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    posted a message on Am I the only one...

    It's funny when someone adds me and insults me in language I don't even know (I'm from EU) :].

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The state of HS standard format...

    Well, this is how Hearhstone works and how Blizzard earns money. Let's say you have favourite class and deck archetype. Let's assume the deck is good, viable and fun to play, so when next expansions is out, what do you do? You just incorporates some new cards (if needed) and you're good to go, right? Wrong! Blizzard cannot allow that to happen. Why? Because after expansion, you would be able to enjoy the game with only few new cards or even without new cards at all. Obviously no need for new cards means no packs, and no packs means no money for Blizzard. This is why they makes most classes quite bad after every expansion (except 2 or 3). It's clearly done to force you to play other classes and get more packs. HS is not P2W, because you can play it for free. Yet, if you wanna have fun, F2P is not the way...

    Need proof? Look at Warlock class cards in RoS. They printed for example Fel Lord Betrug, card that clearly fits only control-ish Warlock, which is - at the moment - quite dead (no healing, no good tounts, no removals, no swing cards to catch up when you're behind). So, was it a mistake? Oversight? No, they've made it on purpose, since they obviously play-tested Warlock and they had to notice, that this archetype is not doing well (Plot Twist Warlock who uses Betrug is currently 32% winrate and it's second worst deck in meta...). Same goes for Priest, ATM class has not even one good archetype and who cares? Certainly not Blizzard...

    Deal with it, or change game. I'm not trying to be mean, that's just how it looks like.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Warlock Legendarys this set
    Quote from hillandder >>

    Jaraxxus is not rank 25 card, it is a meta call, in case control warrior (not bomb), priest or shaman rise to the top, even Hagatha and Boom can't compete with 6/6 every turn.

    I don't know how about Hagatha, but Dr. Warrior can compete and even outvalue Jaraxxus. I recently even wrote post about it. I'v played Jaraxxus on turn 8 (with coin), and then spawned infernal (hero power) every single turn, 13 times in a row. How do you think, how many of them survived to be used even ONCE? None, warrior took them one by one (alongside my other minions) with his hero power, removals and rush aura. When I realized that all I have left is 10 cards in my deck (3 or 4 were bombs) I conceded.

    Jaraxxus in not viable anymore and due to power creep, probably never will be. Compared to remaining hero cards, he is laughable, mostly because low HP cap (15 is pretty common burst range nowadays) and high cost (spend all your mana and do nothing on turn 8 or 9 is not very good). Not to mention, he can by killed instantly by Sacrificial Pact. Probably the only way to make him playable again, is to give warlock efficient ways to gain armor (to fix HP issue after transformation), or lower the cost, or give him some additional effect on battlecry.

    Quote from hillandder >>

    Rafaam is excelent for the only one high cost card in the deck, at this point in the game a random legendary is much better than 1 mana minion in vast majority of the cases and maybe win some lost games.

    I've crafted Rafaam and I regret it. It's meme card, that you want to play only when you are losing and have no other way to catch up. Yet even then, 9/10 times it will give you garbage, so you will lose anyway. Wasted dust.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Regarding Warrior
    Quote from batterystaple >>

    I think the Dr Boom hero might be a bit too strong for this lower-power meta. Mechs with rush act as additional removal and since more mechs can be generated from Assembly and the hero power, that is a lot of extra removal on top of the already strong removal options that Warrior has in the core set plus cards like Warpath and Supercollider.

    Even with Token Druid, you can go all-in versus a turn 5 Brawl because you have ways to reload, but once the Warrior switches to Boom you're unlikely to win, since it becomes nearly impossible to stick a wide board. And you do need a wide board, since the Warrior will be building up his armor, so you can't get a lethal burst with just 2 or 3 minions like you can versus other classes.

    The Hunter DK showed that with enough value generation, any amount of removal could be overcome, but a lot of people didn't like that aspect of the old meta. Although I personally liked the old meta overall, I am glad that it didn't last forever and that the new meta feels very different. But the Dr Boom hero feels like it was balanced for the old meta...


    Well said. Nevertheless, I have already found good strategy do deal with all warriors quick and efficient. Press concede button and have some fun in another match. That really works for me.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Priest since the rotation of Dragonfire potion and Drakonoid OP

    Most classes (exclude warrior) have lost most of their control cards (removals, heals, taunts, etc), so they had to either utilize new ideas (like mech hunter or hand mage), either adopt into more aggresive playstyle (like warlock, druid, rogue, or shaman). If class wasn't able to do one of those, it ended up as priest... I mean garbage (sorry, it's easy to misspell).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bomb warrior thoughts.

    Cry baby cries about cry babies. Owww, that's cute... Next please!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Weenielocks, Weenielocks everywhere...!

