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    posted a message on [Legend S30 2016] Karazhan Totem Shaman

    Argent Squire would be the best option, but if you do that you might consider changing Feral Spirit for Argent Horserider, for synergy.

    Posted in: [Legend S30 2016] Karazhan Totem Shaman
  • 1

    posted a message on [S31 Legend#2EU #3Asia] SMOrc Hunter

    Well, Secret Hunter is Tier 4... (https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/standard/2016-09-18)

    TIER 4: Inconsistent decks that are unrefined, out-of-flavor, overly niche, or retired. Taking wins off upper-tier decks requires an intimate understanding of the role of every card in the deck.

    Posted in: [S31 Legend#2EU #3Asia] SMOrc Hunter
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    posted a message on [Legend S30 2016] Karazhan Totem Shaman

    Thanks, I will try to get legend this season too with this post-nerf changes .

    I' ll keep this updated, so tell me later if you try it how it works for you. Good luck!

    Posted in: [Legend S30 2016] Karazhan Totem Shaman
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    posted a message on [LEGEND] 60%+ Shaman Slayer

    HI, I really like your deck, but I want to ask for some questions:

    Don't you needed weapon removal? Expecially against of  Hunters and Shaman (and things like gorehowl maybe)

    I understand the synergy of N'Zoth with Barnes, but have you try Ragnaros as a plan b removal and with synergy with Barnes too?

    Because sometimes things like Hex rekt your N'Zoth so sadly bad.

    Well I will try the deck because I want to get  my golden warrior even in this ShamanStone., so wish me luck xD



    Posted in: [LEGEND] 60%+ Shaman Slayer
  • 2

    posted a message on Cloaked Huntress Yogg and Load

    I saw you commented in some decks and i want to ask you if you think medivh could be a VIABLE fun option for this deck.

    It has good stats for a 7 mana and with 2 call of the wild in curve can be really op. (8 mana minions generally are op).


    Maybe like a substitution for one arcane giant to test it (maybe, because I don't know yet if the giants are really a looot better).

    Good deck!

    Posted in: Cloaked Huntress Yogg and Load
  • 14

    posted a message on [LEGEND] Midrange Camel Hunter

    That's something I will never understand about this site. In all the pages and forums in internet, first you post and then, if it is good, you get upvoted.

    I mean, some people work really hard getting legend and writing guides and videos here and they don't get likes, and you want a lot just because you are Trump? If I was admin in this page, I would put a section of [Legend] decks, with obligatory guide and proof.

    Especially from Pro Players, since they should be an example. If you can't do that, you should stay on Youtube.

    Posted in: [LEGEND] Midrange Camel Hunter
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    posted a message on Divine Aggro (84% WR to legend)

    I really like your deck, but I find interesting to deepen into this. You said the focus was aggro (early board control and snowballing until the end). So then, having consistent 2 drops isn't essencial? (Like Zoo, for example). I mean, can you regain the aggro tempo if you didn't get your 1 drop? How often do you draw the curve you need? The 1-drop -> 2-drop curve especially. The meta changes fast, that why I'm just asking this for the consistency.

    Posted in: Divine Aggro (84% WR to legend)
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    posted a message on NEW Paladin with Eggs

    -1 Truesilver Champion -1 Consecration +2 Defender of Argus

    And then, -2 Echoing Ooze +2 Haunted Creeper could make sense.

    What do you think of this zoo-ish approach?

    Posted in: NEW Paladin with Eggs
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    posted a message on Odemian : Number 2 EU Rafaam+Reno Paladin (credits to Lifecoach)

    I usually make use of Reno 1 in 5 matches, and usually when that happens I can drop it inmeddiately, because how i said earlier, thats are cards that you mulligan. And if not, early presence/taunt/healing allow you not only to stay alive, but also to keep Reno in hand until you draw them, and even later, if you want to save him for when they go all in.

    If Reno Paladin wants to stop being Tier 4, needs to start giving Reno a little break. Is only ONE card in your deck, you can't make all your game dependent on him.

    P.S: What do you think about Antique Healbot? Is worth more than a Sen'jin Shieldmasta, Refreshment Vendor or a Guardian of Kings? Because I know is good the healing but you have already some, and I usually lost tons of tempo when I play it, enough to let the oponent gains board control, and with only one equality and concentration...



