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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase III [Discussion Topic]

    Challenge 1 is good, am a bit unsure about challenge 2, and challenge 3 is just really dumb. Challenge 2 is semi-interesting but seems like it would mostly create uninteresting cards. However, it does help explore the weaknesses of a class, so it's a bit more fine. Challenge 3 I just really dislike. The first part ("must utilize a core aspect of your class") is basically common sense when designing the classic legendary of a class, and I guess would be fine as a challenge. However, being forced to use your class' keyword (if you have one) is bad. For some keywords, it massively limits what sort of a thing the legendary could do. The legendary could easily stick to the main themes without using the keyword.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Submission Topic]


    The Researcher class is all about science and everything related to that. Its flavors can include artificer-like things, knowledge and information, sci-fi or steampunk themes and more. The class is good at card draw, but its cards are often situational or combo-dependent, so you'll end up needing the card advantage you get to make up for those drawbacks. The class is more focused on spells than minions, and has many cards that synergize with them, although we won't see that too much in basic yet. However, the class can play minions, and has ways of having them survive for long times and get a tempo advantage when combined with spells.

    Keyword: Study

    Study works sort of as a situational Combo, but also works if the previous card was played last turn, as long as it fits the condition. In cards, study would be formatted like " Study a Spell: X" where the word 'Spell' could be replaced with any other condition, and X is the additional effect the card gains.

    Example Cards

    • Stormbringer is a decently-sized minion with an effect that's very good with small spells or if you can get it to stick on the board for a couple turns.
    • Critterize lets you get a good trade on an enemy minion with your own, or can be used with a ping effect to kill the target easily. Good situationally or when you can combo with it, like many cards in the class.
    • Death Ray lets you kill a minion for slightly less mana than normal, but has a slight restriction on what it can target. Strong but inflexible.
    • Rummage lets you dig through your deck a bit faster. As long as you don't mind the discard too much.
    • Defensive Array lets you get good trades with your minions and keeps them safe. Even though the class doesn't focus too much on minions, it likes keeping those it has well protected and has several minions that get good value if they stay on the board long enough.

    Remaining Cards

    Previous Phase

    Phase 1

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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase I [Submission Topic]

    The Researcher

    Researcher is a class that is all about knowledge, science, and everything related to those. The class can draw cards well, but to balance that out, many of its cards are combo-dependent, situational, or have drawbacks in other ways. Researcher is unlikely to have cards that can answer to a situation whenever and with no trouble. Spells are another important thing for the class, and many of its minions synergize with them.

    The class also has its own keyword, Study, which gives you a benefit if the last card you played fills a specific condition. Here I have Replicable Results, a spell which uses Study, as an example of the keywords formatting and of what could be done with it. In card text, it is written like "Study a (condition): X", and while uncommon, some cards, such as this one, might refer to the card that has been Studied. Replicable Results itself could be used to gain value by copying some big minions, or to duplicate minions for combos.

    Deduce to Reduce: Researcher gets good card draw tools, and Deduce to Reduce is one of them. Same cost and same amount of draw as Arcane Intellect, but this lets you have some control over what you specifically draw, and gets through your deck faster. In a combo or control deck, you could use this to get those combo pieces or answers you need at the moment.

    The Cost of Progress: For just two mana, this destroys a minion, but with the hefty cost of discarding two of your cards. If you can overcome that cost, it's quite strong. You could draw more cards to replace those you've lost, use the hero power to avoid having to discard valuable cards (the token goes to the right side of your hand), or you could play a tempo-like deck where the efficient way to gain board advantage is more valuable than the card advantage you lose.

    Brain Blast: A removal spell that is made more powerful by the card draw in the class. Especially strong in decks that tend to keep their hands large, like control and combo.

    Laboratory Guard: One of many spell synergy minions in the class. Could be used as a finisher in a miracle-like deck, if you can keep it alive for a turn. Buff this up with an Abusive Sergeant or something similar, then spam as many spells as you can for a large amount of burst.

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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    Pretty much done with my submission post now, I think. Gonna leave this here now and post it later today or tomorrow probably.

    The Researcher

    Researcher is a class that is all about knowledge, science, and everything related to those. The class can draw cards well, but to balance that out, many of its cards are combo-dependent, situational, or have drawbacks in other ways. Researcher is unlikely to have cards that can answer to a situation whenever and with no trouble. Spells are another important thing for the class, and many of its minions synergize with them. 

    The class also has its own keyword, Study, which gives you a benefit if the last card you played fills a specific condition. Here I have Replicable Results, a spell which uses Study, as an example of the keywords formatting and of what could be done with it. In card text, it is written like "Study a (condition): X", and while uncommon, some cards, such as this one, might refer to the card that has been Studied. Replicable Results itself could be used to gain value by copying some big minions, or to duplicate minions for combos.

    Deduce to Reduce: Researcher gets good card draw tools, and Deduce to Reduce is one of them. Same cost and same amount of draw as Arcane Intellect, but this lets you have some control over what you specifically draw, and gets through your deck faster. In a combo or control deck, you could use this to get those combo pieces or answers you need at the moment.

    The Cost of Progress: For just two mana, this destroys a minion, but with the hefty cost of discarding two of your cards. If you can overcome that cost, it's quite strong. You could draw more cards to replace those you've lost, use the hero power to avoid having to discard valuable cards (the token goes to the right side of your hand), or you could play a tempo-like deck where the efficient way to gain board advantage is more valuable than the card advantage you lose.

    Brain Blast: A removal spell that is made more powerful by the card draw in the class. Especially strong in decks that tend to keep their hands large, like control and combo.

    Laboratory Guard: One of many spell synergy minions in the class. Could be used as a finisher in a miracle-like deck, if you can keep it alive for a turn. Buff this up with an Abusive Sergeant or something similar, then spam as many spells as you can for a large amount of burst.

