Q: What kind of music do mummies like most?
A: Wrap music.
Q: What kind of music do mummies like most?
A: Wrap music.
You must be new here
Been here since March 20th 2016, so no, I am not new here.
You are in the wrong news, this isn't the Rogue quest reveal.
This is pretty underwhelming expansion for timmy players, i can't find a single card i want to insta craft.
Subject Notes: It has befriended the Hunters we sent after it, oh god please send he l p, so many tra-
Can't wait to see the golden animation on this.
There it is, boys. That's our meta.
I like the idea but it just won't work
It's a 9 mana card, which already makes it very awkward to play and at the end of the day, what does it accomplish? Sure, you rpetty much summon lethal to the board, but against msot control decks this won't matter at all because they can usually just clear the board.
Against aggro you're just wasting a turn and letting them kill you UNLESS you are already winning anyways
It's already hard enough to play Frost LIch Jaina without suffering a huge tempo loss, I don't see how this is any different. NOt to mention it's not even that easy to upgrade
I wonder if you recognized that only similar thing on the cards is the number of 4/4 what will be shuffle and the epic gem.
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*generic brawl rant here* Having said that, I'd love to see that cute bunny as a card in the future expansions.
It has been a fun run Valeera. And you Boar. Also, you Brewmaster.
Card could be good with all the discard mechanics, but discarding cards makes me sad :(
Guys, it's whenever YOU play a card (not the opponent) , this is pretty good actually!
damn you guys are faster than me in bed.
Such a bland quest reward. Imagine this gave minions on board with the same name plus 1 spell damage, would have created more exciting opportunities for archetypes.
I agree with most of you saying the card is good but... do we really need it? Sap is just overall better if you're playing miracle and shadow strike can take care of most stuff too. There is a reason assassinate wasn't too popular and that card could still be prepped. This is like Xaril; great value and all, but just doesn't fit the rogue play style at the moment.