Shaman is highly unlikely to be able to, because Shaman have to overload on certain turn and if you don't overload on turn 4, your foe can press on and force you to overload on turn 5, making a turn 6 Fire Elemental unavailable.

    Now it's even damned harder. To play this 5/4 you must not overload on turn 4. A perfect tempo would be turn 5 corruptor then turn 6 classic fire ele. In a competitive game it won't be this easy. Don't worry about Dragon in hand though, as Shaman does have Azure Drake and tends to hold it in hand.

    Posted in: Blackwing Corruptor
  • 2

    posted a message on Solemn Vigil

    Very few drawing options are introduced in BRM, so this one is so valuable.  My best hope is to replace Lay On Hand with this card for Paladin's drawing. If you have a weapon equipped, it's not hard to kill 2 enemy minions in one turn with or without minion trading.

    Posted in: Solemn Vigil
  • 2

    posted a message on Druid of the Flame

    I like the idea putting Druid of the Claw/Fang/Flame all in the deck. The 7/7 Fang is like a 5-drop giant that puts a real threat on the board. Because Mister Boom is almost mandatory, one 7/7 is gonna get BGH so others are not.

    It takes at least 8 additional Beast for Druid of the Fang to work, where 3-drop Beasts are really scarce. 1-drop: Stonetusk Boar. 2-drop: owl or Haunted Creeper. 4-drop: 5/4 strider, although lost against the shredder. 5-drop: Druid of the Claw already, and the mighty kodo. Not much point using a high level Beast because you need 5 to play Druid of the Fang anyway so it's 5+5.

    Posted in: Druid of the Flame
  • 2

    posted a message on Raging Worgen

    Worgen + Charge + Inner Rage or Cruel Taskmaster for a 16 damage charge-in. Use two cards to enrage for 20 damage. This is a devastating combo as it only takes 6 to 8 mana, giving a Warrior player at least 2 mana to remove taunt( Owl silencing or 1-mana single removal), or just play a weapon for an extra 3 or 4 damage.

    You can use Rampage to spend 2 mana for extra 6 damage. Worgen + Charge + double Inner Rage + double Rampage deals 32 in total. Even with only one Rampage it's pretty much lethal out of full health with weapon. It's only too extreme to come true in actual game because you probably can't survive for having too many dead cards in hand.

    Interestingly, Worgen combo was employed by a Korean player in Blizzcon 2014, and successfully knocked out Kolento with a weapon topdeck. This charge-in combo is much less viable than its Druid or Shaman counterpart and similar to Arcane Golem + Power Overwhelming + Faceless Manipulator. Normally Warrior just go for Gromm Hellscream for lower burst but higher viability.

    Posted in: Raging Worgen
  • 0

    posted a message on Frost Shock

    Sadly there is one way to use this card in OTK decks. Use Ancestral Call to put Malygos in, then use multiple spell to burn down your foe in one turn with at most 6 mana. That's where this card comes in, as it costs only 1 and can target hero.

    Posted in: Frost Shock
  • 2

    posted a message on Ravenholdt Assassin

    It suffers high-cost penalty. Hence if you trade it into other minions you lose some value. There was a weird combination for Shaman which used Windfury and Rockbite in attempt to one-shot your foe with Stealth minions like Shade of Naxx or this assassin. Not a bad rare pick in ARENA though.

    Posted in: Ravenholdt Assassin
  • 1

    posted a message on Gnomeregan Infantry

    There are very few taunt minions that have instant offensive effect. Druid of the Claw is strong because it can do taunt or charge. This little guy has too low attack to do anything though. It seems to work with Hobgoblin but Hobgoblin didn't do quite well in recent tournaments. So let's keep this as a passable ARENA card.

    Posted in: Gnomeregan Infantry
  • 0

    posted a message on Neptulon

    In the past, it's quite easy against Shaman because for a control deck you only need to take out very few specific minions and the rest of Shaman's arsenal are all critters with low attack, all of which are vunerable to the bide-and-wipe strategy.

    It got so much better now as Neptulon is one big guy and 4 small Murlocs in total. That means one more single removal and one more AOE are needed to control against this card. The downside is its overload for 3, rendering Al'akir unavailable next turn. If played on turn 7 it even blocks Fire Elemental.

    Posted in: Neptulon
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