    Edit: done some adjustments, think I'm pretty much ready to post.

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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    Finally got some time, so gonna review some of other people's classes, starting with those on page 15. I'll probably continue later with more reviews of either pages before that, or ones after it if there's been new posts.

    Quote from Noah_McGrath >>

    Hopefully i haven't made any mistakes this time.

    The Bloodburner

    Lore/Flavor: Most mages utilize mana as the source of their power. However, there is another form of magic, an ancient and dangerous one where the user draws strength from blood. Sacrificing your blood and flesh to fuel your spells is dangerous and few can endure the cost of this powerful sorcery. Among these there are the lizardmen, who's reptilian regeneration allows them to recover quickly after casting blood spells. The most common form of blood magic is bloodburning, or igniting one's own veins to manipulate the resulting flames.

    The Bloodburner utilizes both his and his minions' health as a source of power. Self damage is a core theme of the class, but blood mages are very creative with how they utilize damage and health. Another theme of the class is the relation between spells and minions. Spells will almost always hurt you, or benefit from low health, while minions will heal you, or protect you from damage. This is according to the flavor/lore of the class, as blood magic requires sacrifice and reptilians are able to regenerate their bodies fast. 

    Since you use blood to fuel your magic, taking damage (thus bleeding) offers a temporary boost in power. The first time your hero takes damage in a turn, all cards with fresh blood trigger their effects. Fresh Blood can trigger during your turn, or during your opponent's, but only happens once per turn. You need to consider the order of your actions to make the most out of your cards.

    Example cards:

    1. Swamp healer: Example of  a healing minion. You can play this on turn 5 and use your hero power, thus triggering the heal, or you can play it on turn 3. The enemy must decide whether to kill it, or attack your face (thus triggering a heal on their turn).
    2. Serpentine Apprentice: The Bloodburner has a strong hero power, and many cards interact with it. This minion allows for better control of the board while inflicting less damage on yourself.
    3. Regeneration amulet: Blood magic user prefer to not use weapons, as they already take enough damage fro their own magic. However, they are fond of amulets, trinkets and other amplifying charms. Bloodburner's weapons all have 0 attack, but they give you strong passive effects. Regeneration Charm basically prevents the first instance of damage you receive in a turn, for a maximum of 3 turns. You can shake off enemy attacks or the self damage of your abilities.
    4. Fiery Blood: One strong benefit of fire based magic is powerful boardclears. This spell is an example of a running theme in my class, which is effects active during your opponent's turn. Fiery Blood can deal 0 damage if the enemy decides to ignore you for one turn, or it can deal a lot if they go all in. They can still trade with your minions, but if you take any damage (from spells, weapons, hero powers, fatigue or minions) your spilled blood will burn them.
    5. Bloodflame Bolt: This turns your missing health directly into damage, making a great removal spell. Many spells get better the lower health your hero has, creating a risk/reward playstyle. You generally use your hero power in the early game to remove stuff, so by turn 4 you should have taken around 4-6 damage. Combined with the damage taken from your enemy, this can often be a stronger minion-only Fireball.

    I hope you enjoyed my custom class and i hope i will be able to develop it further in this competition!

    As always, feedback is welcome and encouraged!

     The bloodmage-like theme isn't uncommon, but you've done some things to make it different from the normal bloodmages, and originality isn't a huge issue in my opinion as long as you're not directly copying someone else.

    Hero power seems fine. Simple, probably balanced, and fitting for the class.

    Fresh Blood seems like a nice keyword. The hero power makes it usable in all the decks of the class, and it's usually stronger if you can trigger it in some way without using the hero power. 

    Overall, the cards seem balanced. They show self-damage as a pretty major theme in the class, and it seems to me that the class might even be too narrow with its themes, if it doesn't have other major themes. It does show other themes of the class, but they're mostly tied around the self-damage theme. If I were you, I'd replace maybe the weapon with another weapon to show other things the class can do with them.


    Quote from WhiteKitsune >>

    Wow I found out about this late. Oh well. A couple notes: one, in my haste to get this posted, balance isn't where I want it to be, but I opted not to wait too long. Also, I swear this was the first thing that came to mind. Don't ask why. Anyway, here goes, and thanks for any advice.

    The Magical Girl

    The Magical Girl is not a traditional fighter. Far from a hulking brute or wizened mage, she is a normal girl who, when evil rears its head, transforms into a powerful warrior who wields great power in the service of all that is good and pure. Unfortunately, it turns out that high-school girls aren’t exactly disposed to long drag-out brawls. Thus, the Magical Girl must conserve her strength, trusting in her friends to support her and waiting for the right time to unleash her power in a single burst that no evil can stand before.

    The Magical Girl’s keyword, and unique mechanic, is Transform. She starts the game in her civilian form, but whenever she plays a card with transform, she-and her portrait-change into her costumed form (or back, if she was costumed). This doesn’t give her any new powers, per se, but several Magical Girl cars get more powerful based on which form she’s in. Generally, her spells become more power while Costumed, and she can better help her minions as a Civilian.

    The Magical Girl has a couple of gameplay themes, but mostly she tends towards control/combo, biding her time until she can unleash a big play that ends the game in swift order. She isn’t the best at pure control, and she won’t do the best turbo-combo, but many of her cards are versatile, able to switch roles as needed.

    Her primary theme depends heavily on spells, which she generally tries to make more powerful, either through her hero power, or with set cards like Dramatic Power-Up which gives a single big burst of power to be deployed as needed. It also transforms her, which allows her to get the full power out of Star-Shot (hopefully closing out the game).


