Once per game effects needed to exist for a long time. Still waiting for Shudderwock and Rommath to get it.
- Zizka
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Tarious posted a message on 31.4.2 Patch Notes - Constructed Balance Changes, Battlegrounds Updates & Bug FixesPosted in: News -
Darksun20 posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General DiscussionI wish we could have the option to disable highlighting and card movement in the hand when cursor over cards. It's so annoying and distracting when they're moving their cursor constantly like some hyperactive child.
Waz-abi posted a message on Patch 31.4 - Known Issues - Nexus-Prince Shaffar Temporarily BannedPosted in: NewsGood to act this quick, gg there!
DatMageDoe posted a message on Patch 31.4 - Known Issues - Nexus-Prince Shaffar Temporarily BannedPosted in: NewsShaffar and Zergling existed in the same meta for all of 6 hours, and it was 7 too many.
Moop547 posted a message on New Zerg Legendary Card Revealed - Kerrigan Queen of BladesPosted in: Newsfinally someone who gets it! YES! EXACTLY! I don't care if something is broken if it's broken in a way that makes the game better. I care about the meta where you're required to play the same overtuned, flexible, non-synergistic legendary spam. If you are playing a control deck or literally any deck not designed to kill your opponent by turn 6, before you start building your deck you need to include: The Ceaseless Expanse, Gorgonzormu, Dreamplanner Zephrys [/card](And I don't care about the stupid "well ackshually, he has a low win rate according to hearth arena" argument people use to defend this auto-include card that's played against me in every other game Ive played since it was realeased), [card]Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (specifically the 'unkilliax' version or the other lifesteal rush divine shield one but with battlecry summon a copy of itself), Marin the Manager, Incindius, Griftah, Trusted Vendor, your class's titan, Kil'jaeden, ETC with Photographer Fizzle, Mind Control Tech and Rustrot Viper, Bartender Bob, and Yogg-Saron, Unleashed
That's TWELVE cards guys! ELEVEN neutral cards that you need to run in every deck if you're not aggro. And you're trolling if you don't play your titan. The only class whose titan had a decent deck-building restriction was the rogue one. Once you got your 12 overtuned individually strong powerhouses, you gotta pick your overtuned removal/board clears which are usually like 8 cards. Then you gotta include card draw. At the end of the deck, you're now left with at most 5 free slots which are too few to make any strategy involving synergy so you just end up putting in garbage like Miracle Salesman in. You should ALWAYS in a card game outvalue an opponent if you have 2 synergistic cards played from hand and combo'd together in a turn vs someone who plays 2 cards that don't have synergy together, but the individual value and flexibility of some of the cards in this game is so stupid that it's not the case. It's even worse that most of them are neutral because it makes more games feel samey.
Kerrigan is just going to be the 12th card in the legendary spam. It's a shame because im a hardcore SC fan and it was my favorite game growing up. I was a zerg main too. They couldve did something really cool with the character like make her a 1 drop that starts in your hand like a quest or something and then goes dormant every time she dies and you get quest mechanics to revive her and she grows stronger like in the actual games. That wouldve been cool, badass and fit the character. But nope. Shes a board clear on a stick for control warlock, rainbow DK and big hunter. The most ironic and most braindead thing about this card is that SHE IS BAD IN A ZERG DECK!!! If any zerg deck is going to succeed, it will be a token hunter strategy which will be inferior to the current token hunter. And any functional zerg deck is going to have a low curve and cant win past turn 6 anyway. The optimal way to use the zerg queen card will always be IN CONTROL DECKS RUNNING 0 ZERG CARDS.
Moop547 posted a message on New Zerg Legendary Card Revealed - Kerrigan Queen of BladesPosted in: NewsI hate the logic of "the players love this thing because they play it all the time." Players love winning. They will play whatever makes them win and they will love it. They shouldn't take cards that are overplayed and say "thing is played because players like it!".
The type of player who loves overtuned Timmy cards because they like to win should never be catered to because they will love whatever garbage is the best anyway.
epigramx posted a message on New Zerg Legendary Card Revealed - Kerrigan Queen of BladesPosted in: NewsThe Devs are liars when they say they don't like imbalance. They nerfed Reno recently and said "we NOW realize Reno was OP". Do we seriously believe they didn't know t that when it's the most obvious thing to everyone?
