this just made me more upset that Marrowgar isnt a card
- Zlozla
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Chocomotion posted a message on Icecrown Tours - Part 3: Dread and BreakfastPosted in: News -
Medmos posted a message on Is Dr Boom REALLY that good?Posted in: Card DiscussionYou have to ask yourself which card can trade with Dr. Boom 1 for 1. Not even Big Game Hunter can do it.
i really think that there is only one card and it is class specific, Lightbomb -
CurseCerberus posted a message on new meta is worse than it was before.Posted in: General DiscussionFirebat sums up this last point perfectly
I have absolutely no problem with 'combo' decks, I think they're actually pretty entertaining to watch, simply because of all the little plays here and there that can completely change the outcome of the match. Freeze mage is by far the best example of a fair combo deck. But with that said, Patron and Miracle Rogue deserved to be nerfed in to the ground, Patron more so than Miracle. The difference between Freeze Mage and Patron warrior is gigantic. Mage has a two turn combo, where they Alexstrasza you, and practically play their hand face up, saying "I plan on killing you next turn, this is where you have to heal/play Loatheb/or kill me". Where as Patron Warrior would sit back and delay the game, then without a board drop 2 Frothing Berserkers, pump them up to 16 damage each, and execute/use patrons to kill whatever taunts you had up, and kill you all in a single turn from full offering no actual counter play. Miracle Rogue was the same concept, but with a weaker board presence and no good way to get passed taunts on their combo turn, but either way the goal was just to kill you from near-full in a single turn without offering you a chance to actually stop it.
Any deck that plays like that shouldn't ever really exist, and the devs of Heathstone have recognized that, and have left Freeze Mage as it is (Minus the early nerfs it got around the games release) while destroying the other 'combo' decks. And I think that's where the biggest misconception lies for most people, while Freeze/Patron/Miracle are all COMBO decks, two of them were OTK decks. Combo decks are fine within Hearthstone's design philosophy, OTK decks are not. -
Snowy_a posted a message on New Card: Elise StarseekerPosted in: Card DiscussionFace hunter will rush you down before you find Golden monkey
Fell of my chair after reading this one -
ZTeal posted a message on Brann BronzebeardPosted in: Brann BronzebeardDid some testing with various effects:
Targeted battlecries (Fire Elemental) do not allow you to choose a different target when they activate a second time. This makes cards like Cabal Shadow Priest pretty useless to activate twice.
Randomly targeted battlecries (Bomb Lobber) will randomly select another target when they activate a second time.
Stat-buff battlecries (Twilight Drake) will double the stats they receive as a result of their effect. I don't have The Mistcaller, so since he has a fairly unique effect, I'm unsure the same applies to the cards in your deck and your hand when you play him.
Battlecries that summon minions (Dr. Boom, of course) will summon twice as many minions as usual.
Combos do not count as battlecries for the purposes of this mechanic, except for Perdition's Blade. It works like you would expect any battlecry to, even when its combo effect is active.
Crazed Alchemist and similar cards swap their target's stats twice, basically doing nothing.
Cards like Faceless Manipulator do not activate twice since the battlecry minion is removed. I'm not sure what they'd do anyway.
Cards with activation conditions that may be altered when they are played (Mind Control Tech) must meet the same minimum conditions necessary to activate at first when they trigger a second time. For instance, a MC tech played against four minions will only steal one, but when played against 5+ minions, it will steal two, since there will still be four minions on the board even after it activates once. Some cards are useless to activate twice for this reason, like Dark Iron Skulker.
Loatheb and Saboteur will successfully increase their respective costs by ten as opposed to the usual five.
Unearthed Raptor multiplies the effects of a deathrattle by two. If you use another raptor on the first. you can have 4x the original deathrattle, and, if you had unlimited raptors, you could multiply a deathrattle infinitely.
Joust battlecries still count as battlecries (despite the fact that they're weird), and, as such, they will activate twice. The same principle applies to the discover mechanic and other battlecries that draw cards
CodeDmitry posted a message on New Card: Elise StarseekerPosted in: Card DiscussionSeems interesting in mill rogue and divine favor super-cancerous paladin without dr.boom nor tirion.
snakeindagrass posted a message on The Black KnightPosted in: Card DiscussionIt needs to be a 6 mana paladin card that is a 6/6 and summons one of each secret out of your deck.
nickalleye posted a message on Top 4 EU Legend in depth Secret Paladin guidePosted in: Top 4 EU Legend in depth Secret Paladin guideYour in-depth guide contains too much unnecessary information. It can easily go just like this:
- turn 1 secretceeper, coin whatever secret / argent squire
- turn 2 shielded minibot
- turn 3 muster
- turn 4 shredder
- smorc it unless there is knife juggler or flamewaker on the opponent's board. Refill your hand with divine favor
- turn 6 challenger
- turn 7 Dr. Obvious
- win
user-15803154 posted a message on Top 4 EU Legend in depth Secret Paladin guidePosted in: Top 4 EU Legend in depth Secret Paladin guideIn-depth Secret Pala
Kappa Kappa Kappa
AxisHS posted a message on [TGT] Huntface, the grand return!Posted in: [TGT] Huntface, the grand return!good to see more uncreatives making these decks again.
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I would rather go to zoo than watch Amaz, it's kind of the same experience.
Ice Block needs to go
Sweet golden animation :D
I hope Arthas will have special interaction with Jaina just like Malfurion and Tyrande. Also Lich King and Jaina,
Finally a good 2 drop for druid it's been a while
Im so happy for this card! I just love good Choose One minions
Good demon card? Wtf Blizzard
Where is Marrowgar ffs
I would love to see Kael in's my favorite character since Warcraft 3 and in WoW as well...its so epic! I'm more concern about Lord Marrowgar since 3 legendaries are left to be revealed.