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    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Mountainfire Armor
    Quote from Oshigawa >>

    This card is a win/win. Against aggro, you will chip its health off by trading it with smaller minions, and sooner or later the opponent is going to choose to trade its 1/1 with your, now 4/1, minion rather then let it hit its face or trade with something bigger. 4 attack is just too much to ignore, perfect stats and perfect deathrattle. Not to mention that you can buff him and practically make him a soft taunt or use with rivendare.

     Hmmm so what 3 drops plays a PirateWarrior for example, Southsea Captian,BloodsailRaider, and Frothing Berserker. Do you really think you can get away with not trading into them/letting those alive? And Korkronelite or Nagacorsair are trades you can't pass up. Same goes for Fledgeling in other aggro decks or even Tarcreeper wich a lot of them are running. 
    And I wanna see how much "win" this card is against a Control Pally or a Jadedruid , in those matchups you simply play a 3 mana 4\3 wich is bad. ( Ok he will eventually comeback with Nzoth,but still... )
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Mountainfire Armor

    Weird card. I voted playable ,but I guess it depends how the meta will be . Against aggro this is only good if you can taunt him up. That seems like a questionable combo. ( also taunting up a 3HP minion doesn't seem worth it) 

    And against Jadedruid or Controlpaladin, well they don't care about  armor. But withmore deathrattle minions it could be decent in a Nzoth deck.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Nerubian Unraveler

    Looks like a Tech card to me . If Jade Druid,Miracle Rouge or Freeze mage are too popular that guy can be usefull(very nice vs Auctioneer) . But probably too specific and not hardcountering enough. (Like Secreteater or Weaponremovals)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Kolento's Elemental Jade Deck

    It depends what you are facing, but with this list you can definitely hit Legend. ( I need only two stars :) The list is on my top comment , just click the red letters/link.   GL buddy .


    Posted in: Kolento's Elemental Jade Deck
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    posted a message on Kolento's Elemental Jade Deck

    Uhh ehhm thank you very much for the positive feedback. I expexted some guys who question or insult me :) Because maybe i wrote it  a little cocky . But the deck has to be good(legend level)( i have not much time atm. cause work almost 60 hour week)

     First question; i play on eu.

    Second i started with almost the same list as Kolento ,but over time i cut or changed cards that i felt NEEDED to be changed (like i explained with Vulcano+Thing from Below). And i can give u the list but its always a evolving(^^) process. Elise the Trailblazer is probably not always the best card in this deck (but fun). If you feel my changes are weird or its now to midrangy (It still feels and plays like control),thats ok . Everyone should experiment and puzzle out his favourite style/deck^^  http://imgur.com/a/3anPz Ooops everything, in ger :( I can make it in english if you want.

    Posted in: Kolento's Elemental Jade Deck
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    posted a message on Pirates Everywhere, it's getting stale. - Petition is now Open.
    Quote from MaximGorkij >>
    Quote from massakre >>

    Stop crying, stop netdecking and use you brain to make a deck reliable agains the stomp of pirates. If you face pirates 80% of the time you'll get close to 80% winrate.

    Some ideas for standard (shaman): Lightning Bolt Acidic Swamp Ooze Gluttonous Ooze Golakka Crawler Lightning Storm Maelstrom Portal Hot Spring Guardian Jinyu Waterspeaker Mistress of Mixtures Tar Creeper Tidal Surge

    Additions for wild: Annoy-o-Tron Healing Wave Antique Healbot Sludge Belcher Explosive Sheep

     and you will have a deck that beats ONLY pirate warrior. Great idea!
    I would agree if you'd put all of them in your deck.  But if you have problems against Pirates and you face " only" PW everywhere adding some of those cards should bump your WR to a decent level.
    Im at rank one atm and I see them only every 15- 20 game or so. There are much more Murloc Paladins and TokenShamans around ! 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kolento's Elemental Jade Deck

    Sure I'll message you when I'm home. Maybe I can spec you and we change one card here or there. Because on different ranks you face different metas. ( If you face a lot of Jadedruid for example you can mix in a 4 mana 7/7) 

    Posted in: Kolento's Elemental Jade Deck
  • 5

    posted a message on Kolento's Elemental Jade Deck

    I made a different version of this couple weeks ago. ( 7 cards changed) and have huge success rank 1 atm. Today I played 10 games and lost one.

