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    posted a message on Best Classic Legendary?

    Leeroy, Thirion Fordring, Bloodmage Thalnos... it's gonna be one of those.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Will Zilliax Be Too Much?

    It's good card for me. Yes, it fits many decks, but isn't that the thing about neutral cards. And it's deffinitely not OP. No need for nerf there.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Huge Announcement

    Divine Favour  and Doomguard is too much. Also, why rotating cards of sets that will still be in play in the next year? This is nonsense. The whole Whichwood expansion was build around Genn and Baku and this now is pure bulls*it. Yeah, some say free dust, but many of us have decks, built around these two cards. I don't get the whole idea behind this change...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Egglock

    I'm glad you like it! I was like you, a bit bored of all that Hunter/Priest/Paladin meta and tried to do a deck that is competitive and at the same time fun to play. The thing about it is that nobody knows exactly what you are playing and it has that surprise factor that got me into this game. :)

    Posted in: Egglock
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    posted a message on Egglock

    The Soularium is one of the best cards for a zoo deck. If you like playing zoo, you should try to get it. But otherwise try to put some sticky deathrattle minion in its place. Either Replicating Menace, Harvest Golem or a Violet Wurm.

    Posted in: Egglock
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    posted a message on Egglock

    Replicating Menace or Harvest Golem. I put Cairne because recently I got him from a classic pack and it is not a must for the deck, but from my experience so far, many concentrate on killing him and forgot about the other minions on the board. That's why it is in the deck. But with the Menace or the Golem you should be fine.

    Posted in: Egglock
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    posted a message on Making the jump from 10 to 5...

    For faster matchups, try the version of HealZoo with the Corpsetaker package. Not the best deck, but it can be really annoying to your opponent. And not many people play it, so it can cause a surprise or two. Sometimes your opponent concedes at turn 4.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Which would you craft? Prince Liam -> Odd Paladin or Myra's -> Odd Rogue
    Quote from azairvine >>
    Quote from ZerekBG >>

     I played a Cauldron version of OddPally even before the Rastakhan expansion, so I have some experience with it and it's very strong card in decks that run a lot of tokens in it. Last week I also made a SecretHunter version of Cauldron deck and it also works wonders, so yeah, it's deffinitely a very strong card. And it will not rotate one more year or so, so it's a safe craft. 

    On the other hand Thijs recently showed a version of Miracle Rogue with Myra in it and it's not bad. Check it in YouTube. 

     Shaman definitely has some very strong spells.  It's a bummer that I don't have a single copy of Witch's Cauldron, and was in saving mode for rotation.  So there's another 400 dust I need to find from somewhere!  Are you running a single or two Cauldrons?

    I watch a lot of Thijs on Twitch and track his decklists, that's where I got the Shark Rogue & Maly Overload Shaman decks from.

     Two for more consistency, but if you play it in the right moment(when you have full board on your turn when you can make some nice trades and get full value of it getting some spells in the process) you can run only one.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which would you craft? Prince Liam -> Odd Paladin or Myra's -> Odd Rogue
    Quote from azairvine >>
    Quote from ZerekBG >>

    Myra, for sure. It's a must in a T1 Odd Rogue and also a staple in Miracle rogue. While Miracle rogue is not a top tier deck, it's very fun to play. Odd Rogue... strong deck. 

    For OddPally you don't really need Liam. Just put a Witch Cauldron or two in that deck and you'll play it really competitive. 

     It's interesting that Witch's Cauldron has hit the Odd Pally meta all of a sudden.  It didn't seem to be part of the deck until the last week or so.  Unfortunately, I have none of that card either LOL.  Maybe Witch's Cauldron < Myra's?!

    Miracle Rogue was one of the first decks I crafted, and I've got all the ingredients for it, so adding Myra's would make another viable deck for me, cheers.

     I played a Cauldron version of OddPally even before the Rastakhan expansion, so I have some experience with it and it's very strong card in decks that run a lot of tokens in it. Last week I also made a SecretHunter version of Cauldron deck and it also works wonders, so yeah, it's deffinitely a very strong card. And it will not rotate one more year or so, so it's a safe craft. 

    On the other hand Thijs recently showed a version of Miracle Rogue with Myra in it and it's not bad. Check it in YouTube. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which would you craft? Prince Liam -> Odd Paladin or Myra's -> Odd Rogue

    Myra, for sure. It's a must in a T1 Odd Rogue and also a staple in Miracle rogue. While Miracle rogue is not a top tier deck, it's very fun to play. Odd Rogue... strong deck. 

    For OddPally you don't really need Liam. Just put a Witch Cauldron or two in that deck and you'll play it really competitive. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Nozdormu dust?

    I also got him from the welcome bundle a while ago, dusted it and now I regret it sometimes. I just wish to put it in some of my decks because there are sooo many slow players out there that rope every single turn...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Deck i had most success with in current Standard Meta

    I had good success with Secrets Hunter since the release of the expansion, but that deck becomes sooo booooring over time and stopped using it. Now I play homebrew Hooktusk pirate rogue and it counters many "meta" decks and it is also real fun to play. I have huge problem with aggro with that deck, but overall it's something fresh, fun and it is also good for laddering(yesterday climbed 3 ranks with it to rank 16, 5 stars)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [LEGEND] Keleseth Pirate Rogue (59%WR) UPDATED

    So, after trying this deck, I should say it really works. I played about 20 games with it and on top of that it is pure fun to play it, it IS competitive enough for ladder. In those 20 games I lost only 5 times. Mostly against Zoolock, Odd(Face) Hunter and 1 against Even Shaman. The other matchups are pretty much winnable. You just need to think a turn or two in advance. I changed 4 cards in the original list. A Nightmare Amalgam for The Lich King(I don't have it and I just don't want to craft it given the rotation in 3 months), Leeroy for Half-time Scavenger and also added 2 Shadowsteps instead the 2 Fire flies. The Shadowsteps are really versatile. Sometimes you want to cast it on your Keleseth, sometimes you need your Vilepine slayers back to remove another big minion, sometimes you just need that 2 dmg from the SI7:Agent. And the best thing about Shadowstep is Leeroy. 12 dgm face for 8 mana is just insane(combine that with Cold blood and you get 20 dmg for 10 mana). It's just crazy. Captain Hooktusk... I got that for my free legendary when the expansion came out and until now I haven't really tried it, but it is amazing tempo play when your opponent has a big board and thinks it's game over. It clears the board and meanwhile draws some valuable cards in the process. Overall great deck.

    Posted in: [LEGEND] Keleseth Pirate Rogue (59%WR) UPDATED
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    posted a message on Shiftcon West - Tavern Brawl #189

     For 1 epic and 2 rares I should say it was worth it :D But it was boooooring :D

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Would like to discuss innovative rogue decks, post Boomsday review.

    I found the idea for this deck in the net, changed a few things and so far it's pretty good. In 9 games I only lost once against Odd Pally. I think in the current meta this deck is very underestimated, but turns out to be pretty good. Especially against Hunters and Paladins. Even if you don't get Keleseth in your starting hand it has many toos to answer almost everything you opponent has. 


    Posted in: Rogue
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