Quote from TheDarksider >>One thing I'll never understand is super off meta/meme deck players BMing. Like, you have NO REASON to be mean to others when you're losing around 70% of your games, you're obviously not playing to win, so why spam emotes or rope?
Maybe they play super off meta/meme because they grew increasingly tired of playing an playing against braindead tier1 decks piloted by win-obsessed players.
And therefore they hate you.
And therefore they emote you.
Im assuming that's because you are nowhere near top tier
2023. hearthstone players STILL don't know how basic mechanics works.
Let me ask you a question.
You have Wild Pyromancer on board. And you play Yogg-Saron, Hope's End How many instances of 1 dmg will Wild pyro deal? Because this is the same situation. Something casts spell for you, and you expect to get benefits
I had the same good feeling when i first time used my hand-made mill-druid to reach legend in wild.
It was WAAAAY before dew process/tony/solar eclipse non-sense.
I had to use cards like Forest Guide and Grove Tender and boy it was satisfying to play deck/cards that noone ever played
It's second time they buff Worgen Greaser lmao
Maybe it will finally be playable
Duels Update
And.. My very first match opponent plays mechwarper on turn one. Fuck you duels developers
Edit: 2 out of 3 loses were to mechwarpers decks.. Nice blizzard, very nice
Remember when they killed Galakrond, the Nightmare because 0 mana cards were too strong?
And yet we still have Relic of Dimensions which is just straight up the same card, but you can play 2 copies of it
+ how can u be so fucking retarded to keep playing relic DH with 1 new card after new expansion
The exact combo you mentioned isn't relevant really.
But murloc package itself is broken as hell.
Ice FIshing - ClownFish - Scargill + Gorloc + another clownfish + mutanus + flurgl + toxfin. And everything on turn4. And it's super consistent. Even if you are playing control deck that can deal with this broken ass tempo swing, they are playing every disruption in the game + ofc Shudderwock.
Unless you are playing fun&interactive decks like QL Druid/Mine Rogue/Fizzle priest you have no chance against t2 Ice FIshing.
Devs: Adds any new stuff to keep the game fresher
HS Community: BLI$$ARD GREED
Dies to 1-2-3+ mana removals. This card just doesn't matter
Can't wait for +900% VALUE