Celestial Alignment needs to go.
- YoHabloEspanol
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Cinazz posted a message on New Druid Epic Card Revealed - Widowbloom SeedsmanPosted in: News -
thebitterfig posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Revealed - The Harvester of EnvyPosted in: NewsPriest was the original card stealing class. Rogue is encroaching on Priest identity, not the other way around.
YourPersonalGuru posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Revealed - The Harvester of EnvyPosted in: NewsAnother card that will receive a lot more hate than it deserves. I lean towards this being played, but maybe it's too inconsistent.
DrJonesfromHA posted a message on Murloc Holmes and the Murder at Castle NathriaPosted in: NewsCouldn't even be bothered to make a shitty book of heroes slog for this one. Just publish the unused script as a fanfic story.
MysteryboxHS posted a message on The Druid Problem: An AnalysisPosted in: General DiscussionI'm not going to lead in with some long winded intro, but I will preface this analysis by stating that this is going to be broken down into various parts, aimed to encapsulate the areas that makes Druid strong, and how those area's play onto one another's inherent strengths.
Let's get started.
-The Consistency Problem-
One thing that Druids do, far better than any other class without any semblance of reasonable close comparison, is find their strongest cards, namely Guff, with extreme consistency. The offenders and enablers of this are as follows:
These three (six) cards contribute insurmountably to the success of Druid. They allow Druid to shore up their necessary pieces to produce a consistent experience with each playthrough. An experience offered to very few other classes in any capacity. I feel the abundance of cheap, efficient "tutoring" options that Druid has access to contributes more to their success than any other factor. Every other strength of the deck is magnified by the options to see those strengths at all via these enablers.
-The Card Advantage Problem-
I am not going to reference cards in this category, as I feel this is is glaringly apparent and obvious. Fourteen of the thirty cards in the standard list draw or produce additional cards, with almost all of them producing several additional. Druids are, in short, capable of churning through their deck with both extreme ease and consistency.
-The Kazakusan Problem-
All of this deck churning mentioned in the previous assessment would, in most cases, result in a sense of inevitability for the Druid via self fatigue. However that opposition is solved by a single minion that we all know and love, Kazakusan
Rather than this reckless deck churning running the Druid out of fuel, they are rewarded with a deck that flips their own inevitability onto their opponent. All of a sudden, the Druid's deck now consists of the strongest cards imaginable. One's that the druid will also have ease of access to, thanks to previously mentioned strengths.
-The Tempo and Counter Tempo Problem-
So let's start with the Counter or Anti-tempo problem. One thing long time Hearthstone players will remember is that Druids traditionally don't have the easiest means of clearing enemy boards, be them wide or tall. Blizzard decided to remedy this shortcoming through the likes of:
Where Druids once fell short of options to catchup on a lost board, their woes have been remedied through these means to some extent.
As for the Tempo problem itself, I think this is something we have all experienced. Druids dropping the ever favorite Oracle of Elune , and proceeding to summon 16/16, or even 32/32 in stats, for 0 mana, thanks to a giant that synergizes extremely well with their already sound gameplan.
-The Sustain Problem-
So you may think that you should be able to stick a bunch of damage early game while druid is in their "set up" phase, and then finish them with reach, right? Wrong. Blizzard has brought back Earthen Scales to give Druids a very consistent 1 mana: Gain 9+ armor. Sometimes running into three of these thanks to Moonlit Guidance. Another weakness of sacrificing an early game shorn up with a single, cheap card.
-The Ramp/Guff Problem-
Finally we arrive at the problem that Druid is notoriously disliked for. Their ability to bridge a wide gap in mana with their opponent. Well, thanks to their new hero Guff, this gap has been taken further than ever seen before. It is not uncommon for the Druid to be at 14+ mana while you're at 6-7, and anyone on the receiving end of that knows the kinds of disadvantage that provides. I'm not going to delve deeper into this, as it's very known and apparent. We've all been there. We've all seen what a class can do with twenty mana and no shortage of cards.
-In Conclusion-
I want to conclude by saying that, of all of the problems listed above, I believe the greatest offender to be the consistency problem. Everything else is made possible by Druids ability to consistently find the pieces needed. It all falls into place because Druid is very good and efficient at making it all fall into place. Guff wouldn't be the problem he is if he wasn't consistently found and played on or shortly after curve.
But that aside, something has got to give. It's a class that basically has everything, and lacks little. Early game, big tempo decks like Demon hunter, Pirate warriors, and some Mech variants can still bring Druid to heel. But even against all of that, Druid can still easily sneak out a win if they don't whiff on too much early game.
Something needs to give with Druid Blizzard, they shouldn't have "it all."
sPacEtiMe19 posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Card Revealed - Pirate Admiral HooktuskPosted in: NewsPlease rotate shadowstep.
Fra_Peperco posted a message on 22.6 Patch Notes - Expansion Pre-Order, Mercenaries & Battleground Changes & More!Posted in: NewsHow to ruin a great expansion announcement day: "We expect the 22.6 patch to become available over the next few days" not even hours, DAYS.
M1ch43l posted a message on A History of Official Meta Snapshots - Every Expansion Since Old Gods - With Pie Charts!Posted in: NewsFractured in Alterac Valley, Priest 2,77%
Do something!
kwikill posted a message on Datamined Balance Changes for 22.2 - Sorcerer's Apprentice - Rapid Fire - Rogue Changes & More!Posted in: NewsI would've preferred "cost cannot be reduced below (1)" for Sorcy, but this'll do I guess.
Rapid Fire looks very specifically aimed at Odd Quest Hunter.. which.. is like 95% of Quest Hunters in Wild, so..
At first blush the Warrior Quest change just looks like a small speedbump (it'll now be 3-3-2 instead of 3-2-2), but we'll see.
JawsLoanCompany posted a message on 22.0.2 Patch Notes - Balance Changes (BG, Constructed), Arena Update, Bug Fixes & MorePosted in: NewsMeanwhile Priest, nowhere to be seen in the championship, was ignored. Sigh.
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CA is bait imo. Sure the card is complete ass to play against and is a big fail in design but guff is the true evil.
Lmao questline hunter makes Raza Priest look tame by comparison
Wow, one of my favorite cards revealed so far. Such a cool effect and flavor. Remind me of a neutral maxima that can target minions
One thing that still kinda bothers me is how public gatherings are still disabled after like 3 years.
Why would this even see play with Alignment around? I would love to play with cards like this but it's nullified by alignment
Most excited I've been for this game in a year. Hearthstone saved?
I can see where this effect might trigger people but as it stands now, I really think people are overreacting a little Over this card. Refreshing mana always has been worse than gaining mana and this even has a rather janky requirement. Of course without cards like mozaki it will be harder to get a huge payoff. We will have to wait until all cards are revealed along with the Coe set but so far it doesn't look too ridiculous but who knows
Out top decking your opponent isn't strategy. Card draw helps strategy
Wtf does it silence it? Just make it summon the minion. What's the point of the silence
Barrens wasn't perfect but it all started going downhill with stormwind. I never felt as bad about the game until then. I believe this expansion is a step in the right direction though and rotation will help massively so it's not all doom and gloom. I won't shit on the game until I feel it truly has gone too far down unlike some people here