can't get bored if you don't have access to it *taps forehead*
in all seriousness though, I don't understand this prepurchase to gain early access thing. this is the first instance of HS actually making a difference in f2p and p2p iirc
Seems like you got caught up in a confirmation bias. What is your question supposed to answer?
Yes, there will be new cards that make more sense in wild (as of now). And why shouldn't they exist? Just imagine the opposite (no support for wild) and the backlash of the wild community. Furthermore the card pool is much bigger in wild. Everything that exists in standard also exists in wild as a more powerful version. Your arguments are based on the existing meta and not what will come.
There is basically a counter argument to every example you brought up. Anyfin Can Happenmade murloc paladin. Perhaps Tip the Scales can do the same in a less bursty way. Despite Splitting Axe being quite weak, would you say there should never be a good even costed shaman card? Questing Explorer is a good card, but what quests are seing play in wild? Just mage at the moment and this card wont change much, as the deck does not even run minion based card draw. Deseased Vulture is way too slow to make the cut for a zoo deck. Unless there is some kind of support, it will just collect dust as it is just a fair minion. I admit all other cards are powerful in both formats, but they do not cater for wild only.
You first choose a legal target according to your current available mana, the spell starts to resolve, after the target is chosen, you pay the cost of the card (upper right corner) but no additional cost yet (written in the textbox). Just afterwards you do everything written on the card possible. The card only checks for any restricting conditions while choosing a target, not upon resolution. So you empty your mana, and destroy the target - which was legal while checking for viability.
If the game could peek into the future, it would be able to see that you would not have enough mana upon resolution of the spell, but neither does it check for this condition, nor does it care about it after the initial targeting.
Forbidden Words first let's you target a minion and checks whether it is legal or not (counting your free mana). If you actually cast the spell, you lock in the target, then pay the additional cost which would actually make the target illegal, but since it is already locked in, the destroy effect upon resolution is dominant. The dilemma is that casting the spell, changes the spell's viable targets (because you first target and then pay). So you can either argue from the casting or resolving perspective. But the game cannot peek into the future, so it assumes the casting perspective, making the current scenario correct.
The only way to do this is by going menagerie or dance your feet off with Daryl.
Miracle dragons anyone? Feedback on balance and flavor highly appreciated :)
Does it fit better in another class?
can't get bored if you don't have access to it *taps forehead*
in all seriousness though, I don't understand this prepurchase to gain early access thing. this is the first instance of HS actually making a difference in f2p and p2p iirc
Feedback on flavor and power level is highly welcome :)
is the zombeast or our designed half to be judged in the competition? also, we can only submit hunter or neutral cards, right?
does it unlock the crystals? I get the flavor, but wouldn't it be clearer like "you can only play this, if you have 3 or more overload crystals"
also the name is already taken by Ogre Magi
Nothing is for free, everything costs three.
Everything has a price... feedback welcome :)
Simple and straight forward minion for both druid quests. If you compare it with Jade Blossom it is weaker, but gives you the ramp right away.
Seems like you got caught up in a confirmation bias. What is your question supposed to answer?
Yes, there will be new cards that make more sense in wild (as of now). And why shouldn't they exist? Just imagine the opposite (no support for wild) and the backlash of the wild community. Furthermore the card pool is much bigger in wild. Everything that exists in standard also exists in wild as a more powerful version. Your arguments are based on the existing meta and not what will come.
There is basically a counter argument to every example you brought up. Anyfin Can Happen made murloc paladin. Perhaps Tip the Scales can do the same in a less bursty way. Despite Splitting Axe being quite weak, would you say there should never be a good even costed shaman card? Questing Explorer is a good card, but what quests are seing play in wild? Just mage at the moment and this card wont change much, as the deck does not even run minion based card draw. Deseased Vulture is way too slow to make the cut for a zoo deck. Unless there is some kind of support, it will just collect dust as it is just a fair minion. I admit all other cards are powerful in both formats, but they do not cater for wild only.
You first choose a legal target according to your current available mana, the spell starts to resolve, after the target is chosen, you pay the cost of the card (upper right corner) but no additional cost yet (written in the textbox). Just afterwards you do everything written on the card possible. The card only checks for any restricting conditions while choosing a target, not upon resolution. So you empty your mana, and destroy the target - which was legal while checking for viability.
If the game could peek into the future, it would be able to see that you would not have enough mana upon resolution of the spell, but neither does it check for this condition, nor does it care about it after the initial targeting.
Forbidden Words first let's you target a minion and checks whether it is legal or not (counting your free mana). If you actually cast the spell, you lock in the target, then pay the additional cost which would actually make the target illegal, but since it is already locked in, the destroy effect upon resolution is dominant. The dilemma is that casting the spell, changes the spell's viable targets (because you first target and then pay). So you can either argue from the casting or resolving perspective. But the game cannot peek into the future, so it assumes the casting perspective, making the current scenario correct.
Just a small selection of the good stuff from the attic. Let me know which one you prefer and what you think balance/flavor-wise :)