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    posted a message on Best Card from Each Hearthstone Expansion - Basic


    Note: These are the cards as they exist in the game right now (so no pre-nerf Innervate will appear here).

     zeddy and rarran did the same thing and you cannot rate cards as they are right now. they didn't even rank mysterious challenger top 5 eventho it literally changed the whole meta to revolve around countering it. currently nobody plays warsong commander, but BRM warsong commander is probably the most powerful card ever printed. you have to consider the release state of the card and the meta it was in or else rankings will be worthless

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Great Dark Beyond Launch Day - Everything You Need To Know!

    so, they haven't learned anything and your rogue opponents turn still takes up half of yours because of animation clutter. great game.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Highlander Warrior is overpowered?

    cards like the new brann are the reason why i don't feel bad killing people on turn 5 with treant druid.

    horrible card design that perfectly shows off that the hearthstone devs don't know what they're doing. the reno hero card wasn't stupid enough so they did this. 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Multiple New Neutral Cards Revealed

    ngl this whole expansion looks horrible so far.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on TITANS Launch Day - Everything You Need To Know!

    you have to know that you'll be playing against a lot of russian bots which you can't report. good game blizzard. glad you care.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on TITANS Launch Day - Everything You Need To Know!
    Quote from classixuk1 >>

    Well I am absolutely over the moon! This has been my best pack opening ever!

    16 Legendaries…2 of them Golden! I am in total shock!

    I bought the small pre-order (60 cards) then I had enough free gold to buy 46 more packs.

    I even got a Golden Helya.

    I hope everyone else is having similar luck!




    i pre-ordered the big bundle and got 3 legendaries out of it. absolute fuggin bullsh*t

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Time-Lost Protodrake

    they made TLP a common card... disgusting.

    Posted in: Time-Lost Protodrake
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    posted a message on The longer they ignore it the bigger the problem will get

    mana cheat is still the biggest offender in this game by far. Kripp told them 6 years ago that it would eventually ruin ranked mode and they didn't listen. 

    when i don't agree with the problem of the discover mechanic per se, i also think that the random card generation has gotten so excessive, that it turns games from an actual online 1v1 card game to single player mode. 

    but the devs are literally incapable of grasping the core issues of hearthstone ranked mode. and while they have given up on arena mode years ago, the keep putting ranked players in this hamster wheel of releasing broken untested cards and then nerf some cards and have the game playable until the next broken deck establishes 1 week later. this repeats until the game is semi-ok to play and two weeks from then, the mini set releases and we rinse and repeat until the next expansion gets on it's way.

    mana cheat, random card generation and incompetent devs. the 3 pillars of failure in hearthstone

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Wild Summit at Blizzard about Wild Format Balance - Balance Changes Soon?

    it's almost never aggro decks that win before turn 5. it's pretty much always broken combo decks, which by your suggestion should start with 50 hp so they never lose a game again.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Wild Summit at Blizzard about Wild Format Balance - Balance Changes Soon?

    lol Ledouaje you're the poster child of the hearthstone community.

    blame the people that play broken decks, because that's the only way to have fun in this shit game, instead of the utterly incompetent game developers, that don't have a single clue about what they're doing. 

    you're quite toxic expecting somebody to ruin his experience (OMEGALUL) by playing cool decks.

    it would be better for this game to just vanish because the good days of hearthstone are over 5 years ago and we're just here because we're clinging to old memories.

    this game is in the worst state it's ever been. it's bad. it's sad.

    Posted in: News
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