    Aggro-lock is pretty much the only viable warlock variant at this moment (aside from RNG-based gimmicks built around Plot Twist or Rafaam), so if you want to play warlock and have some fun, zoo is your best bet. Sadly.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Making Handlock viable

    Sadly, handlock at the moment cannot compete in damage race with aggresive decks (like murloc shaman, tokken druid or face hunter) and also cannot compete in value race with control decks (like control / bomb warrior or even hand mage). Zoolock is doing much better, but still, there are many hard matchups for him, mostly based on RNG (like: "will warrior brawl my board or not?").

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Should Dr. Boom Mad Genius get Hofed?

    Okay, this hero card has been out for almost a year, yet you choose to only complain about it now?

    Maybe it's because year ago, EVERY CLASS had access to hero cards (aka infinite value generators)? Take the best runner in the world, cut his legs and make him compete against mediocre, but able-bodied runners. Will it be fair? It's the same story with Dr. Boom. He wasn't much of a problem, when he was competing against other strong (or even stronger) and high value cards. Now everyone but Warrior, Shaman and Hunter lost their legs, so efficiency of the remaining hero cards is 300% greater than before.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 17

    posted a message on Tips to all those crying about token druid OP

    There's even better strategy. You can build your entire deck out of techs, then you will have 100% win rate against everybody. It's that simple!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Dr. Boom Mad Genius get Hofed?
    Quote from Wolfric >>

    for consistency i would have moved all heros to the hall with genn and baku. Yes i know they are cool an popular but not so for rankings ...

     This. It simply feels unfair when not every class can use hero cards.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Dr. Boom Mad Genius get Hofed?
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    No, and Baku/Genn got rotated early, not moved to the HoF. 

     Not true. They've been both HoFed, that's why we got 100% dust refund from them.


    Dr. Boom wasn't OP before rotation, because there were even stronger hero cards out there. Now, when most hero cards are gone, this single card rises warrior to another level, giving him insane value (close to infinite). That was fine, when every class had access to pretty much the same value generator, but now it's like playing different games. For me (as a Warlock-only player), Warrior = concede, because in most cases it's waste of time.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on So after one week of new meta...
    Quote from FilthyHearth >>
    Quote from FilthyHearth >>
    Quote from FilthyHearth >>

    If you are so worried about aggro, why don't you play control? There are also plenty of board clears for Warlock, Warrior, Priest, Paladin & Mage.

     Warlock have good board clears? Good joke :D.

     Did I say "Good" ? No I did not. I said "plenty" of board clears. Learn the cards smart ass.

     ShriekImpfernoHellfireTwisting Nether Plenty my a**. Quality matters, not quantity.

    Btw, you are missing some. And they are quality too. Point in case is, aggro isn't an issue. If you can play correctly, you won't complain. I verse aggro 90% of the time and I'm winning due to my quality and quantity of board clears.

     Sure, sure, and probably that's why all control Warlock archetypes are right now tier 3 at best...

    After rotation Walock is missing EVERYTHING in terms of control. Good, flexible board clears (like Defile), reliable taunts (like Voidlord, Tar Creeper, Stonehill Defender), healing (Lesser Amethyst Spellstone) and come back / swing cards like Bloodreaver Gul'dan. Against very aggresive decks (like Murloc Shaman) it's Hellfire on 4 (or 3 + Coin) or you're busted (often you are anyway, because he can refill his board with ease). Warlock is no Warrior with tons of armor, plenty great, cheap removals and almost infinite value in late game (due to Dr.Boom). Once you are low on health, in most cases you won't find a way to come back. Not to mention, since Warlock has no high / infinite value cards now (aside from total RNG Rafaam), he is loosing not only to aggro, but also to other control decks.


    Thanks, but I don't have Fel Lord Betrug and I'm not going to craft him, until I'm sure it's worth it. Though I believe he's not at the moment, and he won't be, without additional cards to support him.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on So after one week of new meta...
    Quote from FilthyHearth >>
    Quote from FilthyHearth >>

    If you are so worried about aggro, why don't you play control? There are also plenty of board clears for Warlock, Warrior, Priest, Paladin & Mage.

     Warlock have good board clears? Good joke :D.

     Did I say "Good" ? No I did not. I said "plenty" of board clears. Learn the cards smart ass.

     ShriekImpfernoHellfireTwisting Nether Plenty my a**. Quality matters, not quantity.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on So after one week of new meta...
    Quote from FilthyHearth >>

    If you are so worried about aggro, why don't you play control? There are also plenty of board clears for Warlock, Warrior, Priest, Paladin & Mage.

     Warlock have good board clears? Good joke :D.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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