    Posted in: Odemian : Number 2 EU Rafaam+Reno Paladin (credits to Lifecoach)
  • -1

    posted a message on Odemian : Number 2 EU Rafaam+Reno Paladin (credits to Lifecoach)

    To all the people having problem with this deck (is really good but can have early problems), this are my two cents:

    -1 Acolyte of Pain +1 Shielded Minibot

    -1 Mind Control Tech +1 Muster for Battle

    -1 Murloc Knight +1 Defender of Argus

    -1 Acidic Swamp Ooze +1 Quartermaster

    Yeah, I know... "but Reno?" you would always keep minibot and muster, so if Reno appears usually you can insta drop it.

    And even if you can't, you have enough early presence, taunts and healings to live until Reno can shine.

    Posted in: Odemian : Number 2 EU Rafaam+Reno Paladin (credits to Lifecoach)
  • 0

    posted a message on [S21 EU LEGEND] Rexxar Shaman

    I really like your deck, because with the others I think they lack powerful 2 drops, and here is balanced.

    Now, could Powermace be better than the Stormforged Axe? Did you ever try it?

    How I said earlier, I know the importance of 2 drops, but I want to ask you anyway about which has more sinergy.

    Edit: And 2 Ancestral Knowledge didn't work for you? Because everyone runs 2, I would like to know what you think.

    Posted in: [S21 EU LEGEND] Rexxar Shaman
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    posted a message on [Top 5 NA] Reynad's Aggro Overload Mech Shaman

    What I don't know is why the negatives, if at the end, Reynad also add the Drakes...


    Posted in: [Top 5 NA] Reynad's Aggro Overload Mech Shaman
  • -6

    posted a message on [Top 5 NA] Reynad's Aggro Overload Mech Shaman

    HI, I have a problem. I want to have card draw, but I can't decide between Azure Drakes and Jeeves. My replacements:

    -2 Leper Gnomes  +2  Jeeves / Azures Drakes (because my styleplay is more zoo-ish than SMOrc-ish).

    -1 Doomhammer +1 Bloodlust (because i don't have the 2nd doom).

    The Jeeves synergies really well with the mechs and the aggresive input of the deck. You could play it for 2-4 mana (mechwappers), could powermace it and could draw you 1-3 cards at the end of your turn, and even more later. But aren't good if you need inmediate topdeck.

    The Azure Drakes give you and instant draw (great for topdeck lethal) and give you spell damage (a lot of spells), but could be expensive for this deck, and can only draw you one card.

    What would you choose? 2 Azure, 2 Jeeves or 1 and 1?

    Edit: After many aggro matchups, I'm running 1 Azure & 1 Loatheb, but if control becomes meta (reno's decks) the Jeeves could be playable.

    Posted in: [Top 5 NA] Reynad's Aggro Overload Mech Shaman
  • 0

    posted a message on [S19] Confessor Dragon Priest - 60%+ win rate

    Sorry if this too much offtopic you can erase it. If i can add some more info, against this SMOrc meta, other changes i tried before:

    Deathlords (the OTK dragon, but i don't like it, too RNG), Wild piromancers (helps early plus aoe, could dies easily),

    Faerie Dragons (helps early and the usually vital dragon synergy)

    And 1 possible replacement that i'm running now is:  -1 cabal + 1 kind of silence

    Helps to get lethal or counter buff/taunt oriented classes: Pala, Priest, Druid, Handlock, Freeze/Echo Mage.

    Ex: Early to trade minibot with whelp, Mid to remove a blessing of kings, Late with Tirion.

    Could be: 0 cost silence (if you run pyromancers, or like the cheapest silence), Owl (the classic versatile option)

    Greedy options: (that CAN work)

    Mass Dispel (expensive, but recycle and could win you a game alone... coff...handlock...coff)

    Mind Control (the greediest, funnier, and unexpectedly efficient. Tirion, Grommash, extra Ysera, you know xD)

    Posted in: [S19] Confessor Dragon Priest - 60%+ win rate
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    posted a message on [S19] Confessor Dragon Priest - 60%+ win rate

    I run a very similar deck with good winrate against almost any class:

    - 1 Chillmaw & -1 Vol'jin (i don't have them, i would run them otherwise)

    + 1 Ooze (i don't have harrison) & +1 Kezan mystic

    - 1 Cabal or Holy nova + 1 Lightbomb

    As you can see, the added cards are tech counters:

    Ooze/Harrison: Pala, hunter, warrior, REKT rogue, sometimes warlock

    Kezan Mystic: Pala, hunter, REKT mage

    And 2 lightbooms because of 2 mystereous xD, and also better against druid and warlock.

    What do you think?


    Posted in: [S19] Confessor Dragon Priest - 60%+ win rate
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