    The main thing that's wrong in my opinion is the Vulcano ThingfBelow package. Vulcano is decent if you can clear the board ( wich is not always possible) and can develop at the same time. A cheap Thing from below for example.  BUT... TfB sucks ( in a control Deck)  if you play enough you can see very fast why. Against aggro you don't heropower so a Tarcreeper would do the same much cheaper. Against control you can get it down to zero mana but now you play a 5/5 that does nothing. It's not important enogh vs value decks. Trust me i played enough to figure that out.


    Posted in: Kolento's Elemental Jade Deck
  • 1

    posted a message on Why does no one greet back? A Talk about Courtesy

    Same here. For the greeting at the start... I really don't care about greeting,also i try to take it serious ( some get into the "Zone") and it only distracts me. Even at lower ranks when it's not so important I found they greet most of the time when they have a god curve. Kinda like a preemptive BM , so for those reasons I don't react anymore.   If it was a epic game I have no problems responding or saying my self, well played.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Deathstalker, Rexxar

    Hey Schrute! Do you also think his intro battlecry will be: I will value you down!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Jade Druid is going out of hand
    Quote from GrandPatzer >>

    I only see problem in the decks ability to playJade Idol multiple times withGadgetzan Auctioneer in the fatigue phases of the match. Rotating auctioneer to HOF could be a good option.

     I think they talked about rotating it out eventually on the QA before Ungoro. If you think about it it also makes sense. They wanted to give every class it's identity. Healing, ramp, removal etc. Rouge now has good removal and lots of spells that combo or cycle ,like Sprint for example. But Auctioneer just outclasses any classspecific carddraw ( besides Divine Favour maybe) . It's the same problem they had with BGH. He was sometimes flat out better than a class card. But since every change or nerf would destroy GA as we know him,they will rotate him someday.
    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Deathstalker, Rexxar

    Is it already known what his voicelines are ? 

    Maybe something like: I will value you down !?!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Aldor Peacekeeper
    Quote from Adernain >>

    All this time I thought he was speaking in the draenei language saying smtg weird. Now I realised he says ''follow the rules''.

    There are rumors around some even heard him say : Follow the LUL's.     :)
    Posted in: Aldor Peacekeeper
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    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Deathstalker, Rexxar
    Quote from ExisPsycho >>

    Starting this conversation now

    I see everybody talking about this card as a Control Hunter card, which could become relevant, but what about instead placing it into more of a Midrange Shell?

    Using this in a deck already based around taking control over the early game board with efficient sticky minions compliments the consecrate ability while also staying true to Hunter core gameplay. Instead of relying on the idea of it being a stabilization tool, why not use it as a top-end finisher that attempts to capitalize on board control/stabilization against aggro, which makes it a reasonable turn 5-6 curve play in a proactive deck, and an excellent value tool against other long-game focused decks.

    Also, comparing "Hero" cards to Quest cards is fallacious by nature. Part of the issue with Quests came with the fact that not only did you have to gimp your deck with at times ineffective cards, but you had to sacrifice both a card in your hand in the early game and the tempo associated with playing a card on turn 1. "Hero" cards, while issues might be found later on, can not be compared due to not only being immediately impactful on the board (as far as we can tell) but also not being a rock in the early game that forces you to build around 29 bad cards.

     The problem of using this in a midrange shell ( or as top end finisher) is that your standard heropower is almost always better in a spot were you were able to stabilize or even got ahead of your opponent.
    Ifyou are behind it's questionable if a 6 mana consecration will do the job. But we have to see if Hunter gets more stal or aoe cards.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Deathstalker, Rexxar
    Quote from Nimehte >>

    Seriously guys I knew that marsh queen is shit right after I saw it but this card is definetely good at late game

     Yes, but how does late game look like? Your opponent low at life cause you have to make a deck thats good without this .
    And well... usualy u win  the board and just need a coupple steady shots. Or u got a bad curve ,the opponent has a huge board, and generating value if u are behind is useless. We have to see maybe more boardclear for Hunter.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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