This happened to me today when I played brawl, it got transfomed into libram of wisdom but couldn't attack withthe weapo on that turn... I counldn't play any card or attack for the rest of the game.
My wife is playing mainly Paladin and every game is basically a bug fest.
Herthstone used to be a great game, but its going downhill with every expansion or change Blizzard makes... saaad
The current meta is Rock paper scissors, Pally and druid are certainly overwelming, but not if you're playing the right decks... if you're too capricious just like me and want to outplaying instead of counterpicking , just play bomb warrior which doesn't really counter nor get countered ;).
bomb warr is the mushroom of this meta, people bring it to GM and gets insta ban every time.
Edit: Bomb warrior gets somewhat slowed by weapon removal, which aren't that commun this meta.
I feel good and bad at the same time, but long gone the time when Blizzard printed stupid ass legendaries that served no purpose... every legendary has its place now a tier list is somewhat pointless imo.
Edit: Maybe the DH legendary is a bit expensive for what it does, but still, it has a unique effect.
If you play Khadgar on the most left, soul mirror will copy it first, the second minion that soul mirror summons will trigger Khadgar, summoning a copy that will not attack.
I'm not salty, and souldn't be about a game I'm not putting my money in and most of all is intended to give me good time not the oposite.
I'm posting just to share my opinon about the standard state. There is actually two fully fleshed out decks which are Druid and Palladin period. The cards in there are just exeptionnally good and made to combo with eachother.
The let down here is the other decks which are either jamming in all the low cost burst cards like rogue, DH to come up as aggro decks. Or playing plain old decks which comeplety sucks a** for a game charging 50 plus bucks every four-ish month.
Battletag: ManOfMayhem#2434
Region: EU
Trade only?: Yes, you go first
Battletag: ManOfMayhem#2434
Region: EU
Trade only?: Yes, you go first please.
Battletag: ManOfMayhem#2434
Region: EU
Trade only?: Yes, you go first
This happened to me today when I played brawl, it got transfomed into libram of wisdom but couldn't attack withthe weapo on that turn... I counldn't play any card or attack for the rest of the game.
My wife is playing mainly Paladin and every game is basically a bug fest.
Herthstone used to be a great game, but its going downhill with every expansion or change Blizzard makes... saaad
Battletag: ManOfMayhem#2434
Region: EU
Trade Only?: you go first por favor
Battletag: ManOfMayhem#2434
Region: EU
Trade only? yes, you go first pls <3
Grats mate. I remember the first time I hit legend, it was with mind blast dragon priest. I remember having the same heart race you mentionned <3
basically Buff shaman, nerf everything else kek
The current meta is Rock paper scissors, Pally and druid are certainly overwelming, but not if you're playing the right decks... if you're too capricious just like me and want to outplaying instead of counterpicking , just play bomb warrior which doesn't really counter nor get countered ;).
bomb warr is the mushroom of this meta, people bring it to GM and gets insta ban every time.
Edit: Bomb warrior gets somewhat slowed by weapon removal, which aren't that commun this meta.
I feel good and bad at the same time, but long gone the time when Blizzard printed stupid ass legendaries that served no purpose... every legendary has its place now a tier list is somewhat pointless imo.
Edit: Maybe the DH legendary is a bit expensive for what it does, but still, it has a unique effect.
Am I the only one that dusted my entire wild collection... I came short of meta cards lately and sadly had to do go this way :/
Saved sylvanas, Rag, lich king and dr7 though
Not the type to cheer for Blizzard, but they're actually doing good work when it comes to archetype rotation, and decks diversity...
This said, I'd like to see control paladin come back someday.
If you play Khadgar on the most left, soul mirror will copy it first, the second minion that soul mirror summons will trigger Khadgar, summoning a copy that will not attack.
I'm not salty, and souldn't be about a game I'm not putting my money in and most of all is intended to give me good time not the oposite.
I'm posting just to share my opinon about the standard state. There is actually two fully fleshed out decks which are Druid and Palladin period. The cards in there are just exeptionnally good and made to combo with eachother.
The let down here is the other decks which are either jamming in all the low cost burst cards like rogue, DH to come up as aggro decks. Or playing plain old decks which comeplety sucks a** for a game charging 50 plus bucks every four-ish month.
Battletag : ManOfMayhem#2434
Region: EU
Trade only? Yes, you go first.