Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Extinguished Interest in the Paladin Class >>
by Zilean
28 2,712
Need Help Optimizing Tier 5 Deck >>
by Zilean
4 682
Need Help Picking Which Legendary(s) to Craft (Max 2) >>
by Zilean
11 1,266
Can a feature be added to allow filtering for even and odd cards? >>
by Zilean
3 940
Where is Warrior? >>
by Zilean
6 1,002
What's the reward for beating dungeon runs besides a card back? >>
by Zilean
12 72,633
Will Blizzard let us disenchanct Marin the Fox and C'thun when each moves to wild? >>
by Zilean
13 2,432
After this expansion I finally realized something pretty sad. >>
by Zilean
4 777
Hope for Non-Murloc Paladin Deck Next Expansion? >>
by Zilean
1 459
Any good paladin deck for ranked? >>
by Zilean
7 828
Am I Being Punished? >>
by Zilean
0 384
Any Room for The Lich King in Paladin? >>
by Zilean
12 1,697
Can the moderators do this? >>
by Zilean
4 718
How is Dead Man's Hand Infinite? >>
by Zilean
9 4,816
Why are some cards released in one expansion stronger in the next? >>
by Zilean
10 1,298
Are 40+ KOFT packs enough? >>
by Zilean
16 2,421
The Return of Bolvar Fordragon >>
by Zilean
7 2,168
Theorycraft -Bolvar Fordragon in Un'Goro Expansion >>
by Zilean
0 567