Moop547 posted a message on New Zerg Legendary Card Revealed - Kerrigan Queen of BladesPosted in: NewsThis card is cool, but it's completely awful design and is going to be extremely frustrating to play against. Why? You ask. Because hero cards are, were, and WILL ALWAYS BE horrible degenerate and boring overtuned cards. The first iteration in frozen throne were very unfun and made the game significantly worse. The devs even said right before they rotated out of standard that hero cards were a mistake and in concept, they were a fun idea, but it's bad to print cards that the opponent can't interact with that solo the game by themselves. They printed a couple of more that year (year of the raven) but they made sure to tone them down a lot. However, for whatever reason, blizzard doesnt know how to run a company and the dev team behind HS changes more than a game of musical chairs and EVERY single new dev team decides to create hero cards again and EVERY TIME, they have the same problems: Auto include cards that eat a deck slot, not fun to play against and solo the game with 1 card. It's an extremely frustrating and tedius experience to play against an opponent who is playing a control deck and they have a hero card online and you dont because it's a slow-burn that makes you feel like you're behind and cant come back for the next 10 minutes. Theres nothing worse than playing cards from your hand that came from your deck and seeing them die to your opponent's hero power for free.
Blizzard because they don't play their own game prints cards like this and they think to themselves: "HURR DURR. THIS IS A ZERG CARD THAT'LL GO INTO THE ZERG DECKS". In reality, this will go into EVERY DK, hunter, DH and warlock deck until it gets heavily nerfed (unlikely because blizz never nerfs hero cards, titans, colossals and cards like this.) or rotated. Literally the only reason not to play a 7 mana [board clear that deals 3 damage to opponent's face, gives you 5 armor, summons a board of 10 hp of minions, generates 2 cards and then upgrades your HP] is if you're specifically running a deck designed to kill your opponent before turn 6. You're going to play against rainbow DK running 0 zerg cards and this will be in every one of their lists. The next year of HS is going to once again be dominated by neutral cards, so every control mirror will feel exactly the same. To make matters worse, the 3 hero cards are all broken to the point where the game will feel like it only has 3 classes. You're going to be looking at the same jpeg now instead of different class skins because kerrigan, raynor will be played in every game. (artanis is busted too, but he mainly has synergy with protoss cards which pretty much are all bad and his battlecry isnt removal.)
Thonson posted a message on Hearthstone it's a scam game?Posted in: General DiscussionIt’s a scam because poster lost some games and can’t accept that they lost without the game being rigged against them!
In a large enough sample size, the RNG that goes in a player’s favor and RNG that goes against a player would likely be pretty even. When it happens back to back it feels like the game is against you, but it isn’t. It’s just an unlucky streak. Or with things like Window Shopper during April/May the RNG was more predictable with fewer demons to discover, and the DH players kept discovering Magtheridon almost every time.
But we also tend to remember the times RNG goes against us more than when it doesn’t. So that also pushes people on an unlucky streak to start thinking the game is rigged. As a whole I feel like society everywhere is also pushing into this idea that anything they don’t like is also rigged. Whether it be politics, sports, or whatever. Not everything is a conspiracy out to get you, people!
RomanceableNPC posted a message on Disconnecting constantlyPosted in: General DiscussionThe app just wasn't designed for someone as friendly as you.
Or as toxic depending on why you're adding these people.
On the Battle.net app under your profile picture there's a chat settings menu.
If you go to "View sent friend requests" you might find that your list is full.
And then you can spend a heartbreaking 10 minutes or so reviewing every time over however many years that you extended the hand of friendship to someone only to have it slapped away.
There's no way to mass clear it so you need to review every person who didn't want to be your friend, click delete, and confirm that, yes, you give up.
Should fix the crashing bug though, worked for me at least.
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I appreciate the patch and I can tell there's some goodwill here:
The parts in bold are comforting to read. I thought they would downplay their mistake but they admit it. I especially agree with the 'nightmare' part. It really, really was.
I also appreciate dealing with the overabundance of face damage cards, at least some of them. There's still some work to be done there, however.
While I realize that balancing a card game must be difficult, I find it hard to imagine that they couldn't foresee the problem with reno/dormant spaceship, especially considering expansions are planned a year in advance. Even without Q&A, a player could see how dormant spaceships would clash with Reno, let alone an experienced designer. Maybe they thought players would launch spaceships before T10?
I personally can't muster the will to play the game again, too many mistakes were made and I can't trust their decision making. I do think this is a step in the right direction however. I'll keep an eye out for the future patches, there's hope yet that they'll roll out good patches like this one. I
Alright, I uninstalled.
Just played against a rogue, T5 OTK. He had played 12 cards by the time I died (but was still at 5/5 mana). I am now dead certain that the team behind the game is incompetent. You can't fuck up your job this bad and somehow remain employed, this is lunacy. Maybe the team is great but the shot caller is incompetent.
There's no way they didn't know this would happen, no way. Keep in mind that I had a board (not that it matters since it's just straight face damage).
Keep this in mind: I had 4 turns to beat my opponent. 4. Name one class which can OTK (in standard) on T5 besides Rogue? None.
