And yet, Aggro Mech Hunter mops the floor with both Bomb and Control Warrior.
agree and disagree here...........maybe with bomb warrior but not so much control warrior, in my experiance
Sorry for resurrecting a thread, forgot to check my pop-ups. I'm playing above R5 every season and I have a winrate of 90%+ vs Control Warrior. Bomb is actually better vs Mech Hunter, because it's more midrange-ish and creates some board presence. Control Warrior vs Mech Hunter (with at least half of a brain) is almost auto loss. Maybe not 2016 Freeze Mage vs Control Warrior auto loss, but still.
90%? Er, NO. VS reports numbers between 52 and 58%, depending on the rank. HSR says CW is favored.
Sorry, but I gonna go with the stats from 1000's of games instead of the word of a random "Rank 5 Pro".
Also, you having a decent winrate vs a dominant deck doesn't make that deck less dominant. I always hate that logic "just play deck x if you want to win vs deck y" yeah great, if you don't like that deck, you are screwed, if you are on a budget, you are screwed.
Just because there is 1 deck that is actually winning vs warrior, makes warrior not that much less dominant. There are currently 2 decks that are mainly played and those 2 are shutting down so most other decks. (Cyclone mage and CW). Every greedy deck is killed by mage and every aggro and other control deck is killed by CW) Trust me, i have tried many other control decks, with some kind of win condition, but everyone of them failed.
Yes, but actually no. It is true that top tier and top ranks are dominated by those two decks. You have two choices - either slam your head into your screen and lose, or adapt. Aggro Mech Hunter (as much as I hate Hunter - it's my least played class, save for Shaman) has good winrate vs every Warrior deck, every Mage deck and every Priest deck (and Rez Priest is still played and it the type of deck you described - mutilates both CW and Cyclone Mage), decent winrate vs Mech Hunter and acceptable winrates vs Aggro/Overload Shamans and Rogues.
Check your local meta and adapt, or don't play ranked. I know it sounds harsh (I get tilted too, that's why I'd finished ranking at R2 this season and wait for Uldum), but that's just how it is. I don't understand what are you expecting with threads like this? Seriously...
Also, VS stats cover everything, including idiots playing decks. If you can't play Aggro Mech Hunter to get a decent winrate vs CW/Cyclone Mage, you're playing the deck wrong. I haven't played much in the last months, so I had to grind from rank 10 and trust me, skill gap is significant. People mulligan wrong, they judge value wrong, they don't know how to bait removal, when to push etc. I'm not saying I'm the best guy around (I never made legend), but I really have no problems vs either CW and BW.
Or switch to Dragon Bomb Warrior, or something. It's fun, but you'll lose to everything CW loses.
And yet, Aggro Mech Hunter mops the floor with both Bomb and Control Warrior.
agree and disagree here...........maybe with bomb warrior but not so much control warrior, in my experiance
Sorry for resurrecting a thread, forgot to check my pop-ups. I'm playing above R5 every season and I have a winrate of 90%+ vs Control Warrior. Bomb is actually better vs Mech Hunter, because it's more midrange-ish and creates some board presence. Control Warrior vs Mech Hunter (with at least half of a brain) is almost auto loss. Maybe not 2016 Freeze Mage vs Control Warrior auto loss, but still.
Has Rogue ever not been a top class for any expansion? I can't recall.
Actually yes - MSoG meta excluded Rogue, Miracle with pirate package was T2,5. Un'Goro after Rogue Quest nerf also. Then it was a drought untill Corridor Creeper came out and Tempo Rogue was a great deck to play, but after CC nerf the class almost ceased to exist (shitty meta btw, Cubelock, Tempo Mage and Dude Pala only).
But I'm being picky :P Miracle/Tempo Rogue players always managed to hit high legend, but except cancer Quest Rogue decks, I remember only two times when Rogue had no. 1 decks, and it was Corridor Creeper Tempo after KaC, and now.
I know for many of you rank 13 is pedestrian but I've come a long way from last expansion where my highest rank was 17 w/ Spell Hunter. I have been using the new Wall Priest deck and after some tweaks finally found a groove. Deck Link Here (if interested). As long as I can get to turn 5 it's usually a win unless the card draw is absolute trash.
Now on to R12!!! Loving this new expac!
Congratulations, mate! It's refreshing to see someone be happy about laddering on Hearthpwn :P
Damn, I can't remember the time I'd hit R13, but I do remember when I went into single digit ranks. December 2016, played Dragon Tempo Warrior on the biggest win streak I've ever had. Went from rank 16 to rank 6 in onve evening, lost about 3 games on the way. Jesus, MSoG and all was sooo long ago :O
FYI, go check out RDU's tempo rogue list. I have tried both the Blink fox, underbelly fence, henchclan burglar, vendetta VS the deckhand, deadly poison, hench clan thug package and I have found that the latter is much more consistent and faster. Sure vendetta is a super powerful tempo card, but running hench clan burglar and blink fox just makes your deck wayyy slower compared to the deckhand poison thug package.
