The game become much more enjoyable for me when I went from 30+ games a day to 5 games every few days. I would recommend it.
- Waltherott
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Member for 11 years
Last active Wed, Dec, 4 2024 04:49:45 -
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Goo_Urs posted a message on I am sick and tiredPosted in: Wild FormatI'm since beta too, but i had few years break. Playing time to time now.
I think you need sort of break (pause or less intensive experience), until the game gives you joy again.
It is just a game in our life after all, we live to be happy!💖 -
Thonson posted a message on Deathknight's Plague decks/mechanic IS OP, WHERE IS STEAM CLEANER??? RENO DECKS GGPosted in: Standard FormatQuote from Jazzfan1971 >>So you want counterplay for plagues but not for highlander cards?
That’s almost always been the sentiment of the Hearthstone community at large. “Nerf this thing I hate, but buff this thing I love!”
Gosphor posted a message on No Balance Changes Until After Masters Tour Event This WeekendPosted in: NewsDenathrius is fine, Kael'thas is not fine. Nerf Kael'thas to not count itself for the 3 minions.
Impending catasthrope to 3 mana at least.
Change Guff hero power to give empty mana crystals.
Fix double Collateral Damage bug.
Maybe change Serpent Wig to +1/+1 or Radiant Elemental to 3 mana...
Guymcperson2 posted a message on No Balance Changes Until After Masters Tour Event This WeekendPosted in: NewsNourish to 6 mana
Composting to 3 mana
Mage location to 2 durability
Celestial alignment to 9/10 mama
Impending catastrophe to 3 mana
silversuNbg posted a message on [LEGEND] Rnk 8 to Legend - Juicy Hunter 84%+ from 3 to legendPosted in: [LEGEND] Rnk 8 to Legend - Juicy Hunter 84%+ from 3 to legendMan I feel fucking stupid for disenchanting [card]Hungry Crab[/card] back in the day.
Khristophesaurus posted a message on [9/6ASIA LEGEND]banana shamanPosted in: [9/6ASIA LEGEND]banana shamanThose bananas you got here are OP XD ! Nice deck had some fun with it today! Crazy how strong the Mukla's Champion is if you opponent doesn't have removal... Truly cancerous D: ! Anyways here's my gameplay for the deck! ENJOY YOH :D !
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take a break fam, come back after a while
idk looks like pretty good cards tbh, DD and trailmix, also for warrior :D
I do like all the pirates they print!! excited for this expansion tbh
ok concept, no idea if its going to be good enough.. maybe prison being in the pool warrants its place in a reno druid.
I reckon this is a brilliant way to do dual class, really like that its only cards from this expansion, looks promising
I think the nerfs seem fine, good to see blizz are making quick adjustments. Excited to see if changes the meta a bit
sweet af lets goooo
^this. i see u can be a little bit meh if you only play HS, but seen from a world of warcraft viewpoint, this card makes great sense and is very nice design/theme-wise.