This is garbage. 8 mana runed orb, ignite your face, and cast a brainfreeze or frost secret. That or you play big spell mage, a deck that will not be good. And the HP is way too slow. Mage will be dumpster tier.
lol dude, the point is to play this hero in a big spell mage, is like complaining that Yogg-Saron, Hope's End doesn't work in your agro deck
basically a paladin card, i like it. just one question, if you don't have a rush minion does it break the chain? or you just draw for a divine shield and then a taunt?
Deeprun Engineer is going to be a staple for paladin right now, we have 3 class mech and all of them are pretty nice
imho is a good card to get from a card generator like Battle Vicar but won't make the cut in the initial deck
oh no i don't have enough bundle to spend my money on, i'm glad that blizzard lissen to their player, these are the important things to add
and a new bundle, and legendaries to buy with real money and a new bundle and wait for it.....a new mercenary LEGENDARY bundle
lol dude, the point is to play this hero in a big spell mage, is like complaining that Yogg-Saron, Hope's End doesn't work in your agro deck
but why
yeah sure give him more
what a terrible quest (for now)
i think the quest tier list right now is:
that's my personal opinion don't get mad
draw 2 is usually valued 3 mana
dude you can't play quest priest with one cost 8 and 1 cost seven
how 6 mana 4/5 draw 2 is bad ?
basically a paladin card, i like it. just one question, if you don't have a rush minion does it break the chain? or you just draw for a divine shield and then a taunt?
i'll never understand why priest alwais get the strongest mass removal
i guess they never miss, huh?
the tiger summoned is just a neutral minion without any ability right?