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    posted a message on Kil’jaeden is way too strong

    Do we have any stats as to the average game length in the current meta? Does it even reach turn 7? I'm under the impression that kil'jaden is borderline a meme card. It's too slow and for the first few turns you get pretty bad cards.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you like the new expansion so far?


    Alright, I uninstalled.

    Just played against a rogue, T5 OTK. He had played 12 cards by the time I died (but was still at 5/5 mana). I am now dead certain that the team behind the game is incompetent. You can't fuck up your job this bad and somehow remain employed, this is lunacy. Maybe the team is great but the shot caller is incompetent.

    There's no way they didn't know this would happen, no way. Keep in mind that I had a board (not that it matters since it's just straight face damage). 

    Keep this in mind: I had 4 turns to beat my opponent. 4. Name one class which can OTK (in standard) on T5 besides Rogue? None. 

    I had no agency whatsoever. There was absolutely nothing I could do. Nothing. I had more agency with Big Spell Mage, at least you had 5 or 6 turns.

    I am beyond words by the sheer incompetence. Not only did they design spaceships which are board centered while still allowing Reno, which is major blunder 1. Major blunder 2 is designing a card (Quasar) which allows OTK on T5 with no agency. Nevermind the bastards who choose to play the deck and kill any and all interactions. In a card game for christ's sake. 

    Why would a bastard play such a deck? What's the point? There's no game, no interaction, nothing. *They're* not even technically play the game. This is as close as it can get to printing a card = automatic win. I sometimes figured, ''Would people play a card which meant automatically winning the game'' and now I have my answer, some bastards would even if it leads to non-games.

    I've been beaten by aggro priest, meteor shaman and just about anything but in every game I thought: ''Well, I could've played this, I should remove this from my deck and use this instead''. That's fine, it happens. But that T5 OTK, sorry no. 

    Don't bother telling him it's not even a good deck and relies on luck. I don't care. If you have a deck which can lead to a card played =  T5 OTK, you've fucked up to such a degree, you should resign and leave your post someone else since, somehow, no one is firing you. Have someone else in the team call the shots. 

    It's really too bad because this game could be so good but somehow they can't help but fuck up repeatedly. If it's not Azurite Snake, it's Big Spell Mage and now it's rogue with T5. They can't seem to release an expansion where there's no outrageous oversight going on. Sure, maybe they never draw Quasar and therefore lose. That's not even better. It's flipping a coin to win a strategy game.

    Keep in mind that Azurite Snake was nerfed a couple of days after being printed. You didn't win by playing 12 0 cost cards on turn 5 however. And yet, it was nerfed right away. How long is it going to take before they patch this shit and nerf it? A couple of weeks, no doubt. 

    Holy. Shit.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you like the new expansion so far?

    An expansion is fun the first day. Afterwards, the meta settles (or start settling) and deck diversity quickly dies. Having starships with Reno makes no sense.

    Decks I already hate playing against:

    Fire mage

    Meteor shaman

    You have to play on the first day of the expansion because after that the HRReplay scum just F5 until they get that deck they're looking for.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Which new rogue deck? Asteroid?

    Personally, I tried playing a new Warlock deck and switched back to my old (give or take 3 cards).  

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deck building is going to be insane this expansion

    Ok so I was thankfully wrong about spaceship. They are seeing *some* play but it feels like more like a secondary thing, it's not front and center as I would've thought it to be in the first place. I imagined the expansion would revolve mostly around the spaceship mechanic but it doesn't seem to be the case. It's more like extra flair.

    I've seen the Shaman Meteor deck but it doesn't come across as oppressive as the warrior draenei (or whatever they're called) decks which consistently end game at T5 which is a shame. It seems to be an even more efficient version of handbuff paladin. We'll see. With a lightning fast meta like this, I don't foresee a lot of DK playing that 8 mana card which burn decks or that 7 card which summon the demon portal, games will be over two or three turns before that happens.

    I don't think I've seen Reno played once in streams, T10 seems way too slow. This will probably make a lot of people happy. 