I have tried both variants, and I have a noticeable higher winrate with the deckhand version. But I will admit that the burglar version is more fun to play.
+1 to this. I like Blink Fox/Underbelly Fence better, but the second package works way better.
No, I meant that I'm just waiting for a good excuse to craft Nomi.
For example, if Nomi Priest becomes a winning deck, then I would craft it. But since I can also use Nomi in Tempo Rogue, it'd be like killing two birds with one stone. Craft one card but can use it in two decks. But yeah, if not in Priest, perhaps Nomi can be used in a Mage deck
Technically it's used when you empty your deck, so anything that goes into fatigue (Control Warrior) is okay. I can't see Nomi in Mage, but mainly because it would be a slower Dragoncaller Alanna, and that card barely worked (when you play it, it's usually a "win more" card, and it won't save you if you're already dying).
I confirm that, tempo rogue hard counter token druid and is hard countered by any warrior deck.
Tempo rogue versus druid is literally 50-50 (50.3% in druid's favor, even). I guess you still haven't gotten the definition of "hard counter" down, huh?
Well, I played 29 times vs token druid with tempo rogue and win 29 times, never be in danger or luck/random/draw dependent in any of this games, yes, I call this hard counter, unfortunately the same is truth when I play vs warrior, not able to win a single game.
I prefer 210.000 games over 29 games, but that's just me...
"Tempo rogue" describe any rogue deck where tempo is the win condition, probably the list changes a lot, my version with spell damage works much better vs druid and much worse vs warrior than the most popular version.
People smuggled Fan of Knives into their lists, cut Heistbaron Togwaggle and Chef Nomi for Crystallizer and Bloodmage Thalnos - all of that just to get better vs Token Druid. I've played some Token Druid matches myself and I generally kill all Tempo Rogues, unless I draw poorly, or they play a surprise FoK and kill me 1-2 turns after that. Which is possible only if I didn't create a board in early turns, which means I'd die anyway.
Apart from that, there is no point teching against Control Warrior, as you're gonna lose it anyway.
I've seen your list and I'd say it's a poor one for laddering now, at least for me. I've picked up Tempo Rogue on Day 1, moved from rank 8 to rank 3, but I'm facing walls of Control Warriors, which is problematic.
Why I said your decklist is poor for laddering? It's a mix a more typical Tempo list and a Burgle Tempo list. Paraphrasing Ron Swanson, it's a celery of desserts :P Either be one, or the other.
So, if you go with burgling, add other burgle cards (like that 4/3 for 4 Kobold that gives you a spell) and pair them with Underbelly Fence. Personally I find that list inferior to the normal Tempo decklist, but it kinda works better in mirrors and vs Token Druid and Murloc Shaman, as Vendetta and said Underbelly Fence allow easier board control and tempo swings in those MU's.
However, I'd cut cut both Sprint and Vendetta, as well as Blink Fox and Acidic Swamp Ooze and go for Fan of Knives, second Sap, Myra's Unstable Element (I know you don't have it, but consider crafting it - it seriously wins games with Prep and double Evi, or Leeroy/Shadowstep/Wagglepick). Since you run lack 1-drops, drop Ooze and take that pirate that ticks one durability from a weapon - the usual weapons you'll be targeting will surely be used once, on the turn they are played (Wrenchcalibur and Wagglepick), but it's your choice. Consider a 1/3 1-drop like Crystallizer (I'm using one and it's extra cool).
This leaves you with the question - should you go with Chef Nomi, or not? It's a nice push vs Control Warriors and Control Shamans, but you REALLY need to count those board clears (Brawl nad Hagatha's Scheme). Atm I'm not sure if Heistbaron Togwaggle is necessary - I've hit Rank 3 with 3 stars yesterday before hitting Control Warrior wall and I'm not sure if Tog would help (I don't run one currently). On the other hand, Nomi would.
Thank you for the feedback. I'm trying this decklist but I'm also finding it hard to pilot. It's a surprisingly hard deck to pilot despite looking easy to play - currently practicing with it in Casual.
Regarding crafting Nomi, I might craft it, especially if some sort of OTK Priest becomes a thing in a month or so.
My assumption is that the various forms of Tempo Rogue will soon join Token Druid at the top or replace it completely. I believe that it is probably the best deck by a good measure, and it's not being played as much because it's not as "new" as some of the others.
Not really, as Control Warrior exists to punish some of the most aggressive decks and hard counter Tempo Rogue (felt it myself).
But still, as for OP's post, I agree completely. No deck has a 60%+ winrate, which is super great.
Including preorder freebies, 17 legendaries in 156 packs. Not great, not terrible.