I had no agency whatsoever. There was absolutely nothing I could do. Nothing. I had more agency with Big Spell Mage, at least you had 5 or 6 turns.
I am beyond words by the sheer incompetence. Not only did they design spaceships which are board centered while still allowing Reno, which is major blunder 1. Major blunder 2 is designing a card (Quasar) which allows OTK on T5 with no agency. Nevermind the bastards who choose to play the deck and kill any and all interactions. In a card game for christ's sake.
Why would a bastard play such a deck? What's the point? There's no game, no interaction, nothing. *They're* not even technically play the game. This is as close as it can get to printing a card = automatic win. I sometimes figured, ''Would people play a card which meant automatically winning the game'' and now I have my answer, some bastards would even if it leads to non-games.
I've been beaten by aggro priest, meteor shaman and just about anything but in every game I thought: ''Well, I could've played this, I should remove this from my deck and use this instead''. That's fine, it happens. But that T5 OTK, sorry no.
Don't bother telling him it's not even a good deck and relies on luck. I don't care. If you have a deck which can lead to a card played = T5 OTK, you've fucked up to such a degree, you should resign and leave your post someone else since, somehow, no one is firing you. Have someone else in the team call the shots.
It's really too bad because this game could be so good but somehow they can't help but fuck up repeatedly. If it's not Azurite Snake, it's Big Spell Mage and now it's rogue with T5. They can't seem to release an expansion where there's no outrageous oversight going on. Sure, maybe they never draw Quasar and therefore lose. That's not even better. It's flipping a coin to win a strategy game.
Keep in mind that Azurite Snake was nerfed a couple of days after being printed. You didn't win by playing 12 0 cost cards on turn 5 however. And yet, it was nerfed right away. How long is it going to take before they patch this shit and nerf it? A couple of weeks, no doubt.
Holy. Shit.
I'm sort of puzzled about you guys take, maybe you can open up my eyes. I've been watching streamers for the last few days and I haven't seen a lot of variety.
Where are the 'tonnes of great deck building choices'? Tonnes? I get it's an hyperbole but is there any way to get a list? Maybe I'm watching the wrong streamers.
Hearthstone has a life cycle which repeats itself. It's like a funnel. At the very beginning, the funnel is wide, a lot of variety. The longer the meta lasts, the higher the rank, the less a variety of builds there are (the funnel becomes narrower and narrower). It's not Hearthstone's fault, it's typical of card collecting games in a hyper-competitive environment.
Hopefully, I'll be proven wrong and this will be *the* meta where we have, quote, tonnes of great deck building choices. Until then, I remain very skeptical of that assertion and I suggest other people do the same. If ''tonnes'' means one or two different decks for each class, then it's the same as usual and there's really nothing new under the sun here (and tonnes is a bit of a misnomer is, since it's pretty rare to conflate tonnes and less than three). Time will tell and hopefully I'm just being jaded but I think you'll end up up backtracking on that statement.
It's so weird to have an expansion like this one which is so different but no boards. Making the board is so worth the investment by Blizzard.
The worst part about the new rogue deck is the TIME IT TAKES TO BUFF THE MINION!!! Holy christ, make it stop, please. Blizzard, get your shite together, and have all the animations speed up. I've waited two minutes for the buff to trigger 30x times for fuck's sake.
Great, more OTK incoming, just what the game needs.
It feels great to lose to: crown: double ragnarok. The player agency is outstanding.
Please don't play HS while checking out porn, doing brain surgery or painting a cathedral. If you don't have time to play, just DON'T. Your opponent doesn't enjoy waiting while you're doing whatever else you shouldn't be doing while playing. Get a clue.
Ok so: why do everyone misspell 'rogue' as 'rouge'. I never got that. Maybe you can tell me? Is it a running joke or a reference to something?
Rouge (n.): a red or pink powder put on the cheeks to make the face look more attractive
Rogue (n.): a dishonest or bad man
Rouge (n.) (adj.): In French, the color red.
I get that people make spelling mistakes all the time but for some reason 'rogue' is always mistakenly written 'rouge' by everyone on the net.
As for the rest, your deck makes me think of weapon rogue but with a single weapon. Did you reach diamond with star bonuses? At a glance I feel like this deck would be ruined by a Viper but 67% is a very high winrate. Can you share your HS Replay, I'd like to see?
Once you reach legend once, it's almost impossible not to reach D5. You get so many bonus stars for each win, anyone can get there. It's just getting there the first time which requires more work and is more of a challenge. Once at D5, you stop getting bonus stars so the last stretch is longer than all the previous stages.
I stopped casual because people don't care.
Yeah, you're right. Nothing says ''Panic mode'' than playing Kobold. It's not a meaningful buff. The other nerfs are nice though.