Quest hunter is going to be broken as fuck now that they have 4 arcane shots basically it’s going to be a tier 1 deck i think questlines were bad for hearthstone
- Vision136
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ethanadragon posted a message on Which class will be the new Stone of the game (example shamanstone or pirate stone)Posted in: General Discussion -
Legend_Entomber posted a message on What is a mechanic you underderstand is part of the game, but also truely hate?Posted in: General DiscussionSimple, Questline, it ruined the late-game strategies and deck-building creativity.
Nargacuga15 posted a message on How do you handle the annoying players?Posted in: General DiscussionChrist, OP, you seem toxic as hell…
PetiteMouche posted a message on How do you handle the annoying players?Posted in: General DiscussionThe roper : I ignore him and do other stuff while he is roping, he is mildly annoying
The trumper : I ignore him and let him embrace his last hope, he is not annoying
The faker : I ignore him and let him misplay, he is not annoying
Tommykoppo posted a message on How do you handle the annoying players?Posted in: General DiscussionSo your answer to people who waste your time is to waste even more your own time, that looks pretty smart
palamanian posted a message on How do you handle the annoying players?Posted in: General DiscussionThat just sounds like a great way to waste your own time. Personally I don't even consider who I'm playing, just a username on the screen. Whatever they do on their turn other than the cards they play has no bearing on me. I think you're reading far too much into the situation.
Sherman1986 posted a message on Reckoning is too strongPosted in: Card DiscussionQuote from Noncolodei>>I lost to Reckoning because I don't know how to play around it. Please, Blizzard, nerf it!
Sorry, but that's how I read the opening post. :P
Teuuun posted a message on Reckoning is too strongPosted in: Card DiscussionReckoning is OP hahahahahahahaha
Seriously, hahahahaha
Sherman1986 posted a message on Why are Mage and Rogue so popular?Posted in: General DiscussionThey are my favorite classes. Why? Probably because they are among the most versatile ones.
HS is a child game 6+ or 7+. Children love magic and wizards. Mage will always be the most popular class. Rogue will go second for the similar reason.
Seriously? Give me a break... If that is true, then my theory about men who love to play with big Garrosh 'cause they love to pretend to have big d..ks is too. :P
onceupop posted a message on Wailing Caverns Mini-Set Launches On June 3! Card Reveals Start Tomorrow!Posted in: News2000 smackaroos
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Update: Just hit legend! Opinion on the deck remains unchanged, still super powerful. None of the current meta decks are equipped to deal with a Corrupted Carnival Clown, except for probably Warlock, which I ran into a grand total of zero over both days. i sincerely believe this to be a meta-breaker. Well done!
I've piloted this from Diamond 4 to Diamond 1, and I have to say, I really like this deck. There's a learning curve for sure, but once you get the hang of it it's super fun. Hopefully will get to legend tomorrow, but well done! This deck is very well suited to the meta.
This may not be my best, but it's certainly my favorite. Arrana Starseeker, staying on tavern 2 the entire game and using Saurolisks and Selfless Hero to beat up a big menagerie build, game finished on turn 17 or 18 I think.
I respectfully disagree, and here's why:
Corsair Cache was/is typically used to draw 1 of 3 weapons: Wrenchcalibur, Ancharrr, or Livewire Lance.
In each of these 3 scenarios, the card always felt very powerful. Turning Wrenchcalibur into a 4/3 weapon meant that it ended up dealing 6 extra damage and adding an additional Bomb to the opponent's deck, Ancharrr dealt an extra 5 and drew an additional pirate, and Livewire Lance dealt an extra 5 and generated an additional Lackey.
The value gained from Corsair Cache in these instances ended up being (over the course of multiple turns) 2 mana to draw a weapon, deal an extra 5-6 damage, and generate another resource, be it a card or a Bomb. This damage and resource generation for such a low mana cost was very difficult for many decks to deal with, and led Bomb/Tempo Warriors into going face more often because they knew they could just finish you off with their weapon which would deal 9-12 damage because of Corsair Cache.
This of course was very strong, hence the nerf. What the nerf to Corsair Cache did was effectively cut the additional damage output in half, from 5-6 to 2-3 additional damage, which prevented these Bomb/Tempo Warriors from beating you down as easily as they had been doing. It's similar to the nerf of Boggspine Knuckles, which was simply just doing too much damage on it's own for decks to deal with it on top of the minions it was generating.
