It would be a lot of work to do with Arthas considering his story. There are a lot of characters like Anub'Arak, Kel'Thuzad, Malganis that should have special interaction with him.
However Jaina was in love affair with Arthas and she is playable hero it would be really nice
Black Temple would be interesting but its full of demons and we know that Blizzard doesn't like making neutral demons that much. Booty Bay well idk we had GvG and MSOG.
Some kind of Outland expansion would be great imo because of how many different variety of creatures you can print.
The issue with taunt druid it's bad against most control decks since FoN nerf. But considering that aggro is always a thing in every expansion i'm pretty happy with most druids cards this expansion.
I would rather go to zoo than watch Amaz, it's kind of the same experience.
Ice Block needs to go
BT: Zlizlo#2773
Region: EU
Trade ONLY, you go first
DONE DEAL. Thanks Senna
It would be a lot of work to do with Arthas considering his story. There are a lot of characters like Anub'Arak, Kel'Thuzad, Malganis that should have special interaction with him.
However Jaina was in love affair with Arthas and she is playable hero it would be really nice
Sweet golden animation :D
Since all cards are revealed i'm little sad that they did not print Lord Marrowgar and Deathbringer Saurfang.
Even though Arfus is cool i wish it was Invincible instead as an example.
Blizzard printed some Northrend dungeon bosses and honestly these two above could easily take their place instead.
Whatever is the case i'm looking for this expansion big time and pretty excited.
What is your opinion? Is there some NPC you wanted to see?
Black Temple would be interesting but its full of demons and we know that Blizzard doesn't like making neutral demons that much. Booty Bay well idk we had GvG and MSOG.
Some kind of Outland expansion would be great imo because of how many different variety of creatures you can print.
You guys messing around with crafting but i still haven't got pre-patch for KOFT on iOS :(
I hope Arthas will have special interaction with Jaina just like Malfurion and Tyrande. Also Lich King and Jaina,
I love this card and i love it's not 9 mana so we can play this pretty early with ramp and innervate.
The issue with taunt druid it's bad against most control decks since FoN nerf. But considering that aggro is always a thing in every expansion i'm pretty happy with most druids cards this expansion.
Im so happy for this card! I just love good Choose One minions
Good demon card? Wtf Blizzard
Where is Marrowgar ffs