Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Why does it seem like sometimes you just reroll and reroll but never get what you want? >>
by _Nihenna_
10 4,158
Do you prefer old battlegrounds or the new one with inflated stats? >>
by _Nihenna_
10 1,511
Naga mage is probably the best first impression of a deck I've ever had >>
by _Nihenna_
7 1,573
Do you usually buy packs or not at the beginning of a new year? >>
by _Nihenna_
12 1,251
So we are back to single player content you clear in a few hours tops? >>
by _Nihenna_
9 2,338
Is Baron Rivendare a problem? >>
by _Nihenna_
2 1,997
Is Il'gynoth DH worth crafting? >>
by _Nihenna_
22 3,933
How do I even beat shaman as primordial druid? >>
by _Nihenna_
8 932
Why don't we have a Random hero function yet? >>
by _Nihenna_
4 972
What's this weird mill priest I've started seeing? >>
by _Nihenna_
5 1,921
Why did they start with Book of Mercenaries before finishing Book of Heroes? >>
by _Nihenna_
2 1,088
Is one problem with Hearthstone today all the card draw? >>
by _Nihenna_
11 2,620
Is pure paladin actually a tempo/midrange deck? >>
by _Nihenna_
4 1,266
Is battlecry quest shaman good? >>
by _Nihenna_
38 6,219
The solution to people always trying aggro to climb ranked = win more stars the longer the game went >>
by _Nihenna_
9 1,438
Is pure paladin not good anymore? >>
by _Nihenna_
11 2,740
What can Blizzard really do about DH to tone it down a bit? >>
by _Nihenna_
25 2,654
What are good starter decks? >>
by _Nihenna_
4 3,527
How is it fair they nerf heroes before they get released to everyone? >>
by _Nihenna_
5 1,333
How can some people manage to rush to rank 5 or even 6 early and still have a decent board? >>
by _Nihenna_
11 9,043