Unnerfed Corsair Cache would be even scarier now that Spiked Wheel exists. A 1 mana 4/3 (effectively) weapon would be insane in any aggresive Warrior deck, so unnerfing the card now is definitely out of the question while the card is in Standard.
As for changing the card to 1 mana, that would make the card ridiculously powerful as well. 1 mana cards that draw a card are incredibly powerful, see Consume Magic, Crimson Sigil Runner (which has been nerfed), Flare (which was nerfed from 1 mana to 2), Kobold Librarian and even Mortal Coil. All of those cards are/were quite strong, and they don't draw a specific card.
A 1 mana Corsair Cache as it stands now would be an immensely powerful card and would be an auto include in any Warrior deck that runs weapons.
In Wild it may be a different story, and it could maybe be reverted back to it's initial form, but as long as the card is in Standard I believe it should remain how it is.
TL;DR: It would be too powerful in Standard in it's original form thanks to it's previous uses alongside the addition of Spiked Wheel, but when the card rotates I could see it being unnerfed.
The Dragon Aspects are not reworked cards. They are new cards, hence the new names.
It's like how there are multiple different Togwaggles or Elises, for example.
The Alex and Maly you crafted will be the exact same in wild.
A lot of people in this thread don't seem to understand OP's initial complaint, or even understand what's going on, so allow me to explain.
Firstly, the old Ysera is not being removed from the game, or buffed into the new Ysera, it is being moved to the legacy set. The new Ysera card is a completely new card.
Both Ysera's use the same Dream cards: Dream, Nightmare, Ysera Awakens, Laughing Sister, and Emerald Drake. Most of these Dream cards are being altered.
Dream now costs 1, and can only target enemy minions, Nightmare now gives +4/+4 instead of +5/+5, Ysera Awakens now costs 3, and only affects minions, Laughing Sister now costs 2, and Emerald Drake is unchanged.
3 of these 4 changes are very clearly nerfs, making the original Ysera much worse than before, which should be considered a nerf to Ysera.
It does not matter that this Ysera is rotating to Wild, it is still a nerf, and players who own Ysera should be able to disenchant it for full dust value.
The Core Set will be made up of temporary, non-disenchantable cards, much like the Wild cards that rotated back for an event a while back.
Take Shadowform as an example. You already have a copy of Shadowform. When the Core Set is released, all players will be given a non-disenchatable/non-craftable Shadowform for free. You now have 2 copies of Shadowform, one that you own and the non-disenchantable/non-craftable one that has been provided to everyone. A year from now, when the Core Set changes, the free copy of Shadowform will be taken away from all players. You now no longer have that free copy of Shadowform, but you still have your original copy.
So in other words, do not disenchant your copy of Shadowform if you intend on using it in the future outside of when it's in the Core Set, and don't disenchant other cards for the same reason.
As far as players recieving a free Classic set, that is not true, players will recieve the new Core Set for free, which is replacing the Classic set. I can see how you misunderstood though, because it is a bit confusing.
The only dust opportunity as far as I know will be when the Basic cards are shifted to Wild and become disenchantable, then you can disenchant those if you would like for some dust, if I understand that correctly.
Hope my explanations helped!
Well, there's the 900-1000 XP daily from Daily Quests, and then there's the 5500 from Weekly Quests every week. So saying you get 2 low roll quests weekly, that's 12,300 XP weekly if you just complete quests.
12,300 x 17 weeks estimated between expansions is 208,900 XP from quests alone.
Now if you subtract that from the roughly 440,000 you say is needed to hit 350, you get 231,100 remaining XP needed through play time.
You can achieve such numbers through roughly 144 hours per month, or roughly 6 hours of Hearthstone per day.
That is a large amount of time, but more hardcore players would find it much more feasible to do than the 9 hours previously assumed from just play time alone.
(Keep in mind I'm going off the numbers you provided, as I am not super familiar with the XP system and if the Tavern Pass affects these numbers or not, so I apologize if my numbers are off.)
I'm thinking the exact same thing, just got it today too :/
I've been playing HS since the release of Un'Goro, and I have made it to rank 1, 5 stars in the old ranking system multiple times, but I was never able to hit legend... until today!
Yes, I know that with the new ranking system it is significantly easier to hit legend, by an extra 10 stars, but it's still nice to finally get the cardback, and that extra pack for the end of the season is pretty nice too!
I don't really have anyone else to share this with, so I thought I'd just put it up here.