Yes, but actually no. It is true that top tier and top ranks are dominated by those two decks. You have two choices - either slam your head into your screen and lose, or adapt. Aggro Mech Hunter (as much as I hate Hunter - it's my least played class, save for Shaman) has good winrate vs every Warrior deck, every Mage deck and every Priest deck (and Rez Priest is still played and it the type of deck you described - mutilates both CW and Cyclone Mage), decent winrate vs Mech Hunter and acceptable winrates vs Aggro/Overload Shamans and Rogues.
Check your local meta and adapt, or don't play ranked. I know it sounds harsh (I get tilted too, that's why I'd finished ranking at R2 this season and wait for Uldum), but that's just how it is. I don't understand what are you expecting with threads like this? Seriously...
Also, VS stats cover everything, including idiots playing decks. If you can't play Aggro Mech Hunter to get a decent winrate vs CW/Cyclone Mage, you're playing the deck wrong. I haven't played much in the last months, so I had to grind from rank 10 and trust me, skill gap is significant. People mulligan wrong, they judge value wrong, they don't know how to bait removal, when to push etc. I'm not saying I'm the best guy around (I never made legend), but I really have no problems vs either CW and BW.
Or switch to Dragon Bomb Warrior, or something. It's fun, but you'll lose to everything CW loses.
Sorry for resurrecting a thread, forgot to check my pop-ups. I'm playing above R5 every season and I have a winrate of 90%+ vs Control Warrior. Bomb is actually better vs Mech Hunter, because it's more midrange-ish and creates some board presence. Control Warrior vs Mech Hunter (with at least half of a brain) is almost auto loss. Maybe not 2016 Freeze Mage vs Control Warrior auto loss, but still.
And yet, Aggro Mech Hunter mops the floor with both Bomb and Control Warrior.
Tempo Rogue has an unwinnable MU (Control Warrior) and a barely winnable MU (Control Shaman). I see no reason to nerf the class at all.
Actually yes - MSoG meta excluded Rogue, Miracle with pirate package was T2,5. Un'Goro after Rogue Quest nerf also. Then it was a drought untill Corridor Creeper came out and Tempo Rogue was a great deck to play, but after CC nerf the class almost ceased to exist (shitty meta btw, Cubelock, Tempo Mage and Dude Pala only).
But I'm being picky :P Miracle/Tempo Rogue players always managed to hit high legend, but except cancer Quest Rogue decks, I remember only two times when Rogue had no. 1 decks, and it was Corridor Creeper Tempo after KaC, and now.
Congratulations, mate! It's refreshing to see someone be happy about laddering on Hearthpwn :P
Damn, I can't remember the time I'd hit R13, but I do remember when I went into single digit ranks. December 2016, played Dragon Tempo Warrior on the biggest win streak I've ever had. Went from rank 16 to rank 6 in onve evening, lost about 3 games on the way. Jesus, MSoG and all was sooo long ago :O
+1 to this. I like Blink Fox/Underbelly Fence better, but the second package works way better.
Control Warrior, Tempo Rogue - those will probably stick for a while. Token Druid, unless we get some nerfs, or something pops up that counters it.
Zoolock is viable and cheap, some run Archvillain Rafaam, but he's not mandatory.
Those mech decks are cool, but Hunter can be expensive to craft and it's hard to say if it's going to be viable in the long run.
Technically it's used when you empty your deck, so anything that goes into fatigue (Control Warrior) is okay. I can't see Nomi in Mage, but mainly because it would be a slower Dragoncaller Alanna, and that card barely worked (when you play it, it's usually a "win more" card, and it won't save you if you're already dying).
But still, it's a nice and interesting thing ;) Craft Myra's Unstable Element first :P
Practically dead :P
32 myself. Old, I gues... Eh, I only wish I'll hit Legend before I die :C
People smuggled Fan of Knives into their lists, cut Heistbaron Togwaggle and Chef Nomi for Crystallizer and Bloodmage Thalnos - all of that just to get better vs Token Druid. I've played some Token Druid matches myself and I generally kill all Tempo Rogues, unless I draw poorly, or they play a surprise FoK and kill me 1-2 turns after that. Which is possible only if I didn't create a board in early turns, which means I'd die anyway.
Apart from that, there is no point teching against Control Warrior, as you're gonna lose it anyway.
Nomi won't counter OTK Priest, mate. Vanish/Sap, maybe Unindentified Contract. But Nomi is a TTK play, and OTK Priest will still have Mass Hysteria.
Not really, as Control Warrior exists to punish some of the most aggressive decks and hard counter Tempo Rogue (felt it myself).
But still, as for OP's post, I agree completely. No deck has a 60%+ winrate, which is super great.
True. It's pretty much the same thing Spiteful Summoner decks were, at least in general idea.