- Warco
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Member for 10 years, 1 month, and 14 days
Last active Sun, Jul, 18 2021 06:29:07 -
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Biomass posted a message on Deck of LunacyPosted in: Deck of LunacyGolden craft on day one, anyone?
RaptorWithWings posted a message on 18.0.3 Server Hotfix - Nozdormu Can No Longer Be Summoned From Dream PortalsPosted in: NewsNot only should Nozdormu be updated, all of the garbage Classic Legendary cards. I don’t mean bad cards like Millhouse Manastorm or Lorewalker Cho where their effects have meme potential. I mean stuff so bad it’s painful to see it still exists. The Beast and Hogger are just 2 examples. They wouldn’t be good even for common cards. Please Blizz, Update/Replace the awful legendaries in classic. They don’t have to be OP, but at least make them do something interesting and Impactful like when Brightwing and High Inquisitor Whitemane were added. New players deserve to have their first Legendary to be a good one.
demnasi posted a message on 17.0.2 Balance Patch - All the Nerfs and Buffs - Including BGsPosted in: NewsCool! Lord Jaraxxus can still Sacrificial Pact himself
Rayzorhail posted a message on Minion Triggers Across Hearthstone Being Sped Up - No Longer Just Battlegrounds!Posted in: NewsThe effect of Nozdormu should be that you have less time to think about your plays, not get punished but stupidly long animations.
-troY- posted a message on Minion Triggers Across Hearthstone Being Sped Up - No Longer Just Battlegrounds!Posted in: Newsonly took em 7 years LUL
Cracken23 posted a message on Minion Triggers Across Hearthstone Being Sped Up - No Longer Just Battlegrounds!Posted in: NewsFinally! They should have done this years ago...
YoHabloEspanol posted a message on 16.0.8 Balance Update - Coming This Week! Including Battlegrounds & Arena ChangesPosted in: NewsThe deck is still really good and dragons pack should have gotten nerfed last time for various reasons.
Raivotar posted a message on 16.0.8 Balance Update - Coming This Week! Including Battlegrounds & Arena ChangesPosted in: News"Selfless Hero’s Deathrattle will now only affect minions that do not already have Divine Shield."
Hell, It's about time
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I just don't get it. If they're willing to exclude the card from Arena, why not just remove the "friendly" from the card text and call it a day? It's literally that simple.
This pathetic attempt at damage control is not enough, IMO. I say we let them know how we feel with our wallets. I promise you they will listen and respond then!
Not enough of an impact to see much constructed play, but it is GODLY in Arena.
This card, along with Cult Apothecary, are excellent tech cards against aggro/token decks and will ensure a healthy meta moving forward. I'm very happy.
I just realized the synergy with Bolster. A 7/11 that can't be targeted could present a huge problem for your opponent, plus there are tons of other taunt minions being released this expansion. Sign me up for Taunt Warrior!
*Please let the battlecry be "GOODBYE, GOODBYE, GOODBYE!".
Excellent replacement for Priests that are losing Dark Cultist. Really good in Arena. No complaints here!
My previous analysis of this card was premature. With Shatter, this card will be insane. Add in Ice Lance, and you're looking at an entirely new Freeze Mage! I'm psyched!
"Your magic shall not save you!"
Playable, but not an auto-include - exactly what it should have been in the first place.