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    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!

    Crazy game on ladder.

    It was evolve shammy vs. evolve shammy.  He had board early and I was just fighting to keep clearing his stuff.  Eventually he evolved + DK, but made a critical error of not clearing some of my minions (which happened to have poison from my own earlier evolve).  I cleared his board by trading and put a primal fin totem down.  He roped (probably realizing with no cards or board he was dead).  I played dopple and the DK.  I got 6 good minions and the last one that stupid demon that does 5 damage to your face for every minion summoned.  As I watched my health drop down to 2 (and no taunts from evolve) I thought to myself dam you hearthstone.  2 seconds later I get the your opponent has left message :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Please help a bad Arena player!

    1st Loss:

    You should have played tide hunter on turn 1 with the coin.  If he pings that means he doesnt drop a 2-drop.  Wow and then you didnt play a 2 drop on turn 2 or coin out your 3 drop?  I dont understand the logic at all here.  Do you play constructed at all and if so to what rank?  Honestly you lost the game on those first 3 turns, but you also misplayed turn 9 (stealth in the middle always)

    2nd Loss:

    Small misplay at the end when you should have traded the mage 2/1 minion to see what spell you were going to get first, but he had a better deck. 

    3rd Loss:

    Turn 3 should of been the poisin 3 drop.  He just buffed his entire hand +1/+1 and the poisin can take care of a buffed minion.  Turn 4 I would have kookied the 1/3 and killed the yeti.  You dont want to leave minions on the board for pallies.  Turn 8 you should of traded the 6/4 into the 3/5.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Loss analysis Paladin vs Mage

    Mulligan-  Little thing, but no clue why you wanted to keep a 3 drop (especially a bad one) when your early game looks ok.

    Turn 2 - You shouldnt have coined out the secret.  Honestly i may have coined out the blessing on the opponent minion and gaurantee a 2 card draw, along with already having a 3 drop for the next turn.  This way you get the hydro back, plus a card from your deck.

    Turn 4 - You absolutely should of traded big mistake.

    Also dont draft two of those hydras.  You are asking to be murdered.


    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Are all Priest decks now OP in Arena?

    Yeah Priest is Super good or Super bad.  My last two priest drafts I was not offered a single operative, potion of madness, talon priest (or Death or Pain), which resulted in a 4-3 run.  I had a single Dragonfire potion, but that alone is not enough to carry priest out of the dumpster.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Loss Analysis - Priest vs Paladin

     FYI Midnight Drake is a Dragon (The replay isnt showing any tribe tags for some reason).

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Loss Analysis - Priest vs Paladin

     Turn 4 - Should of been Twilight + Zoobot as that contests the board + his weapon


    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Loss and analysis Druid vs Warrior

    You probably should of gone for Lunar as not playing a minion doesnt let him buff his frothing any more and really the only way you are dealing with the board is with a swipe, but you really you need to chalk that one up to a bad draw.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Loss and analysis Rogue vs Rogue

    The very good players think many moves ahead.  If you just start by thinking, whats my next turn look like that will greatly help you eek out more wins.  Remember to always re evaluate when your next turn starts to see if what you drew changes things.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Loss and analysis Rogue vs Rogue

    Turn 6- you should of played the 3/3 and 3/2.  Playing the 5/3 is just saying you can have the board for another turn and develop anything you want onto a clear board (and you get to keep your 2/1 weapon).  If you play the 3/2 and 3/3 its still a clear board for him but he has no weapon.

    I also probably would have taken the 5 mana minion and not shiv.  You are not starving for cards and how much is a ping going to help you on turn 7.  Alternatively you could drop the 4/6 and hero power on turn 7, which also helps you reduce your giant cost.

    Turn 7-I would have taken the discover card because given the board state you need an AOE (Lightning storm or Elemental destruction)

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Loss and analysis Warrior vs Mage

    The thought process about poly is an OK one to have, but in this instance because the Argent loses his shield there are way more tools the mage can use to remove the 4/2 than a 6/8.  Plus I like using the Argent to remove larger things if possible.  In the end given the way things played out I think after turn 6 you were going to lose no matter what (Even if you played that right I dont know that you could have won).


    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Loss and analysis Warrior vs Mage

    Your only mistake on turn 3 was that you discovered last.

    Turn 6 was a misplay.  I think you played the right cards (I disagree with the above poster) but if you bash the 4/3 and throw your vendor into the 1/3 and then play razorfin you are left with a 2/3, 1/1 and a 3/3 vs a 2/2, 2/2.

    Turn 7 I would have dropped bog.  He only has 3 cards so he really can't get a ton of value from the Sorc.  These two turns is where you lost the game.

    Turn 9 I dont know what the rest of your deck looked like but I would have dropped the mana wyrm if you had any more spells in your deck.  It gives you the most possible power on board.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro - Hearthstone's Fifth Expansion

    I mean in the end if your Base set is fairly lite thats the one to go after since they will always be in play.  In particular if you get lucky in the coming weeks before the release of UnGoro and get a sylv or rag you will get a free 1600 dust to play with after they get moved to the hall of fame.  Normally there are a few key cards that make a big difference with a new adventure, but really the majority of your deck could be from the base set.

    If you are averaging even 3.001 wins per arena run and plan to stay Free to Play then thats the best way to go.

    Posted in: Guides
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    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro - Hearthstone's Fifth Expansion
    Quote from the_froggy >>

    So ive just started playing Hearthstone. Ive got a few classic card packs and a few MoG packs. Ive been told that arena is the way to go for the newcomers (as a way to amass my collection). My question is, should i be spamming arena for the Gadz packs or should i save my money for arena when UnGoro gets released? Or should i save and buy an advanture?

     Unless you are decent at Arena you would be better off saving your gold (Maximizing quest rewards and trying to get as much of the 100g for 30 wins a day) and buying packs.  You need to average 3 wins to basically break even and unless you have a good grasp of how to draft/play in Arena I can guarantee you are going to average below 3 wins.  If you are dead set on Arena either watch streamers (Hafu, Kripp, Trump for example) on twitch, find someone to co-op with who has experience in Arena and/or read guides to increase your chance at getting that magical 3 win average.
    Posted in: Guides
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    posted a message on Help me lords of the arena, you're my only hope.

     Warlock draft:

    Pick #2 - In non ping classes being able to do 1 damage is so beneficial.  Coil is such a good card and there isnt a need to draft a strong 1 drop this early unless its the best card.

    Pick #17 - For a lock Acolyte is really pointless since you can draw with your HP.  The murloc is the right choice here.

    Pick #19 - This is tough but I think the yeti is the right play because all your other 4 drops are not greatly stated



    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Help me lords of the arena, you're my only hope.

     Your curve was horrible.  Unless you are a rogue you are not going to get away with 3 total 1 and 2 drops.  You need 7-9.

    Pick #4 - Dire wolf allows you to trade up unexpectedly, which can swing games in your favor.

    Pick #10 - Dont know why you picked dopple here Babbling is just strictly better unless you are a shammy or pally.

    Pick #13 - You literally picked the worst card of the 3.  Similar to Dire Wolf, Dark Iron can just win you games and that's what i would have taken.

    Pick #21 - Shatter really?  I get that you have a ton of freeze effects but you dont want to be wasting 2 cards to kill 1 minion.  Venture here.

    It seems like your plan was to draft early game removal with the frostbolts and cannon, but all this does is delay the inevitable of being over run by minions.

    Pick #28 - Take the 2 drop at this point you literally have no early game minions.


    Posted in: The Arena
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