Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Strange difficulty spike >>
by TwistedCardmaster
27 9,288
How to fix Abyssal Warlock >>
by TwistedCardmaster
36 4,767
Sunken City Warlock Predictions >>
by TwistedCardmaster
42 3,482
Where are control decks? >>
by TwistedCardmaster
19 2,308
Hysteria Nerf >>
by TwistedCardmaster
45 5,489
New feature idea - auto "skip" (lose) matchup >>
by TwistedCardmaster
64 5,138
Darkmoon Prizes are gone >>
by TwistedCardmaster
18 7,925
Early Thoughts >>
by TwistedCardmaster
19 2,302
Do we still need constant class identities? >>
by TwistedCardmaster
17 3,105
Buff / Fix Lord Jaraxxus [Poll] >>
by TwistedCardmaster
54 7,996
Name a class card that is considered bad (and nobody plays it), but you think would be amazing as part of a different class >>
by TwistedCardmaster
29 4,356
Quest ranking and thoughts >>
by TwistedCardmaster
8 2,729