    I think the spaceship idea is cool, crew members for DH is cool, today, I like DK destroying decks, the demon portal minion idea too. Libram is cool too as it doesn't seem too oppressive and it fits the paladin concept of buffing minions.

    As usual, I'm not looking forward mage but its whole identity is built around burn damage so I guess you have to take it in stride. Only shaman I've seen are meteor shaman. 

    All in all, really not convinced about the variety this expansion will bring. I foresee warrior and shaman playing a single deck for one thing. I don't think spore will see any play, too unreliable and slow.



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deck building is going to be insane this expansion

    Obviously there will always be a meta especially because Blizzard purposely makes overpowered cards for hype.

    As far as I know, every single competitive game has a meta with tiers. Even without ''overpowered'' cards, there would be a meta, it's the competitive process taking place. Regardless if there are thousands of cards or hundreds, there are eventually decks which have a higher winrate which end up being played. This meta will be no different I'm sure. 

    In fact, I'd be curious if there's data about meta variety since Hearthstone's expansion. The only thing I could find was a reddit thread which doesn't amount to much.

    I don't think you've kept track of meta variety since 2014 and the expansion hasn't even launched yet. I wouldn't have said anything but considering your original post got 5 upvotes, it gives the impression the vast majority is too quick to believe anything based on thin air. You'd think people would at least wait until the expansion has launched to see how much variety the meta ends up having but I guess not, speculation seems good enough.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Deck building is going to be insane this expansion

    Well, where's the variety you guys are so enthusiastic about? The infinite possibilities? The tonnes of possibilities? I want to bask in your optimism, give me a bone here.

    As for the current bullshit deck, my understanding is that's it's this one:

    If you think HS warrior players are going to play any other deck than the one above, you're in for a rude awakening. If you think the community will stay away from the deck because it's unfun and broken, you're in for even ruder awakening. 

    As far as I can tell, the meta is even faster than the previous one. I've seen quite a few games over at t5. This is not real data, what I've seen isn't hard evidence however. Maybe all the other games are super slow. 

    I've seen Asteroid rogue which was OTK 6. 

    Spaceship weren't used or barely used, maybe because they can be cleared by Reno. By the time you are ready to launch the ship, the game is already over or your opponent can easily deal with a giant minion on t10+. The use of spaceship will end up being a deathrattle for major face damage, the ship won't see much use itself from what I can tell.

    Hopefully, I'm wrong.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deck building is going to be insane this expansion

    I'm sort of puzzled about you guys take, maybe you can open up my eyes. I've been watching streamers for the last few days and I haven't seen a lot of variety.

    Where are the 'tonnes of great deck building choices'? Tonnes? I get it's an hyperbole but is there any way to get a list? Maybe I'm watching the wrong streamers.

    Hearthstone has a life cycle which repeats itself. It's like a funnel. At the very beginning, the funnel is wide, a lot of variety. The longer the meta lasts, the higher the rank, the less a variety of builds there are (the funnel becomes narrower and narrower). It's not Hearthstone's fault, it's typical of card collecting games in a hyper-competitive environment. 

    Hopefully, I'll be proven wrong and this will be *the* meta where we have, quote, tonnes of great deck building choices. Until then, I remain very skeptical of that assertion and I suggest other people do the same. If ''tonnes'' means one or two different decks for each class, then it's the same as usual and there's really nothing new under the sun here (and tonnes is a bit of a misnomer is, since it's pretty rare to conflate tonnes and less than three). Time will tell and hopefully I'm just being jaded but I think you'll end up up backtracking on that statement.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on Imik's HearthPwn Theorycrafting Stream - With Drops and Giveaways!

    It's so weird to have an expansion like this one which is so different but no boards. Making the board is so worth the investment by Blizzard. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Impact of nerfs, buffs and adjustments

    Ok, I'm done with HS. I got to D2 but all I can't stand facing the same decks anymore. I experimented and experimented and finally found something which worked for me, I call it 'the mage crusher'. According to HS, I have a 67% WR with it.

