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The Great Dark Beyond Cards List & Guide
Battletag: Pure#2843
Region: EU
Trade only? : yes, you go first
Trade only? : Yes, you go first.
wait what 13 mana?
take a break fam, come back after a while
suuuiiiiii lets go mage cards, looks good :)
interesting card design indeed, i like it! prob not the best, but great flavour
just played a ranked game, my plagues negated reno
Battletag : Pure#2843
Region : EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first
I think the nerfs seem fine, good to see blizz are making quick adjustments. Excited to see if changes the meta a bit
sweet af lets goooo
Trade only?: Yes, you go first
Trade only: Yes, you go first.
Tag: Pure#2843Region: EUTrade only: Yes, you go first.
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Battletag: Pure#2843Region: EUTrade only? : yes, you go first0
Battletag: Pure#2843Region: EUTrade only? : Yes, you go first.0
wait what 13 mana?
take a break fam, come back after a while
suuuiiiiii lets go mage cards, looks good :)
interesting card design indeed, i like it! prob not the best, but great flavour
just played a ranked game, my plagues negated reno
Battletag : Pure#2843
Region : EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first
I think the nerfs seem fine, good to see blizz are making quick adjustments. Excited to see if changes the meta a bit
sweet af lets goooo
Battletag: Pure#2843Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go first0
Battletag: Pure#2843
Region: EU
Trade only?: Yes, you go first
Battletag: Pure#2843Region: EUTrade only?: Yes, you go first0
Battletag: Pure#2843Region: EUTrade only: Yes, you go first.0
Tag: Pure#2843
Region: EU
Trade only: Yes, you go first.