
About Me

My name is Selim, I'm 27 and have had a fascination for card games since I was about 7 years old. It started with a Magic pack my mom got me but I honestly had no understanding of the game so I just collected the cards; then came Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh. I started playing Hearthstone in 2014, but honestly didn't play seriously up until the Un'goro expansion. Since then, I have been teetering around ranks 3-5 all with my favorite card in the game - King Krush... my first legendary card :D

I've grown my card collection substantially and I'm hoping to make a push for legend before the end of 2018. I'm still working on getting all of my heros to "golden status", and so far, I have Hunter, Druid, Shaman, and Priest done. 

EDIT: I failed and was not able to reach legend in 2018. I won't stop trying, but can't lie; I'm really disappointed. looking forward to April and a new expansion with rotation. wish me luck in 2019!



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