People still ask this?
- Wicek
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Member for 10 years, 9 months, and 12 days
Last active Sat, Nov, 19 2022 04:59:58 -
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- 4 Thanks
RaptorWithWings posted a message on Top 5 Duels Moments of the Week - 7Posted in: News -
Pushover1471 posted a message on Classic Control Warrior Diamond-LegendPosted in: Classic Control Warrior Diamond-LegendFor sure! I hope it helps.
Pushover1471 posted a message on Classic Control Warrior Diamond-LegendPosted in: Classic Control Warrior Diamond-LegendThanks, was fun to make!
mrnat04 posted a message on Classic Control Warrior Diamond-LegendPosted in: Classic Control Warrior Diamond-LegendThat's really a good guide, nice work, love to see a cw player posting this
Bodycount1 posted a message on Theo's Top 20 Legend Big Priest GuidePosted in: Theo's Top 20 Legend Big Priest GuideI feel all these priest decks need two Mountain Giant in there. There are many times I'm just passing my turn doing nothing because I can't do anything until turn 4 or 6 with Barnes or Shadow Essence. So when you fill up your hand, at least you can drop the giants for some damage.
Axethor posted a message on NAXX Update week 2 LEGEND Zoo Deck 70% WIN Rate !! Control KillerPosted in: NAXX Update week 2 LEGEND Zoo Deck 70% WIN Rate !! Control Killerentire description stolen from Kyukon's Zoo deck:
It doesn't even match the deck that is listed here. Lazy copy-paste job.
th3nolo posted a message on PVP Live Tavern Takeover - Trump - The ZooPosted in: PVP Live Tavern Takeover - Trump - The ZooDivine zoo
andrewc5120 posted a message on Reckful Mid-Range Hunter (Archived, VoD no longer exists)Posted in: Reckful Mid-Range Hunter (Archived, VoD no longer exists)I know some people were asking early on in the comments, but I recently made a change with the way I run my own version of this deck. Subbed 1x River Crocolisk and 1x Dire Wolf Alpha for 1x Eaglehorn Bow and 1x Explosive Trap. I finally turned round to the genius of the rhino and run 1x kodo, rhino, snapjaw myself. with the addition of the bow and trap i find myself prepared to win against every deck in the game. Thank you for the support everyone! This deck has really blown up the past couple of days :)
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Thank you for this guide.
Thank you for the deck!
Thank you for the deck.