    ### Wheel 4
    # Class: Warlock
    # Format: Standard
    # Year of the Pegasus
    # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
    # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
    # 1x (4) Virus Module
    # 1x (5) Perfect Module
    # 2x (1) Gul'dan's Gift
    # 1x (1) Soulfreeze
    # 2x (2) Defile
    # 2x (2) Eat! The! Imp!
    # 2x (2) Elementium Geode
    # 2x (2) Endgame
    # 2x (2) Thornveil Tentacle
    # 2x (2) Tidepool Pupil
    # 2x (3) "Health" Drink
    # 2x (3) Domino Effect
    # 1x (3) Reverberations
    # 1x (3) Rustrot Viper
    # 2x (4) Dark Alley Pact
    # 1x (4) Pop'gar the Putrid
    # 1x (5) Symphony of Sins
    # 1x (6) Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron
    # 1x (9) Sargeras, the Destroyer
    # 1x (10) Table Flip
    # 1x (30) Fanottem, Lord of the Opera
    # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
    # Generated by HDT - https://hsreplay.net

    Some cards could be better, Fanottem without the wheel is kind of useless but if you draw a 15/15 taunt with Loken, it could be worth it.

    Against mage, mulligan for alley. I usually get a hand on a pupil which you can use to resummon your deamon if it gets destroyed. Tsunami doesn't make a dent it in it. 

    For slower games, I try to pupil the symphony to burn my opponent's deck. Once you've burned 12 card, they're in trouble. I managed to burn 16 cards but it only happened once. 

    Anyways, my point is that it could still be improved. Soulfreeze is a leftover of when I was using 'wheel'. It can be useful to stall rogue with his huge minions so you can Sargeras them. 

    Cards I would potentially replace:

    Fanottem, soulfreeze, reverb and maybe the table flip as it makes for a lot of removal. I've had games where my hand was full and I had to waste spells. Probably one less eat the imp! as well. I've tried the minion which allows you to have 11 mana. So 3-5 cards can still be tweaked here. Honestly, maybe even Loken.

    Even in the current state, I won a lot. I've seen the variety with the mountain giant and the location. I used to run one location too. Maybe having two locations could work. I just find playing one location hard, let alone 2.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    The worst part about the new rogue deck is the TIME IT TAKES TO BUFF THE MINION!!! Holy christ, make it stop, please. Blizzard, get your shite together, and have all the animations speed up. I've waited two minutes for the buff to trigger 30x times for fuck's sake.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Impact of nerfs, buffs and adjustments

    It's funny to me how we used to have that conversation about BSM being fine and yet it's *still* being played following two subsequent nerfs. I'll know which members to take seriously next time a discussion about buffs and nerfs takes place that's for sure.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on My Vampire Rogue! You should try it

    You're good at this deck. Keep it up, it wasn't for me though. Maybe it takes more than 5 matches to learn to pilot to be fair. You should post your defeats too however. Seeing the deck vulnerabilities is as informative as victories, if not more so and it gives a clearer, fairer more grounded picture.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    It feels great to lose to: crown: double ragnarok. The player agency is outstanding.


    Please don't play HS while checking out porn, doing brain surgery or painting a cathedral. If you don't have time to play, just DON'T. Your opponent doesn't enjoy waiting while you're doing whatever else you shouldn't be doing while playing. Get a clue.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on My Vampire Rogue! You should try it

    They said:

    ''Though I was keeping on a word doc and going 36-19 and then stopped editing it. ''

    So it's not only 6-3.

    Just tried the deck and I got WRECKED by automaton priest, it wasn't even close.

    Second loss against elemental mage.

    Third loss in a row against evolve shaman.

    Fourth loss in a row against BSM.

    I don't think this is a good deck. I have no clue how you managed at 60+% WR. I've never played the deck so I might be ASTOUNDINGLY bad at it but are you sure that winrate was photoshopped lol. Bellhop never sees play, barely any warlock cards to extend the cutlass durability. I don't know how you do it. Back to Warlock for me.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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