Could possibly be the worst card ever. I cant even begin to see this ever working unless your opponent happens to pass out.
- TwistedCardmaster
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epicmask posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card Revealed - Wheel of DeathPosted in: News -
DatMageDoe posted a message on New Warlock Cards Revealed - Fall of Ulduar Mini SetPosted in: NewsWe've had 2 mana lose the game, and 5 mana lose the game (twice), now we have 1 mana lose the game! The power creep!
Toribasher posted a message on Anomalies meta is a bust to mePosted in: BattlegroundsI think that they have been trying to tell the player base that it is not a competitive mode since Darkmoon prizes were first introduced. Seems like the majority of the player base appreciates this and likes this direction.Sure and I get that.
I want my board building to matter.
In this meta, it matters far less than in the past.
The wins often feel cheap (unearned) and the losses often feel cheap.
Yes most people are ok with this.
but I'm only interested in if I enjoy the mode. And I right now, not so much.
I have no problems with others enjoying the mode.
raloszet1 posted a message on 27.2 Patch Notes - Huge Battlegrounds Update, Wild Expansion, Twist Launch & More!Posted in: Newssmall indie company has just killed the only competative warlock deck in standard. well done guys, I wouldn't expect anything less from you
__l1ght posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card Revealed - Loken, Jailer of Yogg-SaronPosted in: NewsLoken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron + Forge of Wills could potentially buff demon based deck, but demon deck can't run Sargeras, the Destroyer – what a joke of expansion for warlock...
Remus_Romulus posted a message on New Warlock Epic Card Revealed - Imprisoned HorrorPosted in: NewsClassic 5/5 statline. I wanna see more crazy ideas. Like a 4/7.
Nekkro2 posted a message on New Warlock Epic Card Revealed - Imprisoned HorrorPosted in: NewsThis is an epic, McFly.
Is me or the %75 of cards in this set feels like "Hearthstone first set ever", it's like super generic.
what do you expect me to do? see this card and say "Oh wow, is... Flesh Giant but half the effect and half the stats for almost the same cost, I can't wait to play with this bad boy" Bro. Could you put Taunt on it at least?
xskarma posted a message on New Warlock Epic Card Revealed - Imprisoned HorrorPosted in: Newsa slightly cheap vanilla 5/5 after you do a bunch of damage to yourself. Doesn't even have rush for immediate impact or Taunt to shield you. Definitely meh.
Tarious posted a message on UnidentifiaBrawl is This Week's Tavern BrawlPosted in: NewsUsual garbage random brawl. The person who can stick a minion first usually wins.
Tausomaki posted a message on Balance Changes to Constructed and BGs - Delayed to Friday 19th!Posted in: NewsI am scared that they gonna buff Symphony of Sins like this: The additional spells shuffled to your deck costs 1 or 2 mana and I don't think that gonna help warlock / card much :(
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For the past year or so, I've been looking for an excuse to quit the game because I wasn't enjoying it very much. However, it felt bad to abandon my collection (after all, daily quests are not much of a hassle, right?). I just found an excuse, thanks Blizzard!
More likely it's just another dead legendary card, printed to make Warlock a shi... fun class. Same as Neeru Fireblade, Deck of Chaos, Rin, Orchestrator of Doom, Fanottem, Lord of the Opera and so on.
Sludge on Wheels buff is definitely not enough to make Warlock viable. He needs more Barrel of Sludge generators, not more stats... And DK got zero buffs. Have they abandoned him already?
Warlock and DK seem pretty dead...
Until Warlock gets control tools at least as strong as Blood DK's, this card won't see play. But knowing Team 5, he won't, so we're probably looking at a new Neeru Fireblade or some other useless Warlock legendary (Deck of Chaos, Lakkari Sacrifice, Hir'eek, the Bat, Commander Ulthok, Rin, Orchestrator of Doom, Fanottem, Lord of the Opera and so on).
They said "instead of attacking", so I think it only works if you can actually attack and it won't work while the Titan is exhausted. I wonder if Dance Floor does anything to Titans though...
Judging by the Mage's Titan, I'm afraid the annoying OTKs from hand will return. And knowing Team 5, only a few Titans and Keepers will be playable, while the rest will end up in the dumpster (like Hero Cards, Colossals and Quests before).
Warlock is trash. Again.
So, Warlock is still a clown class. Well done team 5, I was worried they would take him seriously this time...
Not sure if having 7 choices is good enough. Dreadlich Tamsin was also 6 mana, but at that price it guaranteed:
None of the symphonies even come close to this power level. When playing against aggro, even if you manage to hit your best option, Movement of Wrath and clear the board, you still take 6 face damage, which is a lot, when you can't heal that well. Tamsin would instead clear the board, heal you, and give you new resources to play with.