agree! and refund all rogue and paladin cards for penflinger decks
Apart from the fact that this is obviously a sarcastic remark (I hope), it does portray the reason why the rules about nerfs and the accompanied dust refunds are so rigid. It is a line Blizzard will not cross, and rightfully so.
There have been numerous instances in the past where the same case could be made for other nerfs. And you can even go further than that; you could say you crafted C’Thun just for Spell Mage. Or that you crafted Survival of the Fittest, Twilight Runner and Lake Thresher for Guardian Animals. I know they’re not as inherently connected to each other as Kargal is to the Watch Posts, but the point still stands.
Dust refunds are offered ONLY on the nerfed cards. It is your own risk to decide which cards you want to craft. It has been this way for almost 7 years, and it will never change. Nor should it.
lol got a push notification on mobile that this week was Dungeon Boss brawl....would have preferred that.
Question on how this works: do you pick one of the 3 and then get 3 discover choices of that type? Or does it present you one of each option in the discover?
Has to be an Unlisted event
Fireside Gathering (you can create an unlisted one for just yourself if you wanna open packs)
The reveal video is the best part