    The Magical Girl is also supported by her classmates, a new tribe that buffs both each other and help the Magical Girl shape the game to her favor (and definitely aren’t those other magical girls she keeps seeing). Though Classmates are heavily tribal-focused and give the Magical Girl a more proactive option, they aren’t aggressive. Most, like the Student Council President, are much slower, either buying the Magical Girl time or helping to set up her other combos. Alternatively, they can all band together with the Power of Friendship and win by themselves.


    Even cards outside of the main playstyles are influenced by them. The Monster of the Week sure isn’t winning the game on his own, but he does keep on coming back, and back, and…

    The Magical Girl plans for a long game, using her hero power and buffs from her classmates to make her spells more and more powerful until she can blow her opponents away is a single, suitably flashy, blast. She definitely needs helps from her classmates to win, but what would a magical girl be if she couldn’t win through tactical application of friendship?

    My main questions:

    1) How should I tweak the values of the spell buffs? I'm not sure how to value the ability to build-up damage over time with the hero power

    2) Also, the numbers of the Monster. He's not supposed to be super strong (he is the monster of the week), but her certainly shouldn't be worthless


    I'm not a fan of the theme and don't think it would fit into Hearthstone.

    The hero power seems weak and like it would limit the class into being able to only do a few types of decks. It does nothing if you don't have damage spells with it, making it bad in many situations. Not a fan of it, I'd recommend trying to find an alternate effect that fits.

    The Transform keyword seems like it could be bad if you don't have cards that work with the different forms, making those cards bad in decks that don't want to commit to the theme that much, and even in decks that do commit to it if they can't draw both types of cards.

    The Classmate tribe and Power of Friendship seem flavorful. However, Student Council President isn't a fitting name for a legendary, so I'd either come up with a name or reduce the rarity. Power of Friendship also seems like it could be really bursty and too strong, surpassing the damage of Bloodlust at 4 minions, and costing only 3 mana.


    Quote from Samswize >>

    The Lich Class


    Hello, hello! Welcome to my Lich class entry, which is absolutely not a Death Knight class in disguise! ...Seriously. It's not. It's not a DK class. Please understand.

    Moving on - The Lich is a very minion-focused class. Whether it summons masses of small, easily removable minions, or singular large ones that can be almost impossible to take down, the Lich can do it all. It supports this playstyle with a variety of AoE damage, single target removal, sacrificial effects, self-healing, and a whole lot of value.

     And, as fitting for a Lich, the class has a special keyword: Sacrifice!

    "But Mr. Samswize, doesn't this effect already exist in-ga"
    Yes it is.

    Anyways, Sacrifice is quite self-explanatory - sacrifice a minion to benefit your others. It DOES NOT trigger off of itself, as some people like to believe. This effect works quite well with some Lich cards.

    Speaking of Lich cards, let's take a look at the special 5!

    This isn't a DK class I hope you all enjoyed this pile of garbage, feedback and questions are... the point of the comp. So... uh...



    VOILA! I feel that these five cards represent the main themes of the Lich class quite well. Let's go over each one in detail.

    Shambling Horror - A simple but powerful minion, the Horror is a force to be reckoned with. It has reasonably good stats for the cost, and comes with the ability to shut down an entire archetype of decks! How cool is that?

    Eternally Bound - This card is a great example of value within the Lich class - it provides a simple effect that can bring back any minion you desire - be it a wincon later in the game, or your Ghoul that just died for hidden lethal. 

    Phylactery - Death is eternal, unyielding... and this card proves it. It provides a powerful heal, letting you ignore that pesky Zoolock for a turn while letting you draw, giving you a chance to make a comeback.

    Corpse Explosion - A powerful AoE that can be used early on - the perfect counter to aggressive decks, it DOES require you to kill off one of your own servants to use however, so don't get too hasty.

    Plague Dog - The Sacrifice keyword makes an appearance on this early game minion! The Plague Dog is rather underwhelming by itself. Under-statted, and most removal is available by turn 3. But don't be deceived. This effect is very powerful, and if the Dog is protected, you can recover lots of health with your tokens swarming the board. 


    Really seems more like a Death Knight than a Lich, although I guess they can be very similar in some of their themes.

    Hero power seems fine. Slightly weaker than a Mage hero power in some cases, but can trigger things that care about minions or minions dying (like Sacrifice)

    Sacrifice is a reasonable thing to keyword, and fits the class flavor.

    The cards seem mostly fine, but Shambling Horror feels like a boring card to showcase. It's a fine basic, but it doesn't feel like it shows the themes of the class as well as some other possible cards could. 


    Quote from Phoenixfeather >>
    Just an idea :)  (2.0)

    Strengths: Value, Card Draw, Anti-Combo

    Weaknesses: Slow, Unresponsive, Low Healing

    Archetype: Tempo, Control, Combo

    When X reaches 0, the Coundown is destroyed.

    Countdowns are only for spells. Some minions may cast or generate a Countdowns as well. This takes the place off a Secret/Quest slot, so no more than 5 (in any combination) can be simultaneously active. In addition, some cards may have effects that occur while a Countdown is active. Like Secrets and Quests, you may not have multiple copies of the same Cooldown active at the same time.

    Plan for Phase 1:

    (Not a collectable card.)

    Which gal shall I choose?

    Note: Sibyl may be too consistent.

                                                                                                 Level Grind + Leeroy = Broken. Will nerf.

    Feedback not required.


    Theme seems cool. I haven't seen it too often and it could have potential

    Hero power might be fine. Ending the turn is probably a reasonable drawback to balance out drawing a card, but it means that you'll always have to do it at the end of the turn, and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

    Countdown should have some sort of a visual indicator in game, but in my opinion UI stuff is something that shouldn't be considered as a limiting factor for design, so it's fine.

