Stop the offtopic debates. This thread is about pack opening results.
- UltraJeeves
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xskarma posted a message on Murder at Castle Nathria Pack Opening ResultsPosted in: General Discussion -
Lethora posted a message on Any promising Prince Renethal decks?Posted in: General DiscussionQuest priest does really well. I don't have a very large sample but so far it was enjoyable. I had several games where opponent pushed me below 10 hp (i.e. I'd be dead without Renathal) and I was able to stabilize after and snatch the win.
xskarma posted a message on Nozdormu Day March - With Special Daily Quest!Posted in: NewsUndefeated in 2022 with my Face Hunter deck on Noz Day. 9-0. Basically standard Face Hunter list, but replace Legendary weapon with Noz. Easy wins.
Masterchief posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)Posted in: Players and Teams DiscussionDon't pick CromaticKISS#2384 it's a scam
Triviiz posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)Posted in: Players and Teams DiscussionDon't pick CromaticKISS#2384 it's a scam
Teuuun posted a message on Delete all stormwind questsPosted in: Card DiscussionIt's not just questlines honestly. The amount of draw, survivability, tempo, mana cheat, AND removal some classes have is beyond stupid.
Warlock and warrior have all of the above. There are no downsides. They just play their cards and win because the cards are twice as efficient as yours.
GibreelFury posted a message on What are your pre-order pack opening results?Posted in: General DiscussionQuote from BlindMurloc >>Tbh I got rekt this year. I've gotten about 15ish legendaries from the 60 pack preorders from FITB and UIS, this one was so bad, just got 4 out of 63 packs. I didn't get any of of the good legendary cards. I got about 3k gold saved up as well so my hope is that i'll manage to get lucky and at least fish out 5 more legendaries but the situation looks dire........
What are your results?
Are you really expecting 5 legendaries out of 30 packs?!? Lower your expectations, brother, or you'll hurt ...
Andrei2007 posted a message on What are your pre-order pack opening results?Posted in: General Discussion5 legendaries from 67 packs. 50ish more to open on release day.
Red1 posted a message on Preorder? Yes or no?Posted in: General DiscussionAlways dawg
D_Lord posted a message on How about we buff the quest cards instead of nerfPosted in: General DiscussionI am always happy to discuss new ideas in this field, but there is a massive problem with this suggestion and that is the "Prince Keleseth" problem where you just auto-win when you happen to draw the quest very early and lose because you didn't.
Also, speaking of quest decks in general and not necessarily wild alone, this would improve the win rate of questlock and quest priest relative to the other quests because they already have huge draw/tutor cards. Dh could do something similar as warlock, but would be a lot less consistent. If you add more tutor cards, they would either need to have a very big downside in deckbuilding or cost 3+ mana and do nothing else at the very least.
I also think that your argument with the Un'Goro quests doesn't work because quest rogue did, in fact, build a deck of 29 cards to finish the quest as early as possible, and could quite consistenly do it.
To sum up my thoughts: This sounds like an idea that might just increase the gap between some quests and others AND the importance of early game draws increases even more while not solving the no-control meta problem. The best counter to these new quests would, unsurprisingly, be aggro.
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Event rewards were moved to the Rewards Track.
Same here.
A few of the quests could be balanced better, but some pretty much never see play. On the whole, I don't think quests are too much of a problem. Let's see what the situation is a week or two after the launch of FiAV.
Personally, I'd rather see card draw toned down (which makes it too easy to assemble combo pieces, find the cards you need, draw through your deck, etc. - making decks hyperefficient and very reliable as well as too many games feel exactly the same) and, to a lesser extent, mana cheating.
Not sure, but if I remember correctly, Iksar has explicitly stated on a few occasion in his AMAs that the priority is Mercs, resulting in some constructed ideas not being pursued for now.
We don't. But Mercs is clearly diverting resources away from other formats we've already paid for which is a pity. That said, I'm interested to see what it's like!
4 games at lunch. Didn't encounter another Noz deck :/
Also, why not get the mini-set if you have so much gold?
Children's game? I'd guess the median player's age is somewhere in the late 20s. Older for whales.
Ah, okay!
What's the reason for mobile always being later?