Insane that Draenai Warrior has still received zero buffs. I said it before last patch but Warrior only got 1 card out of this expansion, that being Hostile Invader, the rest of his set is just unplayable.
For epics and pack fillers that’s fine, this new cube I don’t have much of a problem with. But when a significant portion of the legendaries are all returning characters it takes away from the identity of the expansion, for instance only two of the Neutral Legendaries from PIP are original characters (Those being Incindius and Gorgonzormu). Again I’m not against call backs but you gotta space them out a bit more.
I dunno about the rest of you guys by I’m getting a little sick of how many callback cards we’re getting these days. We just had an entire expansion of callbacks and this expansion is also filled with them and they usually aren’t even implemented organically. For example, characters like Dr Boom, Dorian and Gepetto make sense to bring back since they all have something to do with toys and their new effect is a creative twist on what they used to do. But then there’s this expansion characters like A F Kay make sense to bring back, but what does Aranna have to do with zip lining and self damage? What does Lynessa have do with sunbathing? Why would Marin the Fox open a resort? These inclusions just feel like inclusions for their own sake and don’t blend in thematically with the rest of the expansion. I vastly would’ve preferred if the Tourist Legendaries were all original characters. Bit off-topic and kinda nitpicky I know, but it’s a problem I’ve had with new cards for a while now
Alloy Advisor critically costs less than 5, which means it won’t mess with Inventor Boom. Unfortunately I feel like we’re past the time where fairly statted taunts like these are enough to make it in today’s meta
Reserved Spot is interesting. There’s some combo potential with Grommash Hellscream + Battleworn Faceless but it seems tricky and inconsistent to make work therefore it probably won’t.
Blast Charge is a lil annoying to activate but I'd probably run Reinforced Plating over Heavy Plate. I really like this dynamite theme Warrior's got going on this set.
It's a definite game changer in Blackrock decks specifically since the only spell you run is Blackrock so that Steam Guardian always draws it. Having a minion which can reset the board in that deck is nothing to sleep on.
Last Stand plus Blast Tortoise is also a nice combo on 7. Deal 4 to all enemy minions and setup a 4/14 taunt, and you don't to run any other taunt support to make it happen.
Couldn't help but notice Abyssal Bassist gets discounted for each weapon equipped, meaning cards like Sword Eater, Sunfire Smithing and even Remornia, Living Blade should work with it. Manacheat minions are also notably good in Blackrock decks since it gains stats based on their original cost, it being another tribe for Voone to copy isn't bad either.
Insane that Draenai Warrior has still received zero buffs. I said it before last patch but Warrior only got 1 card out of this expansion, that being Hostile Invader, the rest of his set is just unplayable.
Disappointed that there are no direct Buffs for Draenei Warrior, but otherwise these changes seem good
Stalwart Avenger is kinda like a 4 mana 7/7 if you think about it
For epics and pack fillers that’s fine, this new cube I don’t have much of a problem with. But when a significant portion of the legendaries are all returning characters it takes away from the identity of the expansion, for instance only two of the Neutral Legendaries from PIP are original characters (Those being Incindius and Gorgonzormu). Again I’m not against call backs but you gotta space them out a bit more.
I dunno about the rest of you guys by I’m getting a little sick of how many callback cards we’re getting these days. We just had an entire expansion of callbacks and this expansion is also filled with them and they usually aren’t even implemented organically. For example, characters like Dr Boom, Dorian and Gepetto make sense to bring back since they all have something to do with toys and their new effect is a creative twist on what they used to do. But then there’s this expansion characters like A F Kay make sense to bring back, but what does Aranna have to do with zip lining and self damage? What does Lynessa have do with sunbathing? Why would Marin the Fox open a resort? These inclusions just feel like inclusions for their own sake and don’t blend in thematically with the rest of the expansion. I vastly would’ve preferred if the Tourist Legendaries were all original characters. Bit off-topic and kinda nitpicky I know, but it’s a problem I’ve had with new cards for a while now
Alloy Advisor critically costs less than 5, which means it won’t mess with Inventor Boom. Unfortunately I feel like we’re past the time where fairly statted taunts like these are enough to make it in today’s meta
Reserved Spot is interesting. There’s some combo potential with Grommash Hellscream + Battleworn Faceless but it seems tricky and inconsistent to make work therefore it probably won’t.
No Testing Dummy is
No Plague DK?
I just realized you can go infinite with Azerite Ox with Rock Master Voone and Zola the Gorgon
Last Stand into Slagmaw is a funny albeit bad combo
Blast Charge is a lil annoying to activate but I'd probably run Reinforced Plating over Heavy Plate. I really like this dynamite theme Warrior's got going on this set.
It's a definite game changer in Blackrock decks specifically since the only spell you run is Blackrock so that Steam Guardian always draws it. Having a minion which can reset the board in that deck is nothing to sleep on.
Last Stand plus Blast Tortoise is also a nice combo on 7. Deal 4 to all enemy minions and setup a 4/14 taunt, and you don't to run any other taunt support to make it happen.
Blast Tortoise is insane with Blackrock 'n' Roll. Also, did nobody mention yet that he's a reference to Blastoise?
Couldn't help but notice Abyssal Bassist gets discounted for each weapon equipped, meaning cards like Sword Eater, Sunfire Smithing and even Remornia, Living Blade should work with it. Manacheat minions are also notably good in Blackrock decks since it gains stats based on their original cost, it being another tribe for Voone to copy isn't bad either.