He DID NOT read the FINE PRINT...
30 MANA ➡️ 0 MANA?!
What's Inside This Sandwich?!
Puppetmaster Dorian INSTANT WIN Combo!
I played a 150-CARD COMBO using π to WIN THE GAME!
Hi, I'm Shiju! I mainly make short videos showcasing a cool interaction in a combo, but I do other stuff too!
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3 could also be Goldwing or Bronze Explorer , but yeah i guess this would be a bit much for Pure Paladin.
My guess is they try to push some kind of "cheat minion earlier out" archetype, with Lead Dancer and Annoy-o-Troupe .
Unfortunately it seems that’s how humans react to change or unknown stuff.
I also see this in other games and their forums. In World of Tanks for example if you look in the forum before every new patch ( when they announce it) an outsider would think WG is completely incompetent and the game dies in a couple days. ( It’s almost a standard that people threaten to quit or stop spending money). Even if they make a REALLY good patch where my buddies say; NOW literally none can complain.... And they just shake their heads when I read from the forum.
But the mods there know that only a small minority is so invested and easily triggered by any changes, and impossible to satisfy, that they respond to them ( if it’s somewhat respectful and constructive) , but obviously they know it’s not as black and white how people portray it.
This is actually also something that triggers me a bit when streamers only pay attention to negative comments. Even if 99% are positive, the human mind is made to learn from bad things that’s why we pay attention to it ( but I do think a good streamer should find a balance to that and ignore sometimes a flat out insulting guy) .
As if this wasn’t foreseeable...
I wonder if they learned anything from Ultimate Infestation. If they give a class with the ability to ramp up mana fast, also very strong lategame options , it will always create a negative gaming experience. Since unlike with aggro you actually have options to counter that, with the opponent having 10 mana while you’re at 5 it’s virtually impossible to overcome that.
A good counter back in the days were 1 drops that scaled in power, so they could easily race Druids that didn’t do anything in the first turns.... But tbh it was correct to nerf them, but they should also kept an eye on Druids ramping abilities.
And is still doing just fine? Thus these nerfs seemed justifyed?
Thats why i mentioned Control... Priest can afford to play understated cards since the class is flooded with comeback mechanisms (aoe) and healing.
It depends if you see a World where Control DeamonHunter is a viable (at least tier 2 ) deck.
If not it doesnt matter if the card by itself is better than Madame Lazul. If DH is still a tempo/aggro class you dont play a gameplan interrupting card with questionable effect. You either play lots of stats, carddraw or removal. No way an aggrodeck can spend 4 mana do nothing immediate to the board/face.
Thats the mistake most people make when evaluating cards outside of classes with absurd carddraw. Just like Pyro+Libram of Justice isnt op and is actually hard to pull of since you always seem to miss a part of that combo, the same goes for Hunter. Hunter isnt a class that can hold on for combo peaces.(Classes with healing can do that, and even there ...) Every card basically does something broken or proactive.
Generally speaking you never wanna play 2 bad cards to make 1 good combo, unless you have godlike carddraw or its a gamewining one.
I hope so. I dont wanna get all my minions stolen by Priest.
A 1/4.