You can afford to run weaker and lower costs minion with this card but not Gather Your Party, basically the upside is you can get away with running weaker minions.
Actually I don't like current situation of the game and where it goes. With every expansion, cards became more and more powerful(especially in 1-2 years). Power creep is real for Hearthstone. Yeah, there were always very powerful and broken cards in different times but they were limited but now the majority of cards are very powerful and people aren't even using hero powers as much as before.
Power creep is unplesant and even dangerous for card games. As an old competitive Yugioh player, I can say that if this power creep continue, playing Hearthstone won't be fun. Power creep ruined whole Yugioh and it looks like Hearthstone is the next.
Actually differentiating the standard format is a good way to keep game fresh, balanced and prevent power creep but the way Blizzard chose with new cards is wrong I think.
Bring on the powercreep, if Blizzard won't nerf Nzoth in Wild, then I would prefer having new OP cards to deal with that OP card.
You can afford to run weaker and lower costs minion with this card but not Gather Your Party, basically the upside is you can get away with running weaker minions.
Gather Your Party but slightly better.
Not sure how to feel about this but in any case , the tokens are free magnetic targets for Beryllium Nullifier.
Bring on the powercreep, if Blizzard won't nerf Nzoth in Wild, then I would prefer having new OP cards to deal with that OP card.
Commanding Shout hype!
Nice! Good design direction, especially with the leftover token having immune while attacking too.
Please ban Nzoth in Wild.
Agree, they better nerf Nzoth and Amara .
How do you deal with the possibility of Tonk getting polymorph / hex ?
I think Book of Heroes Jaina look absolutely great.
If anything I am running Muck Hunter over Bloodboil Brute to puck friest
Have anyone made a good DMH Bomb Warrior that can survive in Wild? Even against Amara Priest(by adding other win conditions)?
Darkmoon Tonk.
kinda fun, buff it and then use it