    Your cards seem mostly fine. However, the basic cards you currently have seem too complex for basic. Also not a huge fan of the "Take extra turn, end it as soon as it starts" mechanic, because it does nothing outside of synergy. Also, I assume that those turns don't draw you cards or give you mana crystals, because that would be strong. If they don't, it's a bit confusing as there's no reason for why it is so.


    Quote from Turkeybag >>

    I've finished my first draft for my class idea!

    The Battlemage


    Battle mages are pretty much a fusion between warrior and mage. They use magic to create weapons, armor, and to do other things that'll help them in melee combat.

    Strengths: Versatile (Has a large Variety of tools at their disposal).

    Weaknesses: Obvious (Conjuring a weapon takes time, time which your opponent can use to prepare for said weapon)



    Conjure: Divine Armor is an example of one of the classes themes, targeted cards that's effect changes depending on the target.
    I've gotta head off to work so I'll update this with more info, my thoughts and what not later.



    Battlemage is a common theme, but it's got enough potential to allow different kind of flavors, and so far yours seems unique enough.

    Hero power is kinda neat, it's something I haven't seen before and probably has a reasonable balance. Dealing 2 damage with a hero power is fairly strong, so having a drawback like that seems fine.

    I like the cards.The mechanic shown in Conjure: Divine Armor is cool and has potential as a smooth pseudo-choose one. I think you should make Spellfury count all damage done by both you and your minions. Makes it a bit less strict, allowing for more archetypes to benefit from it. 

    Also, I have some cards of my own as well. I think I've decided on my five cards to showcase for this phase, and have a good grasp of the themes of the class. I'll write and submit my thing within the next few days, but here's the class and the cards I'm planning to use.


    Some themes: Card draw, spell synergy, efficient but situational/combo-dependant cards, controlled(-ish) discard, Study. The class will hopefully be able to support multiple archetypes, but some specific I'm pushing are Tempo (with some evasive minions and efficient removal to keep those minions safe), and combo (based on cards that synergize with spells).

    Deduce to Reduce: card draw, slightly stronger than Arcane Intellect but that's in my opinion fine since the class is supposed to be good at that

    Brain Blast: Potentially efficient removal, with the drawback of being bad when you don't have a lot of cards in your hand

    The Cost of Progress: Also efficient removal, but with a steep card advantage cost. Maybe good for tempo?

    Replicable Results: A neat Study card that can allow you to copy your value things or maybe set up some kind of combos.

    Laboratory Guard: Spell synergy, also possibly a combo enabler.

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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    Responding to some of demonxz's feedback

    Quote from Demonxz95>>

    You could probably change "Study a Dragon" to "Study (Dragon)" to make it better to read. Interesting mechanic though.

     Study was originally formatted like that, but after some discussion on Discord, I chose to use "Study a Dragon" instead of "Study (Dragon)" because it reads very smoothly and can give a slight idea on what the keyword does.

    • I mentioned before on Discord that Deduce to Reduce may be too strong for 3 mana, but not strong enough for 4 mana which puts it at an awkward spot.

    That's true, and I might change it to be 5 mana but look at 4 and draw 3 of them, or just put it to 3 mana as the class is supposed to have good card draw.

    Dragonologist is cool, although the artwork looks like it's focusing more so on the dragon than the actual dragonologist himself.

    Had some trouble finding art for it, and will probably try again later.

    Brain Blast doesn't need to say "other" because it leaves your hand when you play it anyway. Otherwise, it's a nice card. Flavor text needs to be a Jimmy Neutron reference.

    I put "other" in there for clarity, but it could be removed and I'll think about it.

    Replicable Results probably looks more like a Boomsday card in terms of artwork than Classic, but I suppose it's fine. I also don't like the idea of a spell that has a requisite for an effect and nothing else. The same thing I said about Study applies here as well.

    I agree with you about not liking a spell that does nothing without the requisite, but in this case i thought it'd be fine as minions are very common.

    Laboratory Guard is cool. Could be pretty powerful if you have buffs in your class.

    The class is unlikely to have buffs, but it is capable of some spell-spam. I wanted to have some decently big payoff for a spell-focused deck in Researcher.


    Probably gonna try give feedback to other people's classes tomorrow, once I have more time.

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    posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    Here's what I currently have made for my class, the Researcher

    Some themes in the class are card draw and things that synergize with it, spell synergy, solid single-target removal but limited board clears, discard but often in a more controlled way than warlock.


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  • 1

    posted a message on TIMESTREAM TRACKING (Year Creation Competition #1) - Phase II [Discussion Topic]

    @Shatterstar1998 Only taking a quick look through these cards at the moment, but here's a few things I want to say.

    Mjönir seems very strong for me, basically giving your next 3 hero powers "give your hero +3 attack" for 1 mana, and that's without considering the possibility of having armor from other sources (not rare for a warrior). I'd nerf it. 

    Many of the start of game cards seem like net positives for me, even if the effects you get for playing them are not the best, and that's not good. It's arguably fine if the thing you get from start of game effect is only good in a specific situation/deck (even then i'm not a huge fan), but some seem like they could just go in almost any deck and make it better. The biggest offenders in that regard to me are the Rogue, Druid, and Warlock ones.

    Both the rogue and druid cards guarantee that you'll have early removal in hand, and without the cost of actual card advantage, if they're just added to your hand. The warlock card gives you a strong boardclear that's also a big taunt, unless you get bursted down from above 10. To me that seems far too easy to get. 

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    posted a message on TIMESTREAM TRACKING (Year Creation Competition #1) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]
    Quote from freddoccino>>
    Quote from aaro54>>

    Here's a draft for my submission, the Year of the Mech. Probably going to post it very soon, just writing it here first so I can have a look at how it looks before posting.

