The problem with Demon Hunter is that every deck on the ladder is Demon Hunter, or a deck made to counter Demon Hunter. All the decks you list is not that broken because they live(d) in a meta with counters to everything, and not one class obliterating everything else. Look up HSreplay and see Demon Hunter is the only class with over 50% win avarage. That is a problem for the game. Not every deck should be equal. That is not what Im saying, but you need 2-3 tier 1 decks, 2-5 tier 2, and so on. This has meta has one tier 1 deck, with small variations and the rest is in what you normally would call tier 3 or 4, including the decks you named.
Also everyone has most of the cards, unlike a lot of other decks, and because of that you see a lot of them right now
Is this supposed to be a GoT reference? The ship ballista that Euron used?
IMO Barnes should have just been something like "Summon a 1/1 copy of a minion in your deck. Give it Deathrattle: return this card to your deck". Then it's a minor buff for some decks but completely destroys its use in Big Priest, literally the only deck where it's an issue.
Why is fucking Big Priest not nerfed yet? Honestly. It ruins everyone's fun every single expansion. Barely anything changes in the decklist either. Just nerf it. I don't care that the win rate might not be overly strong, it's inherently frustrating to play against just like quest rogue was and that got nerfed too for the exact same reason.
I haven't seen Geist run in probably the last 100 wild games. Yes. Geist counters this but the chances of running into it are fairly slim IMO.
1-cost pogo is a huge deal. Now bouncing them with Daring Escape or Vanish isn't a huge tempo loss. I still don't think the deck is that good as it's hard to put a lot of copy/bounce cards and then still have some defensive options but it is definitely great against control.
But my achievements... =(
To those upset about the site closing, shift over to Out of Cards. It's the same thing run by the same people. It just sucks that our decks can't transfer directly over to it as I've been deckbuilding on this site for years but that always gives us the option to get a fresh start.
Hench-Clan Thug isn't in this deck? Also only one Southsea Captain?
I'd love to know where you're getting a T5 Nozdormu from.
I really appreciate the thought put into this deck as it absolutely annihilates other decks. That being said, there's no reason you should be running double Doomsayer, Alarm-o-bot and Faceless Manipulator. You're already drawing these on the turn you want them so accidentally getting another copied pulled with your bot is very harmful to your gameplay.
There's a difference between a 9 mana combo that requires three separate cards, two of which are legendaries, and is only accessible in wild and a 5 mana combo that requires two cards, only one of which is a legendary, and is in standard. I get that only a small number of decks actually used the Zilliax combo but this is FAR more accessible. Plus priest has a deathrattle tutor in the two drop mech Dead Ringer which allows you to get Sn1p-Sn4p while the Glinda combo just relied on sheer luck in draw. The card is just flat out good as is and priest has enough cards that could allow it to mess around with a mech deck using this as a finisher.