Was Crystal Cluster really what made Dungar druid busted?
- Tyrul
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Tibainium posted a message on Patch 31.2.2 Balance Changes Teaser - Standard, Wild & BattlegroundsPosted in: News -
RendInFriend posted a message on Balance Changes Are Coming Next Thursday, Preview on WednesdayPosted in: NewsIf starships aren’t reworked, the whole expansion flops. They are glacially slow and overall bad.
Suikiele posted a message on The Ceaseless Expanse Banned In WildPosted in: NewsWas doing a Highlander XL deck a little earlier today, made dinner, ate, came back and tried to make a new one without the highlander bit: Banned card. 4 days after it was launched as a problematic card.
Goddamn Blizzard is just straight incompetent. It's almost inconceivable how bad they are at aspects of their jobs.
TicTacTimeHS posted a message on New Rewards During the Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct - With Drops!Posted in: News30 years boiled down to 2 packs, lol
Xssx posted a message on New Upcoming Patch 31.0 SkinsPosted in: NewsA little less skins and a little more balance please ...
to say it with Elvis ...
Sbadabang posted a message on 30.6 Patch Notes - Expansion Pre-Order, Battlegrounds Shakeup, New Event & More!Posted in: NewsBtw, my avatar will always open a twisting nether when I’m ahead and some useless self damaging, self discarding bulls**t when I’m behind. Guaranteed.
epigramx posted a message on Expansion Teaser - Announcement Tomorrow - Thursday Oct 10th!Posted in: NewsGoing into politicians is bad, pandering to the stans of streamers is also bad. It's probably Algalon the Observer-like.
sewer_rat posted a message on Expansion Teaser - Announcement Tomorrow - Thursday Oct 10th!Posted in: NewsforsenE
Rulasdogs posted a message on Expansion Teaser - Announcement Tomorrow - Thursday Oct 10th!Posted in: NewsWe don't need more classes, we need them to fix the power level in wild and stop printing more new cards with an exaggerated power level.
Dunyil0404 posted a message on Expansion Teaser - Announcement Tomorrow - Thursday Oct 10th!Posted in: NewsDamn, another class is NOT what this game needs... Better of updating and rejigging the existing classes to make them more fun then bringing out 'shiny new thing' that only further detracts from a balance of all things approach.
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Why the fuck is dungar druid only getting a tiny nerf to a mostly insignificant card. This dev team is dogshit at balance
Because you don't need customers to make money, right? My point had nothing to do with altruism and more to do with making sure players WANT to play the game still. I used to buys xpacs because it's not much money, but I don't want to incentivize this company anymore with their poor decisions on how they use their resources gained from real money transactions. Clearly this went over your head, bud. Might want to sit out comments if you only take words for face value.
These changes make it abundantly clear they don't care about the players, just the cash grab
What a stupid brawl design, lazy as usual
My definition of fun is being able to play niche decks that aren't tier 1 but that's no longer viable in ranked or even casual.
The game is flooded with horribly balanced interactions; 40+ damage OTKs, the ability to fill a complete board with giant stat minions before turn 7, extreme ramp and stealing of mana crystals on a class that can tempo better than any other, mana cheats that enable 9 and 10 cost cards by turn 5, impossible to beat late game cards that destroy your minions, hand and deck, an interaction that can flood 15 cast on draw damage to HERO using shutterblock (a card that shouldnt be able to effect damage to hero), etc.
I tried to do some achievements a couple days ago and all I faced was meta decks in ranked who I couldn't even stay alive long enough to progress the achieve after 6 games! Guess achieves aren't worth doing anymore since you only get 100 xp for them anyway. What a joke. The amount of power creep makes this game so NOT fun anymore. I find myself playing 2-3 games and being so disgusted I have to walk away.
They spend the time and resources to "balance" standard and this is the shit we get? I feel sorry for people who spend real money on this game.
This brawl was designed by an idiot. Just stuff a deck full of random spells, who cares if they can even be used. So fun having dead cards that effect minions in hand when you have no minions in deck. Why bring back bullshit like this?