    The Year of the Mech

    Welcome to the Year of the Mech. This sets gains its name from the first two sets, which both try to revisit some of the flavor themes last seen in Goblins vs Gnomes, and bring back the Mech tribe that has received an awfully low amount of support after GvG rotated out.

    Set 1: Westfall Redemption

    In the region of Westfall, law and order have collapsed. In the already chaotic region, a valuable material used for mechs discovered underground adds more complexity to the situation. Gangs fight each other and themselves for that material, opportunistic engineers offer their services for anyone willing to pay enough, or construct their own mechanical armies to take it all for themselves, all while Stormwind struggles with bringing the region back under control.

    Westfall Redemption portrays, among other themes, the more volatile goblin side of engineering. Goblin engineers, ready to work for whoever pays the most or for no one else but themselves try to make do with what they have in the chaotic situation, Assembling impressive mechs out of nothing. Assemble is the keyword for the set. When you play a card that Assembles, you get to choose one of three mechs to summon. There's a total of four different mechs, but you will only have three to choose from each time you Assemble

    You can see each Mech created by Assemble in the following Spoiler (Credits to ThePixelDash from the r/customhearthstone discord for allowing me to use Hard Puncher for this)

     Example Cards:

    Desperate Engineer uses Assemble to create small mech tokens that help it stay alive, even if you have no other mechs for it to destroy for survival. 

    Illegal Improvements is a prime example of volatile and explosive goblin engineering. Use it for a bit of burst and to make a mech that will be dangerous to leave on the board, but also potentially bad for your opponent to remove, or trade up with a mech and either get some face damage or remove another minion, if you're lucky.

    Set 2: The Battle for Gnomeregan

    From one field of battle to another, this time we join Gelbin Mekkatorque on his fight to take back Gnomeregan. Once the great capitol of the gnomish race, it fell when Sicco Thermaplugg deceived Gelbin to detonate a radiation bomb in the city against troggs, claiming that the gnomish citizens would be safe. The bomb only angered and mutated the attacking trogg force, and backfired on the gnomes, killing many of them and forcing the rest of them to flee. Now, the city is inhabited by leper gnomes, irradiated troggs, and the self-proclaimed 'King of Gnomeregan', Sicco Thermaplugg, driven mad by the radiation.

    Here, we continue to explore mechs, but in different ways than what we did with chaotic goblins in the first set. This set also contains a new keyword, Irradiated. Irradiated minions spread their sickness to others, making any minions damaged by them also become irradiated. They however are doomed to die a quick death, taking 2 damage each time they attack.

    Being damaged by Irradiated minions includes damage from other sources than attacking, so if you were to Irradiate something like Baron Geddon, it would be quite strong at spreading it to everything else.

    Example cards:

    High Inventor Mekkatorque is potentially a huge amount of value for some mech decks, filling your board with different mechs. The amount of mechs summoned is naturally limited by board size, and first summons copies of any mechs in hand, and then from your deck, starting with any at the top of your deck.

    Sicco, King of Gnomeregan can really cause quite a chain of explosions with his first effect, while his second effect makes those explosions almost certain to happen sooner than later.

    Set 3: Dalaran High

    For the final set of the year, we leave the Mech theme mostly behind and venture from Gnomeregan to another grand city, this one much more lively. In the great city of mages, Dalaran High is accepting new students! Prided not only for its high quality education on magic, technology and various other subjects, but also for it's top-tier sports team, the Dalaran Gryphons. So take out your books and your writing instruments, and make sure to not miss your lectures.

    Dalaran High has a new keyword, and a new mechanic seen in a cycle of 9 books, one for each class. The Study (X):  mechanic gives you a reward if the last card you played was X, and the card could have been played on a turn before the current one. X could be many things, like card type (Minion, Spell, Weapon), specific cost, tribe or even some more specific requirements. Each class gets a Book card, which is a spell that becomes stronger as you play certain things during the game.

    Example cards:

    Field Study is a simple Study card for hunter. Being able to tutor a beast can come in handy, for example if you're playing a deck that runs mostly high cost beasts, you could play this in the late game after playing one of them to guarantee drawing another one. The part of the keyword in brackets not being bolded is intended, as with longer Study requirements, sometimes half of a card's text could end up being bolded, making it look very bad.

    Book on Magical History is the mage card of the cycle of Book cards. As with all other Book cards, the text first states what the card does, and then in brackets and italics, the thing you need to do this game to empower it. The number on the card increases whenever you play a card that improves it, so there's no need to track how many of those card you have played so far. This one could be used in some deck that happens to run many different cost spells as a decent amount of damage later in the game, or one could build a deck around getting the most out of it and using it as very powerful burst.

    Hall of Fame

    Mana Wyrm: Mana Wyrm is an extremely powerful 1-drop, and can snowball out of control very easily. Because Mage is likely going to get a spell synergy theme in Dalaran High, this could get even more insane there, so it is being rotated out. As a replacement, Arcane Artificer is rotated into the Classic set so that Mage still has a cheap spell synergy card there, but not one that is good on its own and snowballs out of control easily.

    Cold Blood: Cold Blood is both a very strong tool for aggressive decks and a cheap piece for combos. Rogue has a very strong Basic and Classic set that could do with removing one of their powerful cards. Gang Up is moved to Standard to replace it, as it is a much less powerful card that can be key to some really interesting decks. For example, it could be used in some combo with High Tinker Mekkatorque in a Mech Rogue.

    Cabal Shadow Priest; This might seem like an odd choice, as this has hardly been a problematic card at any point. That is true, and the main reason for this rotation is really the card brought to Classic to replace it, Lightbomb. With this rotation, Priest will finally have a good board clear in Classic, which means that they won't be so reliant on expansions now, and that Blizzard won't need to print more and more board clears to help the class. Cabal Shadow Priest was chosen as the card to go because like Lightbomb, it is a tool for control decks. Having so many good cards for Control Priest in Classic could make the archetype far too good, and removing one might bring it to balance.

    And that is all. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

     I really like the idea of Assemble, but I'm not as convinced on the available choices. Since you only pick three, a pool of four to choose from seems kinda strange; it would be rather unlucky if you're looking for a specific one and it's the only one that doesn't show up. In general I think you could have a slightly larger selection, like adapt, though not necessarily as many choices. The available effects are similar enough that the RNG should still feel fair in the current case, so that's well done. There's a lot of good thematic stuff going on with all the mechanics and I think you have a lot of balanced and interesting examples. I think the wording for the mage spell could simply be "Deal 1 damage for each spell..." it does the same thing: if you've cast none, it deals 0 damage. Overall I think everything looks pretty solid, maybe just make sure the first two expansions are feel different enough from each other to justify their own set -- it looks like that's on track as is. 

    The reason the Book is worded like it is is that this way, the number can update based on how many different cost spells you've cast this game so there's no need to remember or track the amount yourself.


    Also, how large changes are allowed for submitted entries? I'm not very satisfied with the Irradiated keyword on my entry anymore, and would change it if it's allowed. The change would be changing its name (to Mutate) and making the player choose one of many negative effects (like negative Adaptations) that spread through damage. It's fairly different, but the soul of the mechanic is the same, being a negative effect that spreads through damage. And if I can't change it now, is it okay to change it in a later phase?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 7

    posted a message on TIMESTREAM TRACKING (Year Creation Competition #1) - Phase I [Submission Topic]

    The Year of the Mech

    Welcome to the Year of the Mech. This sets gains its name from the first two sets, which both try to revisit some of the flavor themes last seen in Goblins vs Gnomes, and bring back the Mech tribe that has received an awfully low amount of support after GvG rotated out.

    Set 1: Westfall Redemption

    In the region of Westfall, law and order have collapsed. In the already chaotic region, a valuable material used for mechs discovered underground adds more complexity to the situation. Gangs fight each other and themselves for that material, opportunistic engineers offer their services for anyone willing to pay enough, or construct their own mechanical armies to take it all for themselves, all while Stormwind struggles with bringing the region back under control.

    Westfall Redemption portrays, among other themes, the more volatile goblin side of engineering. Goblin engineers, ready to work for whoever pays the most or for no one else but themselves try to make do with what they have in the chaotic situation, Assembling impressive mechs out of nothing. Assemble is the keyword for the set. When you play a card that Assembles , you get to choose one of three mechs to summon . There's a total of four different mechs, but you will only have three to choose from each time you Assemble

    You can see each Mech created by Assemble in the following Spoiler (Credits to ThePixelDash from the r/customhearthstone discord for allowing me to use Hard Puncher for this)

    Example Cards:

    Desperate Engineer uses Assemble to create small mech tokens that help it stay alive, even if you have no other mechs for it to destroy for survival.

    Illegal Improvements is a prime example of volatile and explosive goblin engineering. Use it for a bit of burst and to make a mech that will be dangerous to leave on the board, but also potentially bad for your opponent to remove, or trade up with a mech and either get some face damage or remove another minion, if you're lucky.

    Set 2: The Battle for Gnomeregan

    From one field of battle to another, this time we join Gelbin Mekkatorque on his fight to take back Gnomeregan. Once the great capitol of the gnomish race, it fell when Sicco Thermaplugg deceived Gelbin to detonate a radiation bomb in the city against troggs, claiming that the gnomish citizens would be safe. The bomb only angered and mutated the attacking trogg force, and backfired on the gnomes, killing many of them and forcing the rest of them to flee. Now, the city is inhabited by leper gnomes, irradiated troggs, and the self-proclaimed 'King of Gnomeregan', Sicco Thermaplugg, driven mad by the radiation.

    Here, we continue to explore mechs, but in different ways than what we did with chaotic goblins in the first set. This set also contains a new keyword, Irradiated . Irradiated minions spread their sickness to others, making any minions damaged by them also become irradiated. They however are doomed to die a quick death, taking 2 damage each time they attack.

    Being damaged by Irradiated minions includes damage from other sources than attacking, so if you were to Irradiate something like Baron Geddon , it would be quite strong at spreading it to everything else.

    Example cards:

    High Inventor Mekkatorque is potentially a huge amount of value for some mech decks, filling your board with different mechs. The amount of mechs summoned is naturally limited by board size, and first summons copies of any mechs in hand, and then from your deck, starting with any at the top of your deck.

    Sicco, King of Gnomeregan can really cause quite a chain of explosions with his first effect, while his second effect makes those explosions almost certain to happen sooner than later.

    Set 3: Dalaran High

    For the final set of the year, we leave the Mech theme mostly behind and venture from Gnomeregan to another grand city, this one much more lively. In the great city of mages, Dalaran High is accepting new students! Prided not only for its high quality education on magic, technology and various other subjects, but also for it's top-tier sports team, the Dalaran Gryphons. So take out your books and your writing instruments, and make sure to not miss your lectures.

    Dalaran High has a new keyword, and a new mechanic seen in a cycle of 9 books, one for each class. The Study (X): mechanic gives you a reward if the last card you played was X, and the card could have been played on a turn before the current one. X could be many things, like card type (Minion, Spell, Weapon), specific cost, tribe or even some more specific requirements. Each class gets a Book card, which is a spell that becomes stronger as you play certain things during the game.

    Example cards:

    Field Study is a simple Study card for hunter. Being able to tutor a beast can come in handy, for example if you're playing a deck that runs mostly high cost beasts, you could play this in the late game after playing one of them to guarantee drawing another one. The part of the keyword in brackets not being bolded is intended, as with longer Study requirements, sometimes half of a card's text could end up being bolded, making it look very bad.

    Book on Magical History is the mage card of the cycle of Book cards. As with all other Book cards, the text first states what the card does, and then in brackets and italics, the thing you need to do this game to empower it. The number on the card increases whenever you play a card that improves it, so there's no need to track how many of those card you have played so far. This one could be used in some deck that happens to run many different cost spells as a decent amount of damage later in the game, or one could build a deck around getting the most out of it and using it as very powerful burst.

    Hall of Fame

    Mana Wyrm : Mana Wyrm is an extremely powerful 1-drop, and can snowball out of control very easily. Because Mage is likely going to get a spell synergy theme in Dalaran High, this could get even more insane there, so it is being rotated out. As a replacement, Arcane Artificer is rotated into the Classic set so that Mage still has a cheap spell synergy card there, but not one that is good on its own and snowballs out of control easily.

    Cold Blood : Cold Blood is both a very strong tool for aggressive decks and a cheap piece for combos. Rogue has a very strong Basic and Classic set that could do with removing one of their powerful cards. Gang Up is moved to Standard to replace it, as it is a much less powerful card that can be key to some really interesting decks. For example, it could be used in some combo with High Tinker Mekkatorque in a Mech Rogue.

    Cabal Shadow Priest ; This might seem like an odd choice, as this has hardly been a problematic card at any point. That is true, and the main reason for this rotation is really the card brought to Classic to replace it, Lightbomb . With this rotation, Priest will finally have a good board clear in Classic, which means that they won't be so reliant on expansions now, and that Blizzard won't need to print more and more board clears to help the class. Cabal Shadow Priest was chosen as the card to go because like Lightbomb , it is a tool for control decks. Having so many good cards for Control Priest in Classic could make the archetype far too good, and removing one might bring it to balance.

    And that is all. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on TIMESTREAM TRACKING (Year Creation Competition #1) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    Here's a draft for my submission, the Year of the Mech. Probably going to post it very soon, just writing it here first so I can have a look at how it looks before posting.

    The Year of the Mech

    Welcome to the Year of the Mech. This sets gains its name from the first two sets, which both try to revisit some of the flavor themes last seen in Goblins vs Gnomes, and bring back the Mech tribe that has received an awfully low amount of support after GvG rotated out.

    Set 1: Westfall Redemption

    In the region of Westfall, law and order have collapsed. In the already chaotic region, a valuable material used for mechs discovered underground adds more complexity to the situation. Gangs fight each other and themselves for that material, opportunistic engineers offer their services for anyone willing to pay enough, or construct their own mechanical armies to take it all for themselves, all while Stormwind struggles with bringing the region back under control.

    Westfall Redemption portrays, among other themes, the more volatile goblin side of engineering. Goblin engineers, ready to work for whoever pays the most or for no one else but themselves try to make do with what they have in the chaotic situation, Assembling impressive mechs out of nothing. Assemble is the keyword for the set. When you play a card that Assembles, you get to choose one of three mechs to summon. There's a total of four different mechs, but you will only have three to choose from each time you Assemble

    You can see each Mech created by Assemble in the following Spoiler (Credits to ThePixelDash from the r/customhearthstone discord for allowing me to use Hard Puncher for this)

     Example Cards:

    Desperate Engineer uses Assemble to create small mech tokens that help it stay alive, even if you have no other mechs for it to destroy for survival. 

    Illegal Improvements is a prime example of volatile and explosive goblin engineering. Use it for a bit of burst and to make a mech that will be dangerous to leave on the board, but also potentially bad for your opponent to remove, or trade up with a mech and either get some face damage or remove another minion, if you're lucky.

    Set 2: The Battle for Gnomeregan

    From one field of battle to another, this time we join Gelbin Mekkatorque on his fight to take back Gnomeregan. Once the great capitol of the gnomish race, it fell when Sicco Thermaplugg deceived Gelbin to detonate a radiation bomb in the city against troggs, claiming that the gnomish citizens would be safe. The bomb only angered and mutated the attacking trogg force, and backfired on the gnomes, killing many of them and forcing the rest of them to flee. Now, the city is inhabited by leper gnomes, irradiated troggs, and the self-proclaimed 'King of Gnomeregan', Sicco Thermaplugg, driven mad by the radiation.

    Here, we continue to explore mechs, but in different ways than what we did with chaotic goblins in the first set. This set also contains a new keyword, Irradiated. Irradiated minions spread their sickness to others, making any minions damaged by them also become irradiated. They however are doomed to die a quick death, taking 2 damage each time they attack.

    Being damaged by Irradiated minions includes damage from other sources than attacking, so if you were to Irradiate something like Baron Geddon, it would be quite strong at spreading it to everything else.

    Example cards:

    High Inventor Mekkatorque is potentially a huge amount of value for some mech decks, filling your board with different mechs. The amount of mechs summoned is naturally limited by board size, and first summons copies of any mechs in hand, and then from your deck, starting with any at the top of your deck.

    Sicco, King of Gnomeregan can really cause quite a chain of explosions with his first effect, while his second effect makes those explosions almost certain to happen sooner than later.

    Set 3: Dalaran High

    For the final set of the year, we leave the Mech theme mostly behind and venture from Gnomeregan to another grand city, this one much more lively. In the great city of mages, Dalaran High is accepting new students! Prided not only for its high quality education on magic, technology and various other subjects, but also for it's top-tier sports team, the Dalaran Gryphons. So take out your books and your writing instruments, and make sure to not miss your lectures.

    Dalaran High has a new keyword, and a new mechanic seen in a cycle of 9 books, one for each class. The Study (X):  mechanic gives you a reward if the last card you played was X, and the card could have been played on a turn before the current one. X could be many things, like card type (Minion, Spell, Weapon), specific cost, tribe or even some more specific requirements. Each class gets a Book card, which is a spell that becomes stronger as you play certain things during the game.

    Example cards:

    Field Study is a simple Study card for hunter. Being able to tutor a beast can come in handy, for example if you're playing a deck that runs mostly high cost beasts, you could play this in the late game after playing one of them to guarantee drawing another one. The part of the keyword in brackets not being bolded is intended, as with longer Study requirements, sometimes half of a card's text could end up being bolded, making it look very bad.

    Book on Magical History is the mage card of the cycle of Book cards. As with all other Book cards, the text first states what the card does, and then in brackets and italics, the thing you need to do this game to empower it. The number on the card increases whenever you play a card that improves it, so there's no need to track how many of those card you have played so far. This one could be used in some deck that happens to run many different cost spells as a decent amount of damage later in the game, or one could build a deck around getting the most out of it and using it as very powerful burst.


    Hall of Fame

    Mana Wyrm: Mana Wyrm is an extremely powerful 1-drop, and can snowball out of control very easily. Because Mage is likely going to get a spell synergy theme in Dalaran High, this could get even more insane there, so it is being rotated out. As a replacement, Arcane Artificer is rotated into the Classic set so that Mage still has a cheap spell synergy card there, but not one that is good on its own and snowballs out of control easily.

    Cold Blood: Cold Blood is both a very strong tool for aggressive decks and a cheap piece for combos. Rogue has a very strong Basic and Classic set that could do with removing one of their powerful cards. Gang Up is moved to Standard to replace it, as it is a much less powerful card that can be key to some really interesting decks. For example, it could be used in some combo with High Tinker Mekkatorque in a Mech Rogue.

    Cabal Shadow Priest; This might seem like an odd choice, as this has hardly been a problematic card at any point. That is true, and the main reason for this rotation is really the card brought to Classic to replace it, Lightbomb. With this rotation, Priest will finally have a good board clear in Classic, which means that they won't be so reliant on expansions now, and that Blizzard won't need to print more and more board clears to help the class. Cabal Shadow Priest was chosen as the card to go because like Lightbomb, it is a tool for control decks. Having so many good cards for Control Priest in Classic could make the archetype far too good, and removing one might bring it to balance.

    And that is all. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on TIMESTREAM TRACKING (Year Creation Competition #1) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]
    Quote from NiRaSt >>
    Quote from Vilegloom >>
    Quote from thepowrofcheese >>

    Any chance I could get a Piranha, if it's not too hard?


    Wanted to crop the head of the mean-looking one to make it bigger but it didn't come out well. If they don't meet expectations I can try making another one later.


     dude, you're fast! how to you make the glow around the edges? (i assume you use photoshop)


     Not vilegloom but made a symbol for my own set, and the glow's pretty easy to do in paint.net. Once you have whatever symbol you choose on the thing, you just need to select it, invert selection (Ctrl + I) to select everything but it and then go to Effects > Photo > Glow and adjust the settings on it until you have something that looks good. 

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on TIMESTREAM TRACKING (Year Creation Competition #1) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]
    Quote from donovantx8>>
    Quote from aaro54>>
    Quote from Tomerick88>>

    The more I look to design cards for this competition the more it is bothering me about the ambiguity around when the year is set.  If this was a real year it would not be treating un'goro, knights of the frozen throne and kobolds as standard because witchwood and the year of the raven exists but we don't have the full year of the raven to work with either.

    personally I'm just going to be designing cards that work in synergy with all standard expansions unless mods confirm otherwise but it really is a niggle.

    I think it's best to design the sets as if they were fairly far into the future with none of the current standard sets. And anyways I think it's best to design the sets of one year as existing together, without outside set influence, as it's a bit bad when half of the synergy cards of some theme rotate out, leaving the other half as useless.

    Here's two keywords I'll use in sets in my year, which will be Year of the Mech. Here's the list of Mechs that Assemble can summon. It works like Adapt, you get three choices and get to summon one of them. The X in Celebrate can be a lot of things. For example, it could be Celebrate (A Spell), Celebrate (A 1-cost minion), Celebrate (A Mech) and so on.

     Assemble is a really cool idea, also kudos for not being scared to re-design Discover. Celebrate seems like a weird choice for the word, though it depends on the theme of your set.


    The set Celebrate will be on will be focused around a party held by Blingtron, so I felt like the word fit it.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on TIMESTREAM TRACKING (Year Creation Competition #1) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]


    Quote from Tomerick88 >>

    The more I look to design cards for this competition the more it is bothering me about the ambiguity around when the year is set.  If this was a real year it would not be treating un'goro, knights of the frozen throne and kobolds as standard because witchwood and the year of the raven exists but we don't have the full year of the raven to work with either.

    personally I'm just going to be designing cards that work in synergy with all standard expansions unless mods confirm otherwise but it really is a niggle.


    I think it's best to design the sets as if they were fairly far into the future with none of the current standard sets. And anyways I think it's best to design the sets of one year as existing together, without outside set influence, as it's a bit bad when half of the synergy cards of some theme rotate out, leaving the other half as useless.


    Here's two keywords I'll use in sets in my year, which will be Year of the Mech. Here's the list of Mechs that Assemble can summon. It works like Adapt, you get three choices and get to summon one of them. The X in Celebrate can be a lot of things. For example, it could be Celebrate (A Spell), Celebrate (A 1-cost minion), Celebrate (A Mech) and so on.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on TIMESTREAM TRACKING (Year Creation Competition #1) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    Are tokens as part of a keyword fine? I'm planning one that's a bit like adapt but creates small mechs